Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

When is the balance fix?

Does anyone know when we are getting the balance fix to the dreadful patch 6.10?

Hopefully this will happen tomorrow, isn't Tuesday the day for hotfixes?



  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 3,129

    Usually tuesday yeah

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,713

    Probably in one or two weeks.

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    Balance fix? idk what youre on about but hotfixes are usually a tuesday after thepathc IIRC

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 944


  • Jasonisanicefella
    Jasonisanicefella Member Posts: 377

    and also medkits severely nerfed (or even removed)

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903

    I'm getting the popcorn.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    DbD has been constantly improving - even before 6.1.0, the killer meta was more varied than I think it ever was before. The survivor meta was stale, but that was because a handful of perks (DH in particular) were just so much better than all the other options, that not using them was playing the game wrong.

    The devs have data that we don't have access to, and decided that the incremental changes weren't working, and that kill rates overall weren't as high as they wanted. This sort of data gathering takes time. If kill rates are too high now, then it needs to be fixed - but with things as chaotic as they are right now, there's no way to accurately get that data.

    Define an 'obvious' change, here? About the only one I can think of is putting DS back to 5 seconds, maybe SC back to 50%.

    More than that - I want to give the new meta a chance to settle, and for people to find their new, correct MMRs. Then we can start tweaking things again, because knee-jerk changes in response to forum kvetching is how we end up with silly things happening.

    Regarding solo queue - let's see if I can explain this, because it's a tricky one.

    1. DbD has two factions. Killer and Survivor.
    2. Survivor is, in turn, also split into two factions. SWF and solo.
    3. This means that you've essentially got 2 potential matchups. Killer versus Solo (or at most duo) and killer versus SWF.
    4. It's almost impossible to balance these two matchups, as if you nerf killer/buff survivors to the point where solo versus killer feels right, killers will just get stomped flat by SWFs.
    5. Someone is going to lose out. That someone is either one entire faction, or a faction within the other faction (let's say half, for the sake of argument).
    6. Now, is it more fair for one entire faction to have a more difficult time, or for a part of the other faction to have a more difficult time?
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    • Base BT + speed boost. BT buffed, OTR buffed.
    • There probably come some icons
    • Won´t happen, especially after they nerfed the meta slowdown perks hard.
    • With the current line of Boons/anti Boon perks. Highly unlikely that they remove COH.
  • Dsnooz
    Dsnooz Member Posts: 241

    Well BHVR normally does 8 patches a year (4 chapters and 4 mid-chapters). But they did say if anything was problematic with 6.1.0 we'd see a remedy sooner than later. So, in 6 weeks or less.

  • Biscuits
    Biscuits Member Posts: 1,097
  • Mert_MK
    Mert_MK Member Posts: 674

    He is saying that the new OTR serves as a counter for tunneling (i disagree but it‘s whatever), not that it requires a buff.

  • Biscuits
    Biscuits Member Posts: 1,097

    Yeah I was just curious why probably the best perk in the game right now needed a buff. BT is also very strong but really only shines in end game collapse.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,178

    You haven't already? This last week was pure entertainment on the forums for an outsider.

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    Chicken Little was actually telling the truth about the sky falling though :p He just couldn’t prove it at first.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Nah, i wasn´t saying that it needs a buff. Just stated how survivors also got stong things with the patch.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Not in the version of the story I heard as a kid. CL continues meeting other farm animals and convincing them that the sky is falling until they meet a fox who kindly offers to shelter them in his den, and once there kills and eats them all.

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    There is no simple fix they can do to fix camping/tunnelling if a player wants to camp they will camp and nothing will change that, i said this on another topic the best way for them to fix camping is to look at each killer and how well they can camp and adjust from there,.

    Take Bubba prob best killer to camp with i would change it so when he is so close to a hooked survivor his chainsaw can only hit 1 person and can only injure not be a 1 shot into dying state, then you look at Freddy not the best to camp with so he might not need any changes and gets left alone, least this way they are fixing camping but on a level that won't nerf some killers even more but the ones that can camp well will get the nerf/change.

    Yes solo survivors do need some way to communicate with over survivors be it icons or a ping that you use to let them know what your doing, as a survivor it's meant to be a challenge to escape but not impossible that also goes for killers it's meant to be a challenge to kill all the survivors but not impossible and players seem to have forgotten that.

