Aftercare: Solo Queue's Most Underutilized Perk.

So I've been running Aftercare in my build as of late and let me just say, it singlehandedly saved a few games. With it having NO range maximum, I can literally coordinate with teammates across the map by seeing their aura.
I seriously think it's severely underutilized, especially in the meta we're currently in.
Aftercare is outclassed by other aura perks. If you're coordinating a play across the map, someone's probably on the hook which means Kindred's better.
If they're close to you, bond is better. You can even put on Open Handed to basically have a Bond aura reading so large it covers half/all the map depending on what map.
And the requirement to get after care to work means you generally only have 1-2 people sharing auras with you, before your hooked and its reset.
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After the game is set in motion, meaning you are hooked, then aftercare always gets you value. Even if you are hooked you are guaranteed to have one link of aftercare running (on the survivor that saves you from the hook).
Bond is good, but the range is limited and only works for you. Using open handed may increase its range, but you are most likely better off running another perk in its place and it still only works for you.
I think aftercare is very underrated, and that it is worth running.
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Maybe after care could be buffed in another patch to not reset on a hook? I know that its better then a lot of other aura reading perks when its working, but you can't just rely on it passively, you got to either get hooked and saved or save/heal another one, so you won't always get value out of it and gotta work for it to work.
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I like Aftercare, but as others have stated, it requires a fair amount of circumstance to work. Bond, Empathy, Kindred… they mostly outclass it.
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Right now I run it with Kindred AND Empathic Connection. My teammates come to me if they're injured or I go to them to unhook them, and I always get some sort of value from just one altruistic action.
Tho I would be such a happy boy if it also worked with Co-Op actions in general.
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I'll give it a try and see what happens :)
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It shouldn't go away when you get hooked
If it didn't, I'd run it all the time
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Taking away its downside would be a start to making it on par with other survivor aura reading perks. Otherwise, just run Bond or Empathy.
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I think that if EC worked with co-op it would be op. Imagine that with other things that increase speed for gens such as PT, resilience, and overzealous. This isn't even with toolboxes, it would break gen speeds for sure.
However that is definitely a good choice if you want to help your team. I would recommend running these perks with we'll make it for maximum value.
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It's too conditional. It's A tier ONCE it gets activated and that's the issue, alongside keeping it active.
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Nobody uses it because it's weak.
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I don't like Jeff.
I don't like Jeff's perks either.
Jokes aside, we have better aura reading perks. Bond is still best aura perk for survivors.
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EC is just such a better perk because of its aura reading not being conditional plus speed increase. It used to be decent but honestly why pick it over Empathetic?
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I like it, but I'm not a fan of people using the information to bring the killer to you when you're on death hook and they haven't been hooked yet.
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Why use just aftercare when you can go all in on the aura reading becoming all-seeing with, open-handed, windows of opportunity, kindred, and bond. You will see so many auras you will be so confused, but it's hilarious.
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It's a great perk, but IMO it should only lose 1 aura reading stack if you're hooked. I think that would make it more fair.
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It's an amazing perk. Despite using Bond frequently, I also use Aftercare pretty often.
If the only downside was removed, I think the perk might actually be OP, not gonna lie. It's surprisingly easy to get all of the tokens, and then you get infinite range, two-way aura reading.
It does deserve some kind of buff to make people use it more, though.
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Kindred exists and it should be used in every solo Q game
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It's all the reasons I run Bond. Bond is the core reason I've gotten solo queue escapes this patch.
I wish there was some way to avoid Aftercare's reset. Two-way aura reading is super handy.
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I use aftercare a lot, it's good perk. But it's one of those perks that hugely depends on your play style.
But since the new patch I do switch to bond more cuz how things are.
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It needs to lose the way you lose the auras, just make it permanent
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But it isn't weak. Having even one link up and running is very helpful which you are guaranteed to have the whole game. It also goes both ways, so your team can see you.
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You lose the effects the moment you are hooked. That makes it weak. If the removed that part it would be great.
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It is. I used it often before the latest patch. You just have to be good about not getting hooked but as soon as you're rescued its up again. It's helped teammates take over if I get pushed off a gen, helped to coordinate a heal, let my teammate know what gate I'm opening when they are in chase. I'm even able to avoid them on a gen if I am in chase much more quickly than with bond.