Since new update as survivor do you lose a lot?
Since the new update i lose a lot. Am i the only one?
Do people see what i mean 100 x level 50 up to reach goal 100 is work for years. In the old system you where done after 3 x level up?
perks are bad
gens are slow?
At the end of the game dbd did you have fun? press the first dot if you agree even the game was good.
Thanks for replying
I do lose a lot more. I don’t really care about it tbh but there’s no doubt that killers are getting more kills on average
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I'm finding it hard to save the survs from the hook when the killer is close, we almost always end up falling, two things I wanted in this situation is that the animation recovery after taking someone off the hook was faster so I have more time to escape, or have a perk that leaves me protected for a while after saving someone from the hook, it would also be nice to have an anti catch perk, to prevent the grab killer when he is taking someone off the hook, otherwise he can train, who you know in the future there will be new perks that help make the matches fairer, I think it comes from patience, for me the biggest problems are these at the moment for me
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I don't consider it losing, so long as I pip. On that basis I'm winning a lot. In terms of survival, it's gone down a bit. However, in games where survivors are understanding teamwork now plays a much more pivotal role, those are the games that are both way more enjoyable and with better escapes.
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I lose more, but mainly because of teammates. SoloQ in my opinion is harder now, not because of the killer buffs but because the MMR is somehow worse than before, and you either get teammates with few hours, clueless teammates, teammates that do nothing, teammates that are overly confident and seem to think they're good at looping and being toxic, but in reality are not and what I see the most is teammates that are sabotaging you on purpose - e.g. body blocking you or bringing the killer to you on purpose in the hopes you will be taking a hit for them, etc.
If a survivor tries to sabotage me in a match by whatever means, I give up on hook and move on. That might be putting my MMR In the gutter, but honestly I'd rather leave and lose than play with teammates that are doing these things
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A little more, but not much. Maybe from like 50% escape in solo to 40% or something close. Gens popping about like they always have (they take 10 secs longer, sure, but the slowdown perks are less oppressive), doing about the same in chase.
One thing I have noticed, and it is a small sample, is that matchmaking seems to be a lot worse. Either that or people are throwing.
Otoh, it could be that a lot of people are just feeling new things out, and everything's just off kilter right now, and that will pass.
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Not really. I was escaping...maybe half the time before the patch.
I'm escaping about the same now EXCEPT in games where someone is DCing/suiciding, which does actually seem to be more common now?
Are you losing because killers are stronger, or because your allies are having a sulk?
I think a lot of people got slightly inflated MMRs due to relying on Dead Hard, and it will take a while to find their new spot.
Also, yes - people are having a big ol' sulk right now, so I'm seeing maybe 30% more AFKs and first hook suicides.
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I’ve actually had very few teammates who DC or throw the game. Mostly been getting legions and nurse running 4 slowdown and agi/starstruck respectively
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I'm finding that I lose more and I get weaker teammates (maybe cause all the other survivors have dropped off the face of the earth?) And gens just do not move, I find myself being the only one to complete any in a match. And also many killers are camping.
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It feels the same to me. What I have noticed though is that it feels way nicer to go up against the old killer meta perks.
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Yes, my number of losses is large compared to 2 escapes.
In some games I could open the gate and escape, but I wanted to unhook a teammate and got myself sacrificed.
It's not easy like it was before and a lot of people are leaving their teammates behind if they are already been hooked twice.
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I lost a ton at first, but presumably my MMR tanked and now I'm facing killers that aren't very good a chase. I believe survivors on average have lost MMR and killers on average have gained it.
I think this has created a weird dynamic where the games are less interesting due to lower skill killers in the match. Additionally, m1 simulator is more boring than ever due to gen slow downs and longer repair times.
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Not significantly more than usual.
Before the patch I probably had a 50-60% escape rate, now it's about 40-50%, but I'm seeing a lot of fellow survivors giving up half-way through games, which is definitely having a deleterious effect.
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Agi Starstruck Nurse is pretty meta, and yes Nurse needs some toning down.
However, those Legions aren't all that strong - they are just tedious. It's the killer equivalent of a double locker flashlight sabo breakout BO squad. You can still beat them, but the game just takes twice as long.
Yeah. It's going to take a while for those survivors to either adapt or quit, right now it's a giant pile of pout.
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I do lose more as survivor. I'd say as solo I'd previously escape about half the time and now it's more like 35-40%? I do like to do risky endgame saves though, it would probably be a bit higher without doing that.
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I won a bunch as killer last week but did lose some matches yesterday with Twins and Trickster in large part since my aim is terrible. (Doing the orange glyph challenge with them wasn’t helping either. I kept ramming into doorways on RPD with Victor, bleh.) But also the survivors actually were doing the gens versus ragequitting on the first down.
