Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

SupaAlf streamer wins 300 times in a row with Nurse



  • Dunkinspunkin
    Dunkinspunkin Member Posts: 191

    nope same page, just disagreed with how the guy got there.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I just take that as evidence that mmr was indeed loosened. Albeit, anyone playing the game could have told you that.

  • RavenBirb
    RavenBirb Member Posts: 491

    she's been nerfed so many times, and even before there was people who could beat the nurse when she had way more blinks

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 3,129

    Well he literally is one of if not the best nurses in dbd so a 300 win streak for him seems totally possible, range addons or not.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    It's very clear a lot of people in this thread do not understand what they are talking about, so I’ll do them a kindness and make it clear. BHVR has talked about this sort of thing before in a previous Q&A stream. For the extremely, absurdly, insanely, ridiculously good players, there is almost no one else at their level. So what happens when they queue up?

    Option A: The queue takes literally hours waiting for enough people at an equal skill level for a full lobby in that region.

    Option B: They get matched against way weaker players so that queues go faster, even if it will very obviously be a stomp.

    BHVR goes with B, as does any other game company with a PVP system because making players wait for hours is stupid.

    Now, what happens when you put someone, who compared to the absolute majority of players in this game, is indisputably leagues better, against most average lobbies? It's an utter rout.

    And… even so. Alf has still had multiple points where he's had extremely rough games he had won barely through the skin of his teeth. Despite using the best killer with ultra strong builds and playing all out against pub lobbies. Cause guess what, occasionally, you will still get a tough lobby even if you are that good, because it will happen other players like you are also playing coincidentally at times.

    So let's have another example: Team Eternal (the current undeniable best team in DBD who utterly dominates every tournament) or Team Trauma (the only team to ever come close to beating Eternal). Have either of them play 4-man SWF/Nurse/etc on Discord, no restrictions on loadouts, and have them go absolutely all out. (Which normally teams like that don't in pubs, because it's boring and no point to win every game by a landslide) You are free to guess how many 3-4 man escapes/kills in a row they will get, with the comparison of the average lobby versus them.

  • ClarityOfWill
    ClarityOfWill Member Posts: 206
    edited July 2022

    Fully agree. It's comical just hearing the idea you need range addons for her to be S tier or that you can't play large maps addonless. Worst case scenario is you may have to sacrifice an outlier gen which is more than made up for by having the ability to force 3 gens where they wouldn't otherwise exist. Addons have never been what made her S tier, it's having an incredible chase power that ignores (or mitigates) most survivor defenses as well as map traversal that ignores terrain (for the most part).

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    Yup, I can see this happening. But this is BHVR, on their cycle there's a good chance Nurse, Blight, and maybe two other killers get the bat because the 6.1.Whatever pushed them over what is considered acceptable.

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    I certainly hope so, but I'm seeing a trend, I don't think this group of survivors can handle it. Maybe BHVR kept killers in the dirt so long because they tolerate it better, but I am having a real time time finding a team that wants to put up a fight. I think BHVR ends up swinging the scales more than we'd like and starts chopping off bits of Nurse and Blight and Oni.

  • ClarityOfWill
    ClarityOfWill Member Posts: 206

    Again, I don't particularly agree with that based on my own experiences. Nether do I camp or tunnel (unless I'm against a very strong team / 4 toolbox type lobbies) even when playing "territorial". However, like many other nurse players, I'm fortunate enough to have more hours in her alone than a large number of people have in the game itself. While larger maps are more "difficult to deal with", most of that can be worked around with knowing how to zone properly and a solid grasp on macro gameplay. Calling her underwhelming is selling it a bit short.

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742

    You 're comparing the skill of learning and playing an entire killer with muscle memory + map knowledge, to "press E". Also thats not true, dead hard was busted for distance and never has been hard to use.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434
    edited July 2022
  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,667

    Because you'll find those kind of players in every match uh? Please, if you want to play about the "statistics" then i could usr your same logic against you... Look at the streak of certain survivor teams... See how's easy speaking regarding pure statistics without considering everything else?

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,064

    Suboptimal teams and teams that easily could have won but they wanted to get all 4 out or were valuing their own survival over the team dynamic. The best Nurses that play in tournament, WITH survivors being handicapped on what they can bring, regularly lose to those teams. 1-2 kills max.

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    Is he playing solo or with a group. If he's with a group, is his group getting 3 and 4 man escapes or do they just work to guarantee his escape?

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 3,077

    Yeah, the timing of DH took a modicum of skill (if you precisely predicted/timed my attack, kudos), but DH'ing to a pallet/window was the really aggravating part, and a trained monkey with 20 hours in game could do that effectively.

    Some actually skilled DH users are still effectively using it (though unfortunately I'm also noticing more using the DH hack).

  • TheLastHook
    TheLastHook Member Posts: 495
    edited July 2022

    It´s all rigged matches for sure. If not literally manipulated videos.

    There is not way even after 5000 hours where you don´t have a SWF match where one escapes.

