Toxic killers

LDominating Member Posts: 23
edited July 2022 in General Discussions

The amount of Toxic Killers have spiked.

2 games not 5 games apart

A bubba that tunneled and camped AF.

And a Wraith(who thank you developers,getting boldness points vs him is irrelevant) who did the same thing.

They were doing fine gameplay wise,chases weren't long,generators were doing fine hook/gens wise,2 hooks per generator...

I don't know if the others were't toxic to them.

I know I wasn' tbag or pointing or flashlight clicking

And what do you think,hooked and proxy camp by them,followed by them 4K and me as a last slug getting nodded and hit on the hook followed by a "gg ez"...

The level of imaturity in this game is beyond beliefs,it was bad before but now?

Why do you come on this game to take your IRL issues on random players?

What justifies you taking your frustration on someone else..

It's a switcheroo from 2018 toxicity survivor sided.

It was easy to be toxic as a survivor,there were so many pallets you could do whatever you want,on a few maps that is...on others it was tad harder.

I remember on my one Bubba game where I counted 26+ pallets in Blood Lodge,counted like 3/4 didn't have time to count the rest of the map..
