Solo Q: Giving up is not an option

PNgamer Member Posts: 1,415
edited July 2022 in General Discussions


It's interesting, but at the moment I observe a strange phenomenon with me. For example, before the 6.1 update I was playing Killer 70% of the time. Since the launch of the update 50% - 50% Killer and Survivor and now 70% more Survivor. What is the reason for this?

I don't know, but maybe it's the addiction to being hunted, hiding and surviving. I don't know. Anyway, it's a lot of fun for me, and I only play solo Q (7500+h).

I'm currently running with this combination of these 3 perks and hope to maybe help one or two newbies here a bit.

"Off The Record, Boon Circle of Healing, Kindred" The fourth perk is then a perk of your choice. Anyway, the setup is very solid and you can't really go wrong with it.

Granted, there's always the occasional psychopath who'll give you a hard time or tunnel you. But you shouldn't pay attention to that and then go straight into the next match.

Very important (and I've been observing this a lot lately): DON'T GIVE UP. It makes no sense to let yourself die on the first hook or to manipulate the matches on purpose. This only leads to frustration and is also depressing for your teammates. Always try to make the best of it. No matter what killer you are playing against.



  • ashtonisfarout
    ashtonisfarout Member Posts: 101

    Trying to make the best of it doesn't teach behavior anything It sad that we have to act like teachers to them.

  • aBean
    aBean Member Posts: 3

    I got left on death hook minutes ago by a swf because I timed one of their unhooks wrong and the other got replaced on it. I wasn't even aware of the ######### up till I saw their auras walk off to the other side of the map healing each other.

    The other solo player, I assume, unhooked me and I got tunneled. Some games are just not it.

  • OpalescentHare
    OpalescentHare Member Posts: 59

    Wrong. You sound like the people who posted that unhook attempts should be removed and DCs should have a minimum 30minute penalty.

    I definitely share in that users thoughts. It's not about going in to the match thinking "I'll just give up," it taking in information during the match and recognizing that it's been 3 minutes, no one else has popped a gen, no one is working on a gen, and no one is coming to help you. Or that someone DCd at the star you you have no interest in a 3v1 all match. Or its early in the match and the killer is already camping. It's giving up on that match in hopes that the next one is worthwhile.

  • drakolyr
    drakolyr Member Posts: 322

    Or maybe, people dont have fun in match, they die on hook, cause its litterly something you can do and its a gameplay tactic.

    If you dont like it or not, if its something we shouldnt do, then it wouldnt be in the game.

  • espooked
    espooked Member Posts: 465

    I'll try not to give up on hook 2 nurse or trickster then! I don't understand why people want you to stay in a match you are miserable in, the queue times on survivor are instant.. my teammates aren't on gens, so clearly they don't care either . I watch this Korean streamer that kills himself on hook 90% of the time if his teammates aren't pounding gens (which they never do). Give me comms or make ur killers less annoying, my suggestion

  • xfireturtlex
    xfireturtlex Member Posts: 419

    Ive had so many matches, even now, that seemed hopeless until pulling off a last minute escape. Some of my favorite moments are times that i can pull off a sacrifice play to get 1 or 2 teammates out the gate. Its never over til its over (unless everybody else DCs lol). And yeah, i really enjoy games where im always on the cusp of winning or losing. Id take that over an easy win anytime, regardless of which side im playin.

  • espooked
    espooked Member Posts: 465
    edited July 2022

    I also used to hate on people that dc/suicide on hook, now I understand why. Unless it's a bubba, then I'm malding because bubbas are fun and interactive

    Post edited by espooked on
  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    “Some” is a slight underestimate. There are quite a lot of people quitting way too early and ruining it for everybody else. I think it’s better overall to just draw the line at “don’t quit” then “quit if things are going too badly”.

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,553

    I'm that guy you're referring to. And I stand by what I said. It's not that hard to complete a match of dead by daylight. If you need to quit every time there is any shred of adversity that's a you problem that you're transferring over to the other four players in the game. It's weak sauce and actually embarrassing.

    I have only played three games since the update since I was on vacation. I'll hold my opinion until a play quite a few more games, but if it gets to the point where I can't escape or it's so rare that I'm no longer having fun, I'll take a break from the game. Not like a DC or suicide break from the game. Like an actual weeks/months break from the game. That way I won't ruin it for everyone else.

    Like honestly this whole "take my ball and go home" attitude is straight cringe. Do you guys play board games and just quit as soon as you "know" you can't win?

