Nurse and Blight are a Problem: When Are they Getting Changed?

Nurse and Blight have consistently been the game's two best Killers for a while and have been seen as the meta-defining Killers of the game. Although arguable, this hasn't changed even with the latest patch, since now Blights and Nurses have an easier time in taking out Survivors due to Generators taking longer to complete altogether.

But this isn't the only problem that these two Killers have. There's plenty of problems that the community has with them that seemingly have not been addressed, and that they would like to have addressed.

So Nurse and Blight are a problem. That fact is evident. But I want to detail why they are a problem and why the community greatly dislikes playing against them, in the hopes that this will finally get through to the developers that they need changes. The numbers and "raw data" may show one thing, but the players themselves show another thing entirely.

I'll start with The Nurse, who is easily the best Killer in the game.

  • The Nurse has the ability to completely ignore the fundamentals of the game because of her Blinking ability. While this is unique in the fact that she can simply go through walls and objects, this gets extremely irritating considering that there is little to no counterplay against this ability.
  • Further complicating this are her add-ons. The two most-talked about add-ons of hers are the range add-ons, the Heavy Panting and Kavanagh's Last Breath add-ons. These add-ons inadvertently increase the speed at which her Blinks travel, and thus reduce the amount of time it takes for her to exit the Blink stage. This is a feature that is currently not even listed in the description of the add-ons themselves and many assumed they were an unintentional feature.
    • This was later confirmed not to be unintentional by one of the developers, leading to significant backlash over the fact that Nurse has the ability to become even more powerful without the effect ever being listed.
  • Another point of contention amongst the players is the fact that her Blink attacks are considered Basic Attacks, not Special Attacks. Probably the single most common suggestion that the community has ever given about Nurse is to just change it to be the reverse--Blink attacks are now "special attacks", not "basic attacks". The reason being that Nurse has the ability to scale long distances and use Perks that require the activation of Basic Attacks.
    • Another, often not-talked-about reason that people want to see Nurse's Blink become a special attack is simply because most attacks that have you currently active in your power, like Pig's Ambush, Legion's Feral Slash, Oni's M1 while in Blood Fury, and even Blight's Lethal rush, are all Special Attacks.
    • Because her post-Blink lunge attack counts as a basic attack, Nurse gains the ability to use Perks that should, in no way, be activatable by her under any means due to how powerful she already is without them, and it only makes her even more unnecessarily powerful. These Perks include, but are not limited to, Dragon's Grip, Hex: Devour Hope, Hex: Haunted Ground, Hex: No One Escapes Death, Jolt, Make Your Choice, Rancor, Sloppy Butcher, and probably the most offensive case, Starstruck.

Nurse basically has the complete ability to break the game in a way that makes playing against her fundamentally terrible as a Survivor, while also making her a practical must-pick in order to have an edge in higher levels of play.

Now onto The Blight, who is arguably the second best Killer in the game in the current patch:

  • Blight has an incredible amount of mobility and unintended mechanics that allow him to basically catch Survivors off guard or in a way where there are limited escape options against him. His incredible mobility is compounded by the fact that he has exploits such as the "moon tech" and the "hug tech". However, he's arguably seen as fun because of these, though mostly considered unfun because of having somewhat of a general lack of counterplay or forcing Survivors into a specific, repetitive gameplay loop just to win.
    • I've decided to use the term "exploit" for the two aforementioned aspects of Blight's gameplay, as the "hug tech" has basically been all but confirmed an exploit, and I would assume the "moon tech" would also be one.
  • This is even further compounded by Blight's add-ons. Unlike The Nurse, who had only two problematic add-ons, Blight has several add-ons that put him on a completely new level and can make him feel just as unbearable, while reducing add-on variety to his kit.
    • His speed add-ons, namely Blighted Rat, Blighted Crow and Adrenaline Vial, all individually provide him with some substantial speed buffs, with the former two doing so over the course of his rushes. When combined with other add-ons, however, this effect becomes overwhelming to Survivors on multiple different maps, since Blight will be able to simply move through the entire course of the map and inevitably find a Survivor, or at best, hit them.
    • Then there is his Alchemist's Ring, which rewards Blight with the ability to instantly recharge his Rush tokens as soon as he hits a Survivor with a Lethal Rush attack. But there in lies the problem. He regains all of his tokens instantly upon hitting a Survivor, which can lead into an extremely quick downing of a Survivor if they have little to no defenses, due to there not being significant enough of a distance between Blight and the Survivor.
      • Because of the current 6.1.0 mid-chapter patch nerfing Survivor sprint burst durations on hit, this is also made worse overall.
    • And of course this wouldn't be a Blight add-on problem if he didn't have probably one of the worst designed add-ons in the game: Compound 33. This add-on effectively gives you the ability to have built-in Enduring and Spirit Fury on any rush, while also slowing the Survivors down, while also no longer needing to use the Rush attack to destroy a pallet, while needing to consume only one token for that pallet. I don't think I need to say anymore.
  • Now, thanks to Blight being one of the aforementioned Killers where his M1 attack during his Power is considered a "Special Attack", he doesn't have the capacity to use Perks like Nurse does that completely cause him to become even more busted than he already is.

