What's with bad players false reporting?

EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

Mmr clearly isnt working atm and I'm certainly being matched with bad players whether that's versing or on my team.

But the amount of messages I get saying "reported" is ridiculous, reported for what playing well? I dont even BM in any way and I also play way nicer than I need to.

Some of you need to chill out a little, just because someone plays good doesnt mean you need to report them...


  • foodie
    foodie Member Posts: 437

    I got reported for balanced landing... "speed hacker" 😂 some people are like that

  • EternalSinOfCain
    EternalSinOfCain Member Posts: 132

    I dunno. I'm going to be frank, i've seen quite a few cheaters as of late. Subtle hacks are kind of out of control. Survivors with subtle 3-5% speed hacks. Killers with NO aura reading perks picking me out of a locker, even though I hid there a minute ago and they walked from across the map. (No Lethal Purser, Darkness Revealed, BQQ). Subtle Speed hacks on Killers ( I play a lot of killer and I know when a Killer is going 120% or more.) Lot of things just not adding up. Then I check and see they have the console icon, which makes me doubt myself, then I remember the Epic Games Store free accounts. Truthfully you can't blame folks right now, the subtle hacks are going rampant right now.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    I got reported the other day because there were 2 fu ll prestige quentins (1 was me) and I had lithe and the other one had dead hard, and the killer got confused in a chase and accused me of having both lithe and dead hard.

  • foodie
    foodie Member Posts: 437

    people are too quick to point the finger without logical thought beforehand. I myself have faced cheaters and trust me it's obvious.

  • foodie
    foodie Member Posts: 437
    edited July 2022

    people are too quick to point the finger without logical thought beforehand. I myself have faced cheaters and trust me it's obvious.

  • d3vi1
    d3vi1 Member Posts: 60

    Looks like some new cheats came out. I see people saying they played against hackers every day.

    Like a day ago I was held hostage. I closed hatch, timer ran out, nothing happens, after like 10min I quit and then I get GG EZ.

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    No one can rationalize things like a bad sport.

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024

    Ohh so u cant have lithe and dead hard equipped together? 🤣 Maybe not reasonable but u can anyway that could could see that when it injures you that different surv is being injured, so people are so ridiculous 🤣

  • ShyPirate
    ShyPirate Member Posts: 380

    Killer instinct can also reveal survivors in lockers. It might have very well been a cheat, but KI might be a possibility.

  • TheWheelOfCheese
    TheWheelOfCheese Member Posts: 710
    edited July 2022

    Was gonna comment this myself. Artist and Legion in particular can find survivors in lockers using just their base kit very easily; Demo can too but less easily because there has to be a nearby open portal. Spirit has addons for KI, and many other killers can get KI on survivors in lockers through various means.

    It could've been a cheater for sure, but there's lots of ways for killers to locate survivors hiding in lockers. I've had some locker pulls that probably looked super suspicious to survivors, but I always had some clue that there was a survivor nearby (disturbed crows, scratch marks that were almost completely faded away, etc.).

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713
    edited July 2022

    Regarding lockers, I’m in the habit of, if I get the sense a survivor was working on a gen and I see no scratch marks, I check a locker just in case. And I’ve caught quite a few survivors that way. (And that’s just healthy survivors, if they’re injured you can even still hear them inside.)