    The same goes for Survivor streaks, all fake, no way you can do 300 matches without someone being camped hard.

    To me: win is 4K as Killer or 4 escapes with Survivors. And no bullshit, just straight games with the same character and different hours ideally.

  • TheLastHook
    TheLastHook Member Posts: 495

    Such a troll man. Ok, record your 100 streak (we gonna go easy on you). Get into 200h playing nurse then try to do that. We all will watch.

    Screw that, I am even paying you a bloody Patreon if you do!

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,718

    Not to be rude, but Alfie is one of the best Nurses in dbd period. And he explicitly states that he's acting as if he was ready to take on the best players in the world in pub matches filled with typical Solo queues, casuals, etc.

    He's one of the best players in the world playing the best killer with her best add-ons and the best perks prepared to go up against the best. Not the best example.

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    Overwatch started balancing for the top down to push its esports scene and it kinda killedthe game for me

  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,377

    I don't get why a comp player destroying randoms is so hard to believe. They are significantly better than the people you find in random matches and he is using all of the most broken ######### that nurse can bring. Starstruck, range addons, etc.

  • Zeon_99
    Zeon_99 Member Posts: 463

    I don't understand, why didn't any of those survivors just break line of sight and counter her? That's what I've been told numerous times to do.

  • enormous_bruh_moment
    enormous_bruh_moment Member Posts: 136

    Yeah. Survivors do need to git gud.

    And some of them have, it's already been mentioned but there's a group that has a 500+ 4-man escape streak, that is currently ongoing. They only stopped because they got bored of doing gens all the time, and quit the game.

    Alf is one of the best if not the single best Nurse player in the entire community, going against randoms? That's impressive for sure, but not incredibly surprising. Nurse has probably the highest skill ceilings, with respect to her effectiveness.

    You people get one killer-sided patch after dozens of survivor sided ones, and instantly start shitting their pants. Like, holy #########, calm down. Go play Nurse.

    I'm serious, go take a couple weeks and actually learn how to play Nurse. Get consistent with her, your mmr will go up, you'll start winning a bunch, you'll think you're hot #########, and then....then you'll start playing against players who will utterly destroy you and make you look pathetic.

    It'll change the way you think about Nurse forever.

    The real problems are with solo queue, and we all know it. We just need to make enough noise about it that the devs adjust their plans and get to it sooner rather than later. Sooner as in, the very next balance patch.

  • TheLastHook
    TheLastHook Member Posts: 495

    Like I said, "rigged".

    If they were random then that´s not the reality of the game. Even as noob I used to play against red ranks, and SWF using Discord is another league. Destroying randoms is one thing winning random matches within your level of skill is a separated story.

  • MilManson
    MilManson Member Posts: 939

    Are people still ignoring the fact that he lowers his MMR to go against potatoes in order to keep his win rate?

    The guy does AFK wraith, I've seen him.

  • TheWheelOfCheese
    TheWheelOfCheese Member Posts: 710

    This, so much.

    Nurse is my main and I have probably at least 600-700 of my total 1k hours playing her. I'm not at Alf's level, but I'm not a baby, either. I can tell probably within the first 2 minutes of a match how it's going to go.

    A team of solos is a guaranteed 3-4k. The average chase from healthy to downed is somewhere between 5 and 20 seconds.

    A good group that knows how to be unpredictable after breaking LoS is very, very hard to win against -- nurse is probably the only killer who even has a chance against such a group, and it's still not a given.

    Nurse vs solos doesn't demonstrate that nurse is OP, it just exacerbates the problems solos already have because so few actually know how to run nurse well. The conclusion shouldn't be "rework nurse" it should be a combination of two things:

    1. BHVR needs to buff the heck out of solo queue, something I would actually love to see; stomping solo teams is not very satisfying right now because it's not much of a challenge.
    2. Survivors need to learn how to run a nurse. People who complain about how strong nurse is should go play her for 1-2 weeks. Learn her kit. If you are struggling to catch a particular survivor, pay attention to what they are doing. I promise you there is counterplay to good nurses; you won't run them forever, but if you are going down in 10 seconds consistently then it honestly is a skill issue.

    Just to be clear, all of the above is from the perspective of not using range addons. I haven't used them on her and I never will; she doesn't need them. Nerf them into the ground for all I care.

  • MilManson
    MilManson Member Posts: 939

    Imagine how good survivors would get if they had a training room vs a bot killer and could literally spam against Nurse 24/7, they wouldn't have an issue with her.

  • Stealthyfeng123
    Stealthyfeng123 Member Posts: 76

    I mean I can say bc I main nurse as well he will never lose after that update there is no possible way if he sweats what he does its not possible to lose even with blight with his strong addons on a decent map will a comp team mostly not win

  • Killing_Time
    Killing_Time Member Posts: 894

    Isn't he like an OG COMP PLAYER NURSE!? This is just bait. Dude plays nurse 10+ hours a day, all day and you're acting like he's some guy that just picked the game up.