I think BHVR should consider removing Ebony Mori altogether

As the title says, I think the Ebony Mori is just a bit oppressive even with the double hook added to it. I've been seeing more and more ebony moris in the game, not sure why. Regardless, it has made me realize how annoying they are in the hands of a good killer. Pair that with the absolute abysmal matchmaking and you have some regularly unfun and terrible games.
I am saying this as a killer main who plays survivor sometimes. I know how unfun moris can be, I would be happy to only have the green and yellow Mori in game. The ebony just feels like overkill. Keys got taken away, now consider removing the ebony Mori.
I fully expect to get a percentage of angry killers trying to tell me off in the comments. You're welcome to do so, but it doesn't make my argument any less valid. For those who are capable of reasonable discussion, I look forward to your comment.
I'm a solo q survivor main and I dont really have an issue with them.
What do you think it's oppressive about them?
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Mori offerings are useless
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With DS being used like 1% of matches Ebony mori’s actually hurt the killer since they can’t get hook related perks and might even take longer than hooking depending on mori length
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so like, say youre on deathhook and youre on the ground what exactly is the difference between a killer just picking you up and hooking you???
Youve never even explained why you think theyre oppressive, you just said youve seen them more recently. So what exactly is the issue with them?
Hell even your pfp is Pyramid Head, who has an ebony mori built into his basekit. He even that but its the fastest kill animation in the game but I dont think anyones complaining about that
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I don't think so.
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Mori offerings are being removed later in the year
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The only time mori's are annoying are when people do them for a challenge and just tunnel out one person and never even look at another survivor.
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I never use Moris because I could just use a Survivor Pudding or Black Ward instead. You could even argue a Mori is detrimental in a way because it denies any hook perks you have. I mean, I'm fine with them being removed, but not because they're oppressive.
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They have confirmed they will rework the Mori system completely and make them base game to award good plays or something.
offerings will get new effects completely apparently
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Did you just go against a pig player that denied your DS with a mori by chance?
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Devs reading this: „we hear you loud and clear! Pig will be nerfed next update“
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They already said they were looking into reworking the mori mechanic alltogether.
If I remember correctly, this should drop on Halloween.
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but how would i take my selfies with ghosty
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I don't know what your getting at???
I don't even get a chance to use them half the time
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with current system, mori or not you gonna die.
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The Mori is getting reworked anyway, and I have my fingers crossed that they'll be a BP compensation for the ones players have in their inventories.
I rarely ran a Mori before their nerf -- only for dailies and for the occasional key user. I can count the number of times I've run one since on one hand, with fingers left over. They're not oppressive -- they're not worth using, other than to maybe dodge a DS or a flashlight save on death hook, and that's so situational, there's no point to them anymore.
If I had to take a guess, the Mori rework is because the devs saw how often Moris were run prior to their nerf, and that the numbers you see them run now are a very tiny fraction of what they were (and why have people in your team work on neat Mori animations for each killer when, aside from the 5-stack Devour, no one is ever going to see them?). When the killer brings a Mori in my survivor matches now, it's akin to seeing Bigfoot or a UFO. There used to be that moment of "uh, oh" when you realized the killer had one during the loading screen. Now, it's more like "meh".
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With DS and OTR deactivating during end game, most of my reason for using moris are gone. I pretty much only ran them for fun, or to circumvent the exit gate DS. And as has been said, they're on their way out anyway.
What I want to know what are we gonna get in exchange for all of our mori offerings when they are made obsolete. Those ebonies were pricy.
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id run ebony moris every game if i could. they are neat but there are clear benefits to running them.
Catching a downed death hook survivor has a 0% chance of survival. Pallets are useless, no bodyblocking and no kind of shenanigan like a double locker save can be attempted.
Not depleting your finite amount of non-basement hooks shouldn't be discounted either. Very useful on levels such as Midwich with questionable hooks, as well as help managing survivors carrying Boil Over, Power Struggle or Flip Flop. Gives you the option of using a Scourge Hook perk or saving them which is useful.
Lastly there's the psychological component to it. It's like an open declaration of war.
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Good point on Midwich. Something has been very wrong with the hook spawns there for a while, even before the additonal lockers for he Dredge were a thing.
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6 games in a row today with the killer running ebony Mori. I see them more now than I did before. My luck can't be that bad
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That's a good point...
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That's bad luck, but I imagine a lot of people are using them up because they're soon to be useless.
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No, it was the multiple games in a row against killers running ebony Mori 😅 I also don't run DS, ever. I typically main killer. I play survivor to just break the monotony during my sessions.
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This post would have made sense two years ago, but at this point, with DS having been wholesale replaced by OTR, trying to pretend moris do anything beyond look cool is a major stretch.
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Multiple games in a row with high level killers running ebony Moris. It gets a bit much when they 2 hook someone and immediately mori. Can't slam gens that fast and my team is at an immediate disadvantage once someone is gone. I never had an issue with Moris until now, I see them so often.
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Eh, maybe you're right. I'm hoping I can play a few round without seeing one 😅
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And with the recent changes, if the killer is in a position to use it, you're essentially dead regardless. At least it's a stylish way to go.
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The frequency I have been seeing ebony Moris is unreal. Killer can efficiently tunnel someone and mori them to swing the game in their favor fairly quick if they are good. This is my experience, I'm sure it differs from yours, but that doesn't mean it's not valid.
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Another fair point. I suppose it's more the killer will quickly tunnel and mori a survivor to get an edge early. It's valid, but it sucks.
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But........they don't do anything. They can only be used when you're on death hook, meaning you were a short jaunt from spiderville anyway. How on earth can that be considered oppressive?
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But again, with the dominant anti-tunnel perk having changed away from DS, ebonies don't help killers tunnel - not against Off the Record, anyway. Most of the people still running DS are doing so out of inertia, because it is not a great perk at this point.
Every other benefit an ebony mori has is extremely situational and unlikely to happen in a given game. Yeah, maybe it's a smart idea to equip one in a 3-flashlight lobby, but they're not remotely worth their cost and mainly serve an aesthetic function - and when it comes to a killer who intends to tunnel someone out of the game with no obstructions, a green mori would be just as effective as an ebony anyway. When it comes to killer offerings, you should be much more afraid of the killer using a favorable map offering, or even putrid oak.
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Aren't they already going to remove them once they add the base kit yellow mori?