So Blight also has the ability to really relegate Survivors into a certain style of play and punishes most Survivor players at most levels because of his ability to take them down with relative ease, owing to his high mobility and use of exploits, as well as the utilization of various add-ons to make the experience even more miserable for most Survivors.

So Nurse and Blight are a problem to Survivors in general; they're typically powerful characters who are basically the only truly viable ones in higher levels of play. Even with the patch that was recently made to reduce the overall gap between Killers, these two are still an issue.

Which leads me to ask the developers one question: When are they getting changed?

(Also, when are we getting Nurse's lobby and chase music?)


  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,910

    We’ve read the same thing over and over again. We get it.

  • Murgleïs
    Murgleïs Member Posts: 1,105
    edited July 2022

    Leave Nurse alone. Being unique is what makes her fun. You guys won’t ever be satisfied until all killers are forced to play the same loop / pallets games.

    Her winrates are THE WORST of all the killers (for years), she may be strong in theory but most players are not able to win with her.

    The only problem is your lack of skill.

    I feel so sad for the people who took the time and effort into creating this beautiful, scary and fun killer when I read so much survivor salt. Thank you BHVR for giving us the nurse <3

  • FriendlyKiller
    FriendlyKiller Member Posts: 337

    You're actually speaking ONLY with the survivor perspective in mind. Please play some killer.

  • RatbasterdJr
    RatbasterdJr Member Posts: 702

    Nurse - hold W and break line of sight. Mind game. Not too many people are great with nurse, and her blinks are often a guessing game. (Yes, playing against a really good nurse is difficult I know.)

    Blight - pretty sure the devs already said they are fixing the hug tech, which will make him much harder to use.

  • RatbasterdJr
    RatbasterdJr Member Posts: 702

    Exactly. So many people only have a one sided story. I wish they’d take the time to go see how difficult these killers are. I’d love to see them even give a single down with nurse first go round lol. If you can’t play her well, you will get bullied. I had plenty of no kill games when I first played nurse.

  • Mavericks
    Mavericks Member Posts: 89

    Blight will become easier without hug techn, players are deeply deluded that he will become easier to play against

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,785
    edited July 2022


    If blink attacks weren't considered basic attacks there will be an uptick in slowdown perks on nurse since she really only benefits from slowdown and info without basic attack perks, Sure you won't have instadowns but you are more likely to have an extra slowdown perk or two on every nurse build

  • RatbasterdJr
    RatbasterdJr Member Posts: 702

    Please explain how blight will be more lethal to survivors without hug tech.

  • Mavericks
    Mavericks Member Posts: 89

    Firstly, good survivors understand when the blight will use this technology, and secondly, the Blight will think less and apply the usual logic of bumps

  • Jasonisanicefella
    Jasonisanicefella Member Posts: 377

    sure that also works. I just normally lose to blight so I hate versing him. But I am happy to just get nurse reworked

  • RatbasterdJr
    RatbasterdJr Member Posts: 702

    umm.. what? You didn’t answer the question? Tell me how, when an exploit that allows the blight to skirt around a loop at superspeed gets removed.. will make him harder for survivors to play against. That makes no sense.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,502

    How big a problem? I have not seen a pro Nurse or Blight in ages.

  • Mavericks
    Mavericks Member Posts: 89

    It is the problem of bad survivors that they are not able to understand when this technology will be applied. Hug tech only works when the survivor isn't expecting it or doesn't understand what's going on. Of course, through this technology it is convenient to bypass walls and block the path of the survivor, but this does not work everywhere.

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    Nurse needs some changes

    Blight is fine and just need his addons checked

  • RatbasterdJr
    RatbasterdJr Member Posts: 702

    You don’t seem to know what you’re talking about. Good survivors don’t counter hug tech. Hug tech can literally be applied to even the strongest loops like shack. And still, you have not answered my question. How will it make blight harder?? Answer the question.

  • Kira4Evr
    Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025

    None of those 2 is a problem. They just need an Add-On change and maybe change Nurse's chain blinks to Special attacks.

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    This, and Jesus christ did it have to be bigger than the AoT wall we have at lobby now?

  • Mavericks
    Mavericks Member Posts: 89

    Where speak was the complication? It will become easier to think about (you don't need to think about this hug) You will do standard rush logic and flick close. Of course, some loops will become more secure for survivors, but some of them are hard for both hugs and logic rushes.