    Gens are fine atm the devs need time to see what needs changed be it a buff or a nerf if kill rates get to high and not enough survivors are escaping and not many gens are getting done than they can look at putting gens back to 80, If survivors really want that to happen they need to stop killing themselves on first hook cause that's not going to show them whet they need to see.

    COH just needs to be adjusted but its the same thing they need time to see how it affects the game, if its to strong then killers need to wait it out till the change comes. i play 90% killer but i play for fun i get my hooks then mess around and have fun even sometimes with the survivors and yet i agree with you but they just need to look at things from a different angle. Same as survivors when thinking of ways to fix camping try not to look at as that it needs 1 nerf, see if you can look at it at a different angle and what you come up with.

  • Barbarossa2020
    Barbarossa2020 Member Posts: 1,369

    There will never be balance in Dbd.

    1 v 4 is complicated.

    Then add Swf vs Solo.

    Then add perks.

    It won't work, just an endless cycle of "one" being op.

    The ways to help balance would be to limit perk usage, eg, A David has to use 1 David perk etc, Or you can have 1 perk from this group and 1 from this etc.

    And you would have to limit the amount of players in a swf and/or give them a handicap. Any changes that affect Solo survs, also affect Solo killers, but with so many variables in this game and the community being happy with how swfs are you'll will never achieve balance.

  • Biscuits
    Biscuits Member Posts: 1,097

    Oh yeah we did, but I don't think anyone is arguing that this wasn't a massive shift towards getting killers kill rates higher. I don't even mind dying more, some things that got changed just feel ridiculously strong for killers. Where survivors kind of got some quality of life buffs in the form of needing to run perks.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Well the devs never claimed something different. They even said, that kill rates were below expectations. So of course, this whole patch was aimed at increasing those. I´m just not sure, if they had the collective tantrum, that our community was throwing, in mind.

  • Biscuits
    Biscuits Member Posts: 1,097

    I don't know if you have had the pleasure to play against some slowdown, regression, or save the best for last. But that's just a short list of unfun things that exist right now.

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,095

    100% more BP incentive to play survivor should proc more frequently then normal compensating for long queue times playing killer.

    Its bugged and killswitched rn

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Nah, slowdown is fine. Playing without slowdown just means, that the gens get finished almost as fast as during the event.

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    Both sides have had the pleasure of playing against unfun thing i.e old DS+UB 1 min of you can't touch me, COH when that first dropped it's not just survivors killers have had to deal with things in the past and i'm sure in the future both sides will. Be it bugs, perks, maps and patch's 1 side will seem like it got the short end of the stick then next patch it's the other side.

  • Biscuits
    Biscuits Member Posts: 1,097

    That's all good and well, but we have hit a point where survivors would rather give up than play. And instead of asking why people are giving up people on here are calling them whiners and that they are just throwing hissy fits. Let's not forget the people whining right now make up the majority of the player base (soloQ survivors). Would be a shame if we all just stopped playing and killers had 20 minute killer ques... oh wait.

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,900

    This week seems too fast for them to get out an update. And since they kill switched Clown today, I don't expect them to release an update this week for balance and then another one later just to fix Clown.

    Next week is the earliest, but I don't expect much, if any, balance changes. It will probably just be a hotfix for matchmaking incentives and Clown. If there is any balance changes it will probably just be something small like reverting the Thana buff.

    So probably next chapter or next mid-chapter is my guess.

    I do agree that the devs take WAY too long to update stuff. However, a week is really not much time to determine what is wrong. They've also mentioned in the past they want to avoid nerfing things too fast, like they did with Freddy when he released (which I'm pretty sure was also 1 week after his release and then everyone agreed it was a mistake).

  • Kosturko92
    Kosturko92 Member Posts: 136

    Balance fix should apply to killres, gens should take 100 seconds in my opinion, this is still broken survivor game. Survivors are so OP, its unplayable as killers. If they reverse changes, you can say bye bye to all killer mains, enjoy playing vs bots then.

