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General Discussions

The game hasn't changed, it's still survivor meta

Generators get slam dunked before you get to hit a survivor. Low tier killers like Trapper doesn't get the opportunity to sacrifice a survivor to the entity let alone hook them if they're SWF. Survivors can still escape regardless of the killer buffs. The killer buffs are so minor that it's unnoticeable. We need to buff killers across the board to turn them from trash tier to medium/high tier, so they can actually become a threat towards survivors.

Also, killers need a larger FoV. Make Shadowborn basekit. Revert Hex: Ruin nerf. It was completely unnecessary to nerf Hex: Ruin and it's a useless perk now.

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  • Member Posts: 3,140

    I agree that having a larger FoV would be extremely nice, and that Ruin was over-nerfed. (Gonna have to start playing Overcharge on my Hag, I need that setup time)

    However, as a new player who's mostly survivor, I can assure you that we feel the difference. My escape rate before the update was about 30%, now it's maybe 10% (Less if you don't count the killers having pity on me/my team and letting me go).

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    I agree with FOV slider

  • Member Posts: 734

    Survivor is definitely a little harder than before. There's less room to make errors and I have noticed the small buffs to killers involving chase.

    It definitely wasn't an update to make killer as op as possible, but it definitely made survivor a little more dependent on how good your team was. I've noticed that if my team isn't playing efficiently, it most likely will be a loss because every second matters (only when killer has multiple regression/slowdown perks).

    I can definitely play more relaxed as killer and I can notice the difference in the speed that gens pop. It isn't as fast and the bloodlust can definitely help at particular loops.

  • Member Posts: 1,252
    edited July 2022

    I normally play Trapper and before this patch my games were around a 3k average in casual games, with occasional loses against competent teams. After the update i just played one day now and it was completely pointless. I never lost all gens with 4 slowdowns, not even against a better team. Its actually completely pointless to play killer as its basically a free win in casual games if you understand the basics of this game.

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    I agree with you here. And i will add these 2 to your words but i know you will disagree with me 😂

    1. Maps, camping and tunnelling needs to be addressed. And some good buffs for solo survivors.
    2. In addition to the above, top tier killers needs to be looked. Yes, i am talking about Nurse and Blight.

    Top tier and low tier should be close to each other. Balanced maps will make this possible.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    Survivors can definitely still win if they outplay the killer. I’ve lost a few games as killer that I played badly (mainly because of my horrible aim as Twins and Trickster. I also lost a game lat night as a Backpack Legion but that was partly me messing up and missing some swings, I did a bit better the following game.) A lot of the losses I see on the survivor side in my games I can point to something they did wrong while I played reasonably well. Things like not spotting me coming in and getting successfully ambushed, following me around too much for pointless flashlight save attempts, going for body blocks for no reason, accidentally leaving a survivor on a hook too long and they go through a stage, etc. If the survivors make no obvious mistakes and I play well the games are close.

  • Member Posts: 445

    Survivor is harder. With the increase in gen time on top of many killers having secondary objectives (pig's traps, pinhead's box, legion's mending, etc.), it is almost impossible to escape in solo queue. Older killers without secondary objectives (like trapper, although his traps might count) may suffer, but that is a different problem.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    You hit the nail on the head. Its practically impossible to fix one part of this whole mess, ie camping and tunneling, without fixing the part thats more often (not always, as some players just wanna tilt others) then not responsible for this. The big maps are a big problem, and low mobility killers have no way to get accross bigger maps like Red Forest. What are they gonna do?

    So some while ago we talked about Insidious in another thread and I came up with this idea, which I will copypasta over here in the hopes that someone at BHVR sees it and thinks "wow, lets give this a try".

    Insidious - when there is no survivor in the killers terror radius and the killer is standing still for 8/7/6s the killer teleports to a shadowy corner within 24m of a random survivor. After the teleport his terror radius is surpressed for 4s. This effect can only aqctivate once every 120/100/80s. The perk deactivates once all generators are powered or if only one survivor is left in the trial.