  • ScottJund
    ScottJund Member Posts: 1,115
    edited July 2022

    I think people on both sides of the argument are just not thinking like a rational person. People that stop trying too early are ruining the game for the rest of the players in the lobby, and people that think there are no circumstances in which you should give up are kidding themselves in thinking there is a point to playing a 3v1 at 5 gens vs an omega blink Nurse for example.

  • PNgamer
    PNgamer Member Posts: 1,415

    Many players are currently too focused on killing and escaping. So I would suggest focusing not only on winning, but on having fun.

  • Slingshot47
    Slingshot47 Member Posts: 158

    Maybe this perspective might help; if everyone continues to give up, then nothing will change, and nobody will try to improve. If survivors go into a game and see that their teammates are giving up and throwing the game, they will have little choice but to do the same, and everyone will be miserable. It will be a problem that grows the more it happens until hardly anyone wants to play anymore because they can't rely on others to actually try.

    On the other hand, people who want to try and win will be grateful that you tried your best to help and may return that kindness. A survivor that hasn't touched a gen all game just might sacrifice themselves to unhook you at the endgame. Additionally, there is almost always something that you can learn from or practice every match, especially difficult ones.

    Quitting helps no one; there is always something that you can do. It's okay to lose, too. It makes the 4 man escapes all the sweeter.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I couldn't care less if someone gives up as I'm carrying them to the last hook or while all four players are downed, etc. But even if two survivors are dead and there's only two left there's still the question of if one of them will still get out through a gate or hatch, for example, plus of course the longer you keep playing the match the more bloodpoints you'll earn afterward. Even if you're 3v1 at 5 gens versus an Omega Nurse and you don't think the entire group will get out you still can keep trying to earn more bloodpoints and see how long you last and whether or not you can get hatch, or even who knows, maybe the Nurse will screw up and you manage to get the gens done? 🤷‍♂️

    My point being that the line where there's nothing left to gain or find out by playing is much, much beyond a 3v1.

  • bittercranberry
    bittercranberry Member Posts: 454

    so just put up with broken game balance and mechanics??

    ok ill "adapt" brooooo

  • Boot
    Boot Member Posts: 17

    Nah. As survivor here is really no reason to stay in a ######### trial. Previously I'd have stuck around for wglf stacks or the like but now there isnt even that justification. Better to die asap and get into the next game while survivor queues are instant.

  • drakolyr
    drakolyr Member Posts: 322

    Yeah and thats why people kill themself on hook in an unfun match. Simple as that.

  • Slingshot47
    Slingshot47 Member Posts: 158

    I've had to put up with Dead Hard, Circle of Healing, and DS at the exit gate for my entire time playing this game. Survivors would make massive blunders yet still escape by DH'ing into a pallet or window, something most killers could do nothing to stop. Killers like Wraith and Legion felt impossible because CoH killed hit and run tactics. Survivors would deliberately let themselves get downed at the exit gate only to get out with DS. I know I wasn't alone in this sentiment, either. You know what we were told? "Just bait the DH," "Killers just want easy 4Ks," and the ever popular, "Git gud, lol / You're just bad."

    Yet I persevered. I learned, practiced, lost over and over again until eventually I had improved considerably.

    So yes, there are ultimately two options: adapt, or quit. Quit and you'll never improve. Adapt, and you just might succeed. And if the game is so miserable for you that you'd rather just quit, then I have to ask, why keep playing? I mean no insult, but it doesn't make any sense to play a game that makes you miserable.

  • OpalescentHare
    OpalescentHare Member Posts: 59
    edited July 2022

    Considering that your comparison is DBD = UNO/The Game of Life, I can't say I see an adequate argument. It ignores the nuances of focusing on the game itself by derailing about an unrelated subject matter. They're both games, which is a broad generalization. That does not make them reasonably comparable. And I don't care about being cringe. I care about having an explanation for why I think as I do.

    I said I can understand a lot of situations where survivors DC. If you want that to mean that I personally DC every match, then that's you inability to read what I wrote.

    You are part of the problem to me, where people either think all DCs/sui on hooks are valid or that all of them are unacceptable. My point is that things happen in the match that make it understandable at times if you pay attention to what's happening for that player. Likewise there are situations where it is completely ridiculous to DC.

    Sometimes there's a point where you/another player recognizes that the match is a loss and decides just take the L. And sometimes people decide to take that L too early. And both have been happening quite a lot more often, typically with soloq players who have been getting the short end of the stick for a while with the updates.