    DEMONANCE Member Posts: 800

    yes of course, you'll always find me asking and promoting for healthy changes for both sides i actually love both roles in this game (killer more than survivor ngl).

    you'll find me complaining about nurse in one thread and asking for twins and deathslinger buffs in another

    i am not asking for killer buffs to be reverted or survivor meta to be back (screw dh and iw)

    my complaint is that solo q wasn't properly equipped to handle the new changes and i just don't want it to take ages for obvious problems to be handled for the enjoyment of both sides

    obvious problems like how 5 seconds bt is clearly not working properly as an anti tunnel and should be upped to 8 seconds

    or thana making matches miserable cuz buffing it was somehow a good decision when gens already take longer forcing survivors to run prove to be able to do gens and how the increased gen times also indirectly buffed camping ( i was hoping for a basekit corrupt instead of making the boring objective for survivors even more boring)

    and ds should be back to 5 seconds imo but otr duration should be decreased a lot as well.

    also calm spirit, sole survivor, sabo and self care nerfs/buffs weren't done properly tbh.

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    They have hit this point on both sides in the past when ruin ,PGtW, undying got nerfed killers stopped playing and did the same thing survivors are doing they came to the forum to voice there view on the changes guess what survivors were calling them whiners and that they are just throwing hissy fits.. Take the mori nerf that happened with no warning killers were pissed that mori got nerfed with no warning and keys got left alone and survivors knew to start using keys before they got nerfed.

    Killers need survivors to play and survivors need killers to play and a lot of people will have the mindset of us vs them, without thinking how the other side is or seeing how bad it is by playing it, If people started to drop the us vs them and tried working as one things would be a lot better.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    They will let us know 30min in advance like always

    DEMONANCE Member Posts: 800

    you are right am just talking about at least short term changes to make solo q matches more tolerable then we can wait and see if any further changes needed but i totally understand that they need time to fully understand the situation and I'll be waiting.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    and what Survivor-Perks do u want to get "balanced"? I can only see the "OP-Killer"-Crying everywhere here.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    Killers don't have 20 min wait times the most I waited at any given point was a max of 10 mins but that was when the patch first hit now it's roughly 5 mins or less depending on the time of day.

    As for the whiny survivors...yes they are because I have faced survivors that are doing just fine with the changes. They use the new DH skillfully and DS if used correctly and not in the open can still be good (even though I agree that the 3 sec stun is too much).

    But that being said yes the whiny ones are ones that found out they were not as good as they thought they were. I have seen survivors that don't know how to loop or try to run to another loop when the clearly couldn't make it. During egc those survivors are the ones that make toxic remarks saying "I bet your glad you whiny Killers got your way" or "GG Ez baby Killer". But ones who do good and are not affected by the patch are in like mind with the most of us saying that they don't understand why so many are crying about the patch.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    They said they will look into camping and Tunneling but that it's a slippery slope because they are both valid strats and don't want to do anything too harshly to punish the toxic users that would punish the players using them correctly.

    That was removed from the roadmap because they need to carefully work on how to buff soloQ without buffing SWFs

    Sadly Gens probably won't go back to 80s since the Devs themselves said gens were going faster than they wanted them too.

    CoH is in a good place now and is a strong perk but not a op perk.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,482

    I seriously hope they do not revert the gen times. That would be so stupid, making killers more dependent on slowdown perks again.

    Instead, they simply need to nerf the problematic slowdown perk, especially thana. But I also honestly doubt they will revert such a baseline change after a few weeks.

    Camping and tunneling nerf is a must. And I definitely want to see those solo queue buffs. But reverting the most impactful buff that killers got as well? Then you'll also just revert the queue times, and survivors would have to deal with really long queue times.

    The problem with this patch was that only killers got nice buffs to help with their frustrations. Survivors didn't. There is no reason to change it so it's the other way around.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,482

    The 5 seconds of endurance and haste just don't do anything way too often. Bad counter. Bt is nice, so is off the record, but in the flip side, DS has been overnerfed hard, it needs its 5 second stun duration back. And those are still just perks you are forced to use to have some sort of protection against tunneking killers.

    And camping actually got buffed.

    I also hope they don't nerf the gen times back to 80 seconds, but some slowdown perks at the moment are just still too much. They nerfed the meta slowdown perks, which is good, but there are still some problematic slowdown perks, especially thana at the moment.

  • RinsDoormat
    RinsDoormat Member Posts: 121

    Sadako hasn't gotten a balance fix in months, why should this patch changes be any different? They need to 'let it sit' for a year or so

  • Killing_Time
    Killing_Time Member Posts: 894

    Dude you basically want everything gone off killers. Everything you mentioned is fine.

  • HauntedKnight
    HauntedKnight Member Posts: 388

    I’m yet to see any suggestions on how to properly and fairly combat camping.