So it’s definitely possible for survivors to escape, they just have to actually try and outplay the killer and not just ragequit on the first couple of downs.
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I'm surviving more often in the Solo Q than I did before the patch. I think it's not only because of the survivor buffs, but also because more people are playing right now and I'm being matched with good players more often than before. Whether I had fun doesn't depend on whether I survived or not.
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Please learn the difference between the words "lose" and "loose" so you don't sound like a 5th grader.
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I should have noted the endgame behavior in my post as well. Now when the gates are powered, I leave immediately unless there is a virtually free unhook. This is sad because these last minute saves, successful or not were where a lot of the memorable and fun moments were made. End I just can't risk this anymore because the success rate is abysmal now.
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I do lose more often but I feel that's mainly because people seem to dc/first hook regularly now. Against a Wraith, an Onryo, a Billy, a Huntress, people don't wanna try anymore if they have a bad start no matter the circumstances.
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Before the update had hit, I'd compiled a list of 250+ survivor matches I played, both as part of a SWF of different sizes and as a solo. My escape rate across all types of matches was in the 60% ballpark, with there not being a huge difference between my solo games and SWF ones.
Since the update, I haven't kept those records (I honestly should have). I HAVE kept a closer look at my solo games, however, and my escape rate in those matches has been a nice, solid 50% (11 escapes in 22 matches). In 15 of those 22, all 5 gens were completed, and in 2 of those that I died that the gens were all finished, I made stupid mistakes in EGC that cost me what should have been 2 more escapes (which would have left me with a 59% escape rate, right around what I was averaging before the update). Playing SWF, the matches have gone about the same -- right around a 50% escaoe rate overall (last night's matches as a 2-person SWF were 3 out of 8 escapes, but 2 of those were matches that our random teammates threw and could easily have been escapes, while 1 was a Plague that caught everyone off guard with Devour, even though we still managed all 5 gens getting done).
Survivor play has definitely been more challenging, but not anywhere near impossible. There have been a LOT of matches where really bad plays by random teammates have resulted in a loss, where someone DC'ing early for no reason has put the team at a huge disadvantage, or a handful where I've just played poorly and paid for it. Two of the losses in solo came against a bugged and currently killswitched Clown, so that may have played a part in those games going the way they did as well.
My experiences only -- obviously, others may vary.
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Definitely forever legion isn’t particularly strong especially against competent survivors but it’s absolute hell to play against and with a 3 gen is basically unwinnable
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I'm Escaping about the same, if I exclude games where people DC and just arent playing properly then it's been an increase.
Biggest issue I'm having are people not trying...
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I'm actually getting more escapes cause killers are tunneling and camping much less now that gens don't fly away.
Having a great experience in both sides.
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Still seems to completely depend on the time of day that I play. Nearly impossible to escape at peak hours. Escape 70% of the time during the day. Tells me +/-350 is too much
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As solo-q main survivor i m escaping much less, first 2 days after patch was terrible. And i m surpriced so many campers and tunnelers in game after buffing killers, its easier for killer to have kills.
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Play soloQ, escape 50% of matches so nothing changed
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Yes losing more- quite a lot more tbh! Majority of matches aren’t fun anymore either. Finding killers tunnelling and camping even more, even though they have been made stronger? 😷🙃
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Yes, this. As long as I pip I'm happy. If everyone pulls their weight it's a good game, whether I die or survive.
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3gens are about as much as a stalemate as they always have been, but it's really on the survivors to prevent it from occurring.
Forever Legion is...meh. Again, it's just the equivalent of a stall squad. Both probably need a look, as they are zero fun to go against, but there are plenty of things to be prioritized over this.
I'm seeing roughly as much tunneling, but it tends to be less effective (unless it's a Nurse).
I am seeing less camping.
Huh. I've had sort of the opposite experience.
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Depends for me. All my normal matches I do just fine. The ones I loose (if the killer doesn't let us go) is because of other Survivors Rage Quitting and offing themselves on first hook. Half of them are doing it on purpose to artificially inflate Kill rates, so they get Survivor Buffs and Killer nerfs, others are just your standard Rage Quitters.
I'm not suffering as Solo Queue survivor cause of killer being too strong. I'm suffering because man child Survivor players can't stand not having a million 2nd chance perks to bully killers and quitting.
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If everybody plays, its the same as before. when somebody dc/hook right at the beginning it gets kinda hard 😉 (which happens VERY often, I'm not saying every game but close) thb I even escaped games like that but that propably got more to do with the killer skill 😅
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The real problem is not the update it's about the solo q teammates people are just giving up for no reason
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The new prestigate was 100x increase to the grind we were lied... For getting perks big increase for the grind if you didn't p1 your every character at least before the update too.