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,553

    Yeah. Sorry. I'm not part of the problem. I don't quit in video games and I don't support people that do because it's childish and it ruins everyone else's game.

    You do. We can disagree of course. But ultimately the solo experience can be ruined by killers and/or survivors. Killers are trying to kill so they will run over powered perks and addons. They'll use tactics that aren't fun in order to win. It sucks, but technically it's their right to do so. And they're your opponent so as much as it sucks when they play tactics that aren't fun to go against, they're trying to win the game.

    If a survivor is going out of their way to ruin their fellow teammates games by going out of their way to lose faster, that is a major problem.

    And what else would I compare a game to, besides another game. Like the board game analogy is so crazy. Get a grip.

  • bittercranberry
    bittercranberry Member Posts: 454

    you dont have to put up with anything which is whats wrong with your mindset. i never felt i had to put up with anything in my time in dbd and i never said i was miserable playing?? its very easy to just switch over to a new game lol

    they dont address camping and tunneling but add more gen time, buff killer & gutted the "meta" for survivor. personally i dont run meta till i feel i absolutely have to (that one day when every match is a constant swet fest) other then that i run Adrenaline, spine chill, i USED TO run WGLF but replaced with flashbang :(( and blast mine.

    its just not worth imo. all the hours for a portrait?? ive only put about 800 in three years (still alot)

    ive sticked around in hopes so see the game blossom but it hasnt. fact is its still the same game from years on with band aid fixes. licenses sure keep me around but the gameplay right now is very uninteractive and boring and currently its designed as an uphill battle for soloQ which is the only role i play and that is not fun or interesting. the mmr not working doesnt help either.

  • NerfedFreddy
    NerfedFreddy Member Posts: 394

    I like how killer mains always like to remind us that they refuse to follow any sort of honor code/rules/good sportsmanship but desperately try to tie survivors by it. Peak of hypocrisy

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    Why are you queueing up in the first place then? Playing killer, most of my matches have people kiling themselves on hook or DCing, regardless of what killer I play or what perks I bring. Like what is it they want?

  • Biscuits
    Biscuits Member Posts: 1,097

    "I am a killer main playing survivor because its actually fun this patch, I don't understand why people are upset!"

    No, you are playing survivor because your queue times are tragic.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,188

    You should try it with randomized builds! As someone who randomizes every trial, as survivor it has become a real test, but in my trials my looping and being chased as survivor has improved much more over a shorter space of time than before. So the patch has been a benefit to me.

    As killer it is easier, but it encourages me to make riskier plays and go for the least efficient options when chasing because I know I can just have fun in games now. I'm starting to learn Onryo and am having a blast!

    But back to the original "Don't give up" message: I completely agree and my game has improved for the better for it.

  • FriendlyKiller
    FriendlyKiller Member Posts: 337

    They want killer nerfs and survivor buffs, and they're inventing a "crisis" to justify them. Just look at the second and third posts in this thread I mean, they're not even being subtle about it.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    I'm still getting instant queue times but pop off queen.

  • Tiufal
    Tiufal Member Posts: 1,252

    People dont dc or kill themselves on hook for no reason.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425

    Happy you're having fun and not ruining the match for other players.

    Really sad a lot of people are defending DCs and throwing just because they are upset about the nerfs. Survivor is still very playable.

  • Slingshot47
    Slingshot47 Member Posts: 158

    I would love randomized builds as an alternative game mode. Have everyone, both killer and survivor, be given a random set of 4 tier 3 perks (regardless of DLC) prior to the match. It'd be fun to try and adapt on the fly.

  • Neyar
    Neyar Member Posts: 65

    Let's put it another way: giving up is a strategy.

    Played one game tonight for the first time in a few days. CoB, Overcharge, Thana, Dying Light legion. Tunneled out Kate at 4 gens, slugged Nea and she dc'd. It's me and Claud at 4 gens. I get hooked and try to die to give Claud hatch and accidentally Kobe first try. I get chased and slugged, so I dc to let Claud get hatch. She ended up winning the gate game to escape after hatch was closed.

    My best play at that moment was to let her have a chance at hatch, and I got unlucky. I'm also back to taking a break from the game indefinitely.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,188

    It would be fun, but I remember a while back suggesting it somewhere (not here) and the general feedback was a concern that they would get the crqppy ones, whilst their opponent would be stacked with the best ones - which I can understand.