    And the good survivors oppose it, it's just that there aren't enough of them. When you understand that he will try to use this technology - you just go to the safe corner of the loop. Thanks to the moonrush and two speeds, good blights can have time to close you, the rest will not close. And again, not all textures can be closed through this technology.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    I don't think blight is generally considered unfun, there are plenty of complaints usually revolving around exploits, sweaty builds, ridiculous addons and seeing him every match, but less so about how his base power functions.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    1) Nurse and Blight base kit is fine. Don't change it, however I would change one thing about Nurse - her blink attacks are special attacks. That's it.

    2) Nerf their good addons.


  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910


    1. Everything she does is mindgameable, and by extension, counterable. If you lost the mindgame, that’s on you.
    2. Range addons and 3 blink addon is busted, both need full rework.
    3. She cannot land a regular M1 hit basekit without her blink unlike every single other killer in the game (unless a survivor is stupid and walks into her). That is why it makes no sense to make it a special attack. Blinking has counterplay, and Exposed perks all have their own counterplay built in.


    1. Everything Blight can do is mindgameable. Hug tech and moon rushes are something that’s more of a flashy visual technique than something actually helpful. Bump logic is stronger than sliding ever was. The counter to sliding is to just run off the loop and the Blight will slide past you. Removing hug tech makes no sense, it’s one of the easiest parts to counter.
    2. Speed add-ons aren’t a problem. You aren’t meant to react. You’re meant to mindgame.
    3. Alchemist Ring/C33 are busted and so is C21 because it prevents mindgaming.
    4. Blight does not have a M1 power attack because he has better map mobility (with exception of different floors/stairs) than Nurse who on average crosses a map at the same speed a regular 115% does by walking. Also he can reposition multiple times more than Nurse. Furthermore, he attacks with his power while moving. Nurse’s power is movement, she cannot attack with the power itself. She moves to a destination and attacks.

    Outside of range/3 blink/Alchemist Ring/C33/C21, Nurse and Blight are balanced.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434

    I agree, Nurse plays like a character in a game where survivors can fight back.

  • Clockwork_Enigma
    Clockwork_Enigma Member Posts: 529

    You'd find it ironic then, when I say that I mainly play Killer.

    And from a Killer's perspective, the fact that Nurse and Blight are the two best Killers (inarguably and arguably, respectively) makes it so that there's less character diversity at higher to top levels. Since these two are clearly the best, players who want a competitive advantage will gravitate towards them since most Killers don't tend to have anything in their kits comparable enough to even hold a candle to these two.

    Spirit, maybe, since she's arguably the second best in the current patch (thanks to a few changes), but other than that, you'd be hard pressed to find a Killer remotely close to the viability of the two.

    And any other for the sake of being competitive is practically a waste of time since you're actively gimping yourself to play who you want to, not who you know is the best and the likely necessity for you/your team.

    What I speak is purely from an observational standpoint of players who verse these characters at at least high level, in addition to watching high level players of those same characters in a majority of their matches.

  • FriendlyKiller
    FriendlyKiller Member Posts: 337

    You mainly play killer, ok.....

    Show me your killers? So I at least know I can take you seriously? I'll even trade you, see?

  • StarMoral
    StarMoral Member Posts: 938

    Both need Addon nerfs really. Their base kit power is just, by nature, insanely strong.

    Think about how many nerfs they had to give Spirit and STILL she is an insanely good killer in the right hands.

    Keep their High Skill Cieling and even their high skill floor, but take some of the power and stackability out of their addons

  • JacobiusWick
    JacobiusWick Member Posts: 161
    edited July 2022

    I fundamentally agree and am glad you brought this up even though it's been beaten to death. Honestly, it's a simple issue. The best killers in the game are literally the fastest (Nurse, Blight, Spirit). Pairing this with ability to shut down loops. There's virtually no good counterplay to a strong one. Blight is sort of manageable due to his charge being wonky. But a decent nurse can easily 4k a team in minutes ESPECIALLY with all the slowdown and regression buffs now.

  • Kees_T
    Kees_T Member Posts: 811

    While I agree Nurse should've some changes, Blight in the other hand just need to have alchemist ring changed, speed add-ons are okish and compoud 33 is a ultra rare add-on, its supposed to be strong, and it's not like every Blight player will use it in every match.

    Since Blight has such a different power, his counterplay also diverges a lot from other M1 Killers, it doesn't mean Survivor can't play against, but you need to play with a different mindset and counterplay measures when playing against him, because he punishes you so hard for most mistakes you do, this is basically for every other Killer with different power, Oni, Billy, Spirit, etc.

    DBD is a 4vs1 game, when you're in chase with the Killer, it's a 1v1 with you and him, but for the Killer, it's still 4v1, it's important that Killers have stronger powers to be able to stand the pressure of survivors.

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933