On a scale of 1-5 how excited would a Sleepy Hollow (the headless horseman) chapter excite you?

N8dog Member Posts: 541

On a scale of 1-5 how excited would a Sleepy Hollow (the headless horseman) chapter excite you? 26 votes

zgameboyINoLuvSlingshot47Borrowedtalco 4 votes
[Deleted User]AurelleSlan 3 votes
TaigacheezjtzsaggyderpderpGRIG0BothSidesEnjoyerSquippitbrewingteaAReallyBoredHumanqnyun 9 votes
FennRaptorrotasUndershotdugmanPSPCarbonaraCharlie 6 votes
Mattie_MayhemOGEve13Hex_HeathenAlex_ 4 votes


  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Headless Horseman sounds pretty cool. I think the only thing that might concern me is it seems unlikely they'd be able to do an actual horse in the engine. They could obviously have a headless killer running around but that kind of loses the theme if he's not on horseback. (Or if you were going for the modern spinoffs, a motorcycle. 🙂)

  • N8dog
    N8dog Member Posts: 541

    I think a horse can work. I think the horse would work as a weapon too. Headbutting survivors, smashing pallets, the works. Obviously this killer would need lots of special animations

  • Slingshot47
    Slingshot47 Member Posts: 158

    Sorry, I voted 1, but I actually meant that I'd be really excited. Though 1 was most excited for some reason.

    Headless Horseman, with full flame effects, severed pumpkin head, and black mare? Hell yeah, sign me up!

  • Eve13
    Eve13 Member Posts: 375

    If the realisation was Christopher Walken-worthy great, with a black horse, then I'd be looking forward to it like crazy. <3

  • HangryMogwai
    HangryMogwai Member Posts: 52
    edited July 2022

    Not voting as it isn’t really clear wether 1 or 5 is most of least excited; however, I’d love to have the Headless Horseman in the game, as it’s own unique character or even if it was a Legendary Skin on an existing killer (Pyramid Head perhaps).

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,271

    I think he looked nice in that movie, bu they could do it without license tho. They'd need to do a good moveset too.

    Although they cant have a true headless horseman because they wont be abe able to sell funny hats for him.

  • Hex_Heathen
    Hex_Heathen Member Posts: 7

    ok but Mariuce as the horse