    However, my view is that most perks (maybe one or two have no use whatsoever) gives an edge in a specific style, and experimenting with them can bring up some surprising results!

  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857

    People take videogames way too seriously. Just have fun and don't get an aneuryism or write a 1.000 page long dissertation of the ethics of human behavior if someone goes next.

  • PNgamer
    PNgamer Member Posts: 1,415
    edited July 2022

    The survivors who do that to manipulate the kill rates should just play something else

    So easy is that ☝️

  • Tiufal
    Tiufal Member Posts: 1,252

    Those games barely even make any difference to the vast number of general matches. Theyre neglectable.

  • TheUnknown
    TheUnknown Member Posts: 16

    Oh but either you're joking or you bought the game yesterday for you to say something like this. Survivor ALWAYS killed themselves for no reason. If you're getting camped, you're giving time for the team to escape. If you're getting tunneled, you got 25 different ways of stopping that tunnel AND you're giving time for the team to escape. I could confidently tell you in 6 years I played as a killer, about 90% of the survivors that killed themselves on hook, did it because they got heavily outplayed.

    All of these "reasons" are shallow, killing yourself on hook/DC'ing is literally NEVER justified, safe for 1 single situation which is when there's just you and someone else remaining in the match, instead of having them risk their life to save you, you give them a chance to find hatch and escape.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,177

    Most of my matches have been lost because of people giving up. DbD is a team-based game, but when people dont want to play for the team and leave for themselves... everything kind of just falls apart. I get that things can be frustrating, but leavings your teammates in an awful position all because of yourself only leads the frustration for everyone. I just ask people to try, to put some effort, to not instant give up on everything.

    Overall my mood to play survivor has been very inconsistent, just crushing defeats from my own team not wanting to play, or wins that just dont feel deserved because my MMR is tanked from my awful teammates throwing matches over and over, it just kind of drains me a bit.

  • Gindaen
    Gindaen Member Posts: 374

    I just noticed, here in the killer-handbook it clearly states "Play how you want" on the first page. So DCing and suiciding-on-hook is perfectly ok according to killers.

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442

    I play solo too and i never give up, even if i get a toxic boon teammate that get angry when i cleanse a totem i see first and he don't realize im probably running inner strengh..

    I hate those.. how mess up in the head you have to be to start trolling and start calling the killer attention the whole game and throw the entire match for everyone else just because of that? Lucky it didn't happen a lot, but boon survivors tend to be this way.

  • Audiophile
    Audiophile Member Posts: 319

    I find your naive optimism almost adorable. Then I see where your other comments are more of the same stereotyping of people that choose to DC or use the 4% luck mechanic as quitters and people that ruin the game. I’m going to assume you are sub 500 hours in this game. As many have said, including myself, ad nauseum…. The game is obscenely imbalanced against solo q. DC’ing is a symptom of the underlying problem which is Behaviour’s fault. I’m not wasting my time in a horrible game. Case in point - i literally just suicided on hook because I was the first survivor found and the killer did nothing but pace around the hook, within kindred range until i went to struggle. Frankly, that doesn’t constitute a game. It’s nonsense. It’s some jerk or ignorant new killer just ruining what should be a game.

  • Tiufal
    Tiufal Member Posts: 1,252

    Survivor never killed themself for no reason. Give arguments or let it be.

  • TheUnknown
    TheUnknown Member Posts: 16

    Survivor never killed themself for no reason. Give arguments or let it be.

    He said, after I literally "gave arguments"

  • Dunkinspunkin
    Dunkinspunkin Member Posts: 191

    I'm doing both. It's a completely different play style. Survivor used to be afk and vibe while listening to music and killer was ultra sweaty headphones cranked up all the way. Now a patch comes along that finally makes the survivor sweat a little and everybody loses his mind. It's hilarious to see. I enjoy survivor and am about to hit red ranks with it after hitting iri 1 in 5 days on my killers.

  • MadEyePopo
    MadEyePopo Member Posts: 138

    Why, don't you believe the original poster? I was 90% killer before the 6.1 patch and now I play over 50% survivor in soloQ.

    Like the OP, I can't fully explain why, but it just feels better. I kinda suck at it, or am at least below the average survivor in skill, but I find doing what I can for the team is fun and fulfilling - even if it is running around touching gens and being a distraction.

    Soon enough I am sure I will be back to 90% killer but for now survivor is good. Maybe it is because I have low expectations of my performance but I don't find myself tilting?