Can we get a bbq nerf?



  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 6,683

    I've been running Nemesis with my same build of Lightborn, Distressing, and Beast of Prey. On PS4, during the Double Rift Fragment event I replaced BBQ with Deadlock. I'm not sure what to run, now. Maybe I'll go back to Whispers, it's what I used before I stopped being able to counter flashlights.

    Not sure what I'll replace BBQ with on the Switch. Unlike on PS4, I don't have many perks on killers, so my options are very limited. I might go with Tier 2 Lethal Pursuer.

    How about you? What've you been running with?

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Did I miss something? Why are there suddenly so many BBQ threads? Do people really ask for more camping?

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,152
  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,292

    Tbf as much as I have learned tracking and so on, I just wanna try and go for a new chase right after I hook someone, and even tho yes gen distribution and seing crows its reliable, sometimes you just do as the aura says, bbq is perfect for that.

  • Sadako_Best_Girl
    Sadako_Best_Girl Member Posts: 658

    My man here really asking to set the corpse on fire.

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    Run Distortion

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 8,451

    I can't believe I'm still hearing this in 2022.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    Skill issue, please delete the game

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    And how would you nerf BBQ then, take away the aura reading ability?

    I see threads about killers camping and this perk encourage to leave the hook and go for another survivor, and now you want it nerfed?

    Good luck with that, i suggest you just learn how to counter it and get better.

    As some have pointed out, this perk is easily countered.

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,527

    LMAO this perk is trash now but ok... for me is absolutely fine, but they should remove instaheals and brand new parts in exchange then... deal?

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Sadako...maybe, but you're better off with something like Dragon's Grip (I know, right?) that gives both lethality plus info, or Discordance. Sadako's issue is that she's crap in chase.

    Blight - depends on the map.

    Hillbilly - maybe. But nobody plays him XD.

    And yeah. You can either jump into a locker, or - what I do - crouch down behind a gen, as the aura will obfuscate mine.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,714

    Yeah, I think the issue with Dragon’s Grip is mainly that you have to kick a gen to get it working and it has a timer as well. BBQ just shows the aura regardless with no action required beyond hooking which you do anyway.

    Discordance is good info but it does encourage survivors to split up more which isn’t necessarily good so that’s a turn off for some people.

    Also as an aside personally I never liked how the survivor auras blend in with the generator auras, I wish they were a bit more distinguishable.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    DG's charm is that it gives you both a target and an instadown. I watched Otz use it on Sadako a lot and it's...insanely effective.

    Discordance never fails me. I'll almost always get a fast first chase, and it's incredible once there are only a few gens left.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,714

    Yeah, I’m with you, I use both Dragon’s Grip and Discordance more than BBQ. I’m just saying why some people use BBQ instead. Just a playstyle thing really. 🤷‍♂️

  • _kostas_pap_207
    _kostas_pap_207 Member Posts: 453

    I didn't even read what you wrote . Just from the title I understand. What bhvr needs to do is to bring back the bps bonus. Because for WGLF they added something new so that's why they removed the bonus but for bbq they just removed without seth new or buffed

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,153
  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871
    edited July 2022

    Am I dreaming or did someone just ask for the nerf of one of the most harmless perks in the game? 😁

    On the other hand, the number of ways there are to counter BBQ is equal to the number of corn cobs that exist in Coldwin Farm.

  • Nemmy_Wemmy
    Nemmy_Wemmy Member Posts: 800

    I bet you make absolute stonks with that build seeing as how you're still using it with the newly increased BP cap. How's that going for ya? What's your average game.

    I still use enduring, forced penance, and lethal pursuer as a lore accurate build. Haven't really decided on something to have as a fourth. Been thinking about lightborn and nemesis as both would synergize with lethal and would make sense in terms of usage and the literal name in Nemesis's case. Then I think about pwyf and how it would be perfect to represent him and his speed, but you just wouldn't get much use out of it with him sadly.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    Idk seems super random to me just like the self care nerf.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 6,683

    I've managed to make somewhere between 35k and 36k by double-hooking without killing anyone. I'd still give up the new increased BP caps to get BBQ back, as BBQ allowed me to make 58k+ BP in a good match. A relaxed (or bad) match with BBQ still got me over 40k+ total, whereas it takes me spending a lot of time farming the hell out of survivors just to make over 30k now.

    PWYF is unfortunately only really good on Tombstone Myers and maybe some meme Bubba builds or something. I tried to use it a few times on killers and it losing stacks on whiffing really screwed me, everything from aim dressing to frame drops to my controller accidentally touching my leg causes whiffs throughout any match. Dunno about lore-accurate, but STBFL has potential since he can use his tentacle on the obsession while doing super-fast fist-bumps on the other survivors, but if you mostly use tentacle over fist then it doesn't come into play much.

  • StarMoral
    StarMoral Member Posts: 938

    Bro, stop being a weenie and run Distortion.

  • the_honey_badger
    the_honey_badger Member Posts: 111

    I'm sorry but this is a bad take on bbq, it rewards the killer for getting a down and hooking. If you think the killer has bbq, get in a locker. There are ways to play around this perk. It doesn't need a nerf.

  • Wampirita
    Wampirita Member Posts: 808

    BBQ is probably the most predictable and easiest to counter aura perk existing.

    HOW even would you nerf it, if it's already in super bad spot and won't do anything vs players that have at least half a braincell.

    If you have problems with BBQ, I bet that your games consist of crying about almost every single perk.

  • vanhoya
    vanhoya Member Posts: 57

    Com'on man, have you not read up on the latest patch, Use Distortion. I love it. It now heavily counters ALL killer aura reading perks.

    I love it when killers bring builds like: Lethal Persuer, BBQ, Floods of Rage, and I'm all Ears. If the killer has a 32 m terror radius, you are regularly building tokens of Distortion.