I had the longest killer queue ever and when I tried to play solo q this happened..

I waited like nearly 17 mins or something it took forever for me to play killer and in the lobby someone didn't want to press ready so everyone keeps leaving ..
Moved to play some of the doomed solo q and I had one of the most scummy nea's and trickster's, he had the red addon that exposed you quickly and he just face camped everyone, we managed to finish the gens since he tunnels and face camps but this nea didn't get hooked at all not even once and she didn't unhook anyone she's just hiding till everyone dies so she can get hatch.
Survivors are suiciding on hook and disconnecting, killers tunneling and facecamping with all the op buffs..
It's either this or 17 min killer queues, this is the first time I'm considering to leave it's not worth it.
perfect patch. pure killer power fantasy and domination
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I'm 70% sure "this" is not a baseline of soloq games lol
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There's a reason why Nea appears among the killers in the Samination videos.
Nea is the real killer!
On a more serious note. Randoms can be pretty toxic. Best thing is to move on.
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True she's the entity just observing us getting slaughtered.
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Yes! She's the entity!
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Oh this is standard Trickster gameplay. He takes no skill to use already and somehow everyone who mains him manages to be a camper or a scummy player
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Kinship/Deli/OTR are your best buddy if you want to make camping a huge time sink hard to communicate deli though unless you're on crossplay off pc.
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To be fair...it's RPD a very disliked map not just for the killers. Also many people don't like facing trickster. A trickster AND RPD? sorry but my soul is being taken away.
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He had the red addin that exposes you too ,perfect for camping...
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My killer experience is worse because of the longer queue, and also my survivor is experience is worse, because the update affected solos the most negatively.
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could be Survivor Mains trying to fake bad killers so bhvr changes back the meta that they can continue bully killers with their teammates
or since the playerbase numbers dint change its Survivor Mains showing their common gamestyle (harassing/bullying) as they play killer since they cannot do it as survivors anymore
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I've said this when he was released and Trickster appeals to power-tripping K-Pop kiddies. It's why I don't want them to add more animu to DBD. It just attracts these types. I know there are mature people who like anime as well, but yanno...
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Gens done, door open, huge maze like map, idk why the trickster would go anywhere? Nea could try and save but then that means trading the hook and you're no more entitled to leave than she is, I see no issue with this.
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That nea did 0 gens , 0 unhooks through the game we had to help each other but she was just running around like an idiot refusing to help .. if you think that's fine...
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So? Whats wrong with this scenario?
2 dead, all gens done, 1 on hook and 1 is hiding. Killer can eather camp the hook, or could've slug you and find last one. Tactical playes to make sure you die, what's wrong with that?
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Average Trickster match.
In all seriousness though, Solo Queue was very unlucky this time. Most of my Survivor experience from 2018 until leaving the Fog was Solo Q, and I was thought people made it look worse than it really was.
But now...
Now it seems to have gotten really bad, and it is easy to see why.
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Did you even read the post lmao? he camped everyone at 5 gens slow match of swapping hooks and doing gens he didn't chase anyone.. just face camping everyone.
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And that troll nea made it much worst for everyone.
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Very unfortunate.
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If he camping at first hook, and you still didn't blast these 5 gens without a killer - you played bad, and killer was lucky to have you.
Well sorry, might not you exactly, but your team.
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Who do you think did all the gens then?
If he's using pink add-on, and double hooked all of you besides nea the only reason EGC started is because of Nea, you're not telling me the three of you managed to unhook multiple times safely while he camped with an incredibly camp centric add-on and also did all five gens between the three of you.
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We had 2 nea's and 1 nancy that had prove thyself .. me and the nancy managed to to 2.5 gens while the 2nd nea was good at running him he didn't patrol gens instead he focused her then he hooked her and started camping from there everyone traded hooks while one of us is doing the remaining gens, a face camper gives you enough time to finish gens.. if that useless nea helped anyone we'd have a chance. 2 hook states struggle is enough to finish gens, are you blind ? check that nea in the screenshot she wasn't hooked at all because she was hiding and roaming waiting for everyone to die so she can get hatch.. It's okay to do that end game but the whole game? that's bs..
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Make sure you bring flan! Just kidding.
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I wouldn't say he takes no skill, but he's definitely just a hair below Bubba in oppressive camping potential, and sadly he is often used that way. He's also slow and his projectiles are only really effective a mid-close range, so it can encourage players to camp once they've caught a surv. Like Twins and Bubba, his design almost encourages boring gameplay.
I don't get camped often, but when I do it's usually a Bubba or Trickster.
I only play him for challenges and dailies.
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Too many wasted flans this patch lol.
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Trickster is one of the killers I consider DCing against, together with the Plague. I don't like their playstyle, it's very boring to play against
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Na, a lot of killer players already played like this before.
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Add pinhead, legion ,nurse to that
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Yeah I started using up my 'slightly thickens the dark mist' potions instead.
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It's basically how my games have been... I've been trying to do the "Cleanse 8 Totems" challenge from the new Tome today. First match, a tunnelling Oni who would ignore everyone to go and chase me. A single generator was finished through that lapse (but God bless the Dwight that was trying to take the aggro).
And, in my stupidity, I thought it couldn't get worse than that and my second match was a facecamping Legion with Insidious who would step out of the range of Kindred and just wait for people to go for the unhook. No generators were completed in that match. Why is always Susies who are the scummiest of Legion players?
Gotta love this community.
I'd play Killer, but this 15+ minute queues are atrocious...
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It's still the same for me 15+ min queues to play killer and I can only force myself into playing 2 killer matches a day since it takes forever. Survivor matches are pure dc's and hook suicides, every killer is using corrupt and thana so people are giving up always.
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Ugh, I know that's sarcasm. but every time I see some seriously say "finally the killer feels like the power role again" or something like that, I want to scream. Of all the games to play for a power trip, some people are really out here choosing DBD as if it's supposed to be like the (horror) movies.
But I do find it funny to apply that reasoning to other games. Imagine playing some updated Monopoly game and someone saying "finally, the banker feels like the power role again."
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(Pre-update story) Went against a trickster who was hard camping and tunneling Tapp on MacMillan from the start. And by the start, I mean we popped 1 gen while he was still on his first hook state and that's it. I eventually baited him part way across the map so the Tapp (who was already on death hook because we couldn't unhook him sooner) could finally be safely unhooked. As soon as that guy was unhooked, he drops chase—even though I'm injured and right there—and beelines to Tapp. I happened to find a flashlight and went to get the save, only to find out he has Lightborn and so I had to dead hard out of the way, resulting in his death. I was so frustrated that Tapp was killed that I went full toxic: T bagged at pallets, clicked to show him all the time I would have blinded him, etc. I kept him in chase for all but 1 gen doing this. The other three of us escaped. It was the closest I could get to justice for my teammate done dirty by that Trickster player.
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Of course they didn't which is everything you need to know about killer mains. Not all, buy a lot are former highschool bullies that can't do what they did there anymore in society because they constantly get beat down. Probably scored 2 touchdowns in one game and won't stop talking about it even though they're 48. Just an example from Married With Children lol