    This would obviously a total novelty in the game, but it would make Insidious a cool and useful perk that all M1 killers could use and not just basement Bubba. I think the game desperately needs some kind of map traversal ability for M1 killers, something that allows them to haul their butt around.

    Another idea I got was a either a buff to BBQ or some BBQ light effect as basekit.

    BBQ - the killer sees everyones aura as always and gains a +15% speed boost while outside of a chase and farther away then 20m from the highlighted survivors.

    BBQ basekit - when hooking a survivor the killer sees the aura of the farthest away survivor who is a minimum of 24m away and gains a +15% speed boost while outside of a chase and farther away then 20m from the highlighted survivors.

    This would give the killer an incentive to leave the hook, while also giving them the opportunity to traverse the map much quicker and pressure a gen they couldn't possible get to in time otherwise.

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    Sounds more skill issue if you aren't able to get even one kill. It's easier to win as killer now than before but you still have to work for it agains't higher mmr survivors and game would obviously be very one sided if you would win everytime but 2K is usually always possible. Killer buffs are noticeable but they are not as big as some say but survivors best perks got nerfed so that buff killers as well. Tunneling and camping are more viable than ever so use them if you don't do that yet and if that does not work out camp 3 gen area and use pentimento, overcharge and call of brine/pop and deathman switch so win should be almost quaranteed.

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    Strongest killers should be now nerfed if anything and weakest buffed ofcourse. Dh and ds were only things countering the S tier killers. But all the killer buffs were needed even the gen time increase. Only thing I would change is to make first 2 gens last 100s and last gen 80s.

  • Member Posts: 520

    I mean at this point sure why not. Let survivors aura shown all the match and make them do 12 gens. I'm sure it won't be enough tho but it will help a bit.

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    Well that teleport ability should be made as basekit. In friday 13th jason is able to teleport around map maybe something like that should be added. But that would kinda make sadako and dredge teleport abilities bit pointless?

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    Thats were I got the idea. I never played that game but watched a few youtube vids to get an idea of how it plays in relation to dbd. I doubt someone like Nurse, Blight or Dredge would need such a teleport, but a lot of the slower killers could make good use of such a mechanic.

    Obviously my ideas are just pretty rough cuts, but I am positively sure that you could easily polish it and make it something cool. If they can't fix the maps, well maybe they can fix the problem with map traversal?

  • Member Posts: 1,097

    Killer sided for what? 2k, 3k, 4k? It really depends on what you want the game to be balanced around, if you want it to be balanced around 2k then the game is killer sided.

  • Member Posts: 1,097

    See the problem with this argument is that you assume you can't just buff perks and killers after you reign in the outliers. When you have broken killers like Nurse and Blight they bring the whole rest of the game down with them. If you fix the outliers you can then look at the new data and buff the rest, but the data from blight and nurse make the game look normal when 99% of it isn't in a good spot.

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    I agree with the FoV-Slider. It would finally eliminate most stealth plays on survivor side.

  • Member Posts: 995

    The odds are incredibly stacked against survivors right now, they require seal team 6 levels of communication and coordination. It's simply not fun in it's current state and so people are either switching to killer or just not playing all together.

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    Well in your other post you say killer buffs were too strong but they are not. Only for Nurse and Blight they can be with dh and ds nerf and before the patch those killer were already very strong. Spirit I think is fine I played her and match was pretty balanced agains't higher mmr survivors. I got 3K and let last crawl out from gate they got 4 gens done I didn't use any slow down thought. For generator I thin 3 gen situation is too smeasy for killer to defend so last gen should be reverted back to 80s so first 2 gens should be 100s then to compensate.

  • Member Posts: 1,004

    For those saying that this patch was unbalanced in favour of killers - it was. Deliberately. The devs made it very clear that kill rates were lower than they want IE things were survivor-sided and they wanted to balance things out.

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