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Very true, I wanted Agitation but had trapper at lv 14. It took over a mil bloodpoints to UNLOCK the perk (for some reason, he was getting all the expensive add-ons). Then I had to level it on the killer I wanted the perk on.
Before the update, I got the bird lady and all her perks with about 500-600k bloodpoints.
It's cool if you had the characters leveled up before the update but for any future update, it will be a drag.
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You shouldn't be rescuing people while the killer is nearby anyway.
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I lose even more as well. MMR is awful, can't escape at all, consistently get bad teammates or teammates who stealth. Every loss, it's worse and worse.
I'm not even that bad at Survivor. And if I somehow actually am, then I have no incentive to improve because my team hides in lockers and doesn't do gens. It's miserable.
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Yes. I'd say my escape rate in solo q went from around 40-45% to around 25-30% with the same build.
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Try a different build?
I made a small adjustment to mine (now it's Lithe, OTR, CoH and WoO) and I'm doing just fine. Have already had multiple moments where baseline BT saved our bacon, or OTR allowed me to do something funky.
Put DS back to 5 seconds and Self Care back to 50% - that seems more than reasonable.
I have absolutely seen less face camping overall, and when it occurs, it's much easier to bypass or at least trade out on. in tunneling directly off hook is about where it always was, but is less effective thanks to OTR and baseline BT. There are some killers that are still too strong at either camping or tunneling (Nurse, Bubba) but that's a bigger issue that's going to need a more surgical fix.
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My build already has 2 things that I dont change (it being kindred and bond because you need those in soloq), then I have lithe and prove thyself because of gens being slower and survivors almost getting no BP.
The problem is not my build.
The point of the patch was so people wouldnt have to have a perk to prevent camping/tunneling, but here we are still expected to use those.
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I don't notice a difference when playing Solo Queue personally. Gens noticeably take a bit longer but in my opinion not enough to be the result of my death in a match. The game still boils down to teamwork and efficiency and the randomness in that hasn't changed in my matches so neither has my win-loss ratio. I'm also the player to sacrifice my life for another to allow them to escape so that definitely affects whether I escape or not but not different from how my games went before the patch. All in all, still having fun in my matches by playing as the support.
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Taking extreme cases out of the equation (some killers are too strong at camping/tunneling straight through Endurance), it's way better than it was.
Outside of those killers, the only time I've had trouble was when someone gets put into the basement, which is sort of their own fault. Baseline BT means that - best case scenario - I get a bodyblock and we are both out, and worst case scenario it's a trade. I've also suggested a few times that killers not be able to use their powers within a certain radius of hooked survivors, or for a brief window after the unhook.
I'd drop either Bond or Kindred for something else - they are somewhat redundant. Bond in particular is the sort of thing you can compensate for with a bit of game sense.
The meta is likely going to be shifting towards a more 'team buff' oriented style, and away from second chance perks.
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The average amount of kills has gone up, but I don't lose a whole lot more than before.
Though the games I do lose are usually against a Killer that is camping and tunneling, which does leave a sour taste in my mouth. Especially camping is just too good now, especially since it requires no skill to use.
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I disagree, it's way easier now. Even I who suck at killer am getting constant 4ks as pig and freddy with max 2 slowdowns and I dont even camp or tunnel.
It has become way easier to tunnel and camp now too, since 5 seconds BT is almost useless and hit recovery and gens taking longer also helped with making them easier.
Bond is not redundant at all for me. Helps me take hits for team mates etc.
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I win most of my matches. The only times I seem to be losing is when other survivors aren't being teamplayers. Like when I carry the entire game by doing gens, hook saves, ect and then I get downed after last gen is done and the other survivors just run for the gate and leave. Or other situations where I get hooked or slugged and my teammates just leave me there. Killer isn't camping and typically in chase with only 1 survivor. The lack of teamwork in solo q is atrocious. I sometimes wonder if I should just play as bad or selfish as they do. But that usually ends up in a 4k. Fortunately it's not every game, but still frustrating.
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You don't really have a choice at times. A hook trade is risky since you're hoping your teammates will trade with you but it can make the difference between a 4E and a 4K. If at all possible, it's best for the team to not let anyone go down more than one hook stage at a time.
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Keep in mind that SBMM is all over the place right now, due to both queue times and people's MMR's fluctuating rapidly as they try to adapt.
I know that I'll go from a very easy game to a very difficult 4man SWF, then back to an easy game, then an even game back to back.
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Last patch I was escaping ~70% of the time as survivor. This patch it’s more like 50%, as it should be
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swf or solo?
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Yeah, i never lost before playing solo Q.
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Yeah more losses now. A few DCs whenever it's a Nurse. Still seeing people get tunnelled/camped to death