3 gen chase reward, being face camped
Anytime you do a 3+ gen chase you always get camped after. Should you just go down after 2 gens are done?
That could result in facecamping as well so I would not recomend and killer loses that game if he facecamps you and your team can just do gens and attemp save if it's not bubba. I would love killer to facecamp me after that chase but unfortunately when I had 4 gen chase the killer camped the 3 gen area with every slow down perk and my teammates went down in 10s so we ended up losing. So be happy that the killer throws the games facecamping you.
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5-4 gens - face camping, killers have enough time to secure a kill without sacrificing all the gens.
3-1 gens - face camping, killers don't have enough time to chase 2 more times.
0 gens - face camping, there is nothing beside the hook to defend.
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Because you, you callous toxic survivor, should know that many killer-kids play not for fun or sport, but for self-affirmation. And you, heartless bastard, trying to topple fragile ego with your bloody survivor-sidedness. Facecamping is just to show you dominance and teach you the lesson.
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The only concern it raises is that the player might have not completed the tutorial. Getting run that long in 6.1.0 is purely a skill issue.
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Your reward for running a killer for 3 gens is that 3 gens got done and all he got was one measly hook. You came out ahead in that trade deal. By a lot.
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What is killer's reward
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2 game modes, ranked and unranked...
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One kill. Maybe. But even that is not guaranteed. Which is why this whole "I am being punished for running the killer a lot!" mentality is such a joke.
This is like coming in first place in a NASCAR race and then complaining about the state of your tires.
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Bubba can guarantee, at least one kill.
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Oh, I have seen more than enough Bubbas absolutely screw that up to use the word "guarantee".