People don't even try anymore

So since this update came out I've noticed nobody wants to try anymore because it feels pointless since it feels like no matter what you do you're not ever gonna escape either way. I hate losing a team member because they gave up and I don't even feel like trying due to this.
Lmao I've had countless matches against survivors who are the try hardiest of the try hards.
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Must be nice :) nobody wants to do anything when I'm solo
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Are you trying? You're a fourth of any given team.
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I'd try to lobby Dodge , look for higher prestiged survivors, ones that have items already equipped in pre lobby (mostly either maps , keys, or toolboxes) . Those are the ones I avoid cause they destroy me if it's not RPD or a smaller map like that.
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Yes I am trying I know shocking
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Survivors are trying, enough that I've seen multiple posts/comments from killers complaining about prove thy self.
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Tbf we all knew that was next on their list of things to cry about.
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I knew it was going to be that because it counters gen slowdowns/regressions and SB since that was main exhaustion perk players said they'd switch over to when DH was nerfed. First prove thy self complaint I saw was on day 2 of patch when survivors started running it more, wasn't even 48 hours before already complaining. 😂
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Even if survivors did try there'd still be no point because they're gonna die either way. No point in trying in a game where one side is always guaranteed to win.
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This game will experience the same fate as DEATHGARDEN. bookmark this post.
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I have had people dc, while im playing addonless, slowdownless deathslinger, im literally handing people free 4 man escapes, but if someone gets sniped, they will 100% DC/kill themselves on hook, even if they are winning, some people have escaped but it seems in this update the before present sentiment of "if the match doesn't go as I want to, im out of here" has become more prevalent, hell If it were up to me ill rollback all the update aside from DH and I swear the same actitude will be present.