Anyone struggling to have fun as survivor atm?
I mean iv played for 3 years and I love this game- but now it's just pretty awful
With the most fun part of the game nerfed (chases) and the most boring one being longer (gens), yea it isn't that amazing.
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I've also been playing for a few years, now stopped, need a break, game is no fun at the moment
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I use to play equally before the update. I now play killer a lot more. I'll do survivor if my friends are playing. Right now doing survivor tomes are such a chore.
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I've played twice since the patch dropped. The increased grind and being forced into lower level blood webs killed my motivation to play. Survivor is a miserable experience and I can't play killer like I want since the queues are too long. I probably needed a break anyway.
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SoloQ is literally unplayable so you either have to SWF up or look for a different game. Even if the devs decide that kill rates are too high it's going to take them months and or years to do something about it.
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Survivor tomes are so terrible.
I'm supposed to cleanse totems, but looking for one and actually cleansing it is pretty much damning the team because then gens aren't being done fast enough.
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I am taking break right now from the game.
Killer is good to play but Q times got like 30%-50% longer for me so that's not fun sitting in a que for a duration of a at least half a match.
Survivor (only Solo I can do) is awfull experience, so I skip that.
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I loved playing soloq even thiugh it was pretty bad, now it's pure suffering. It's only decent if you're in a swf
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You can still do some epic chases, you just can't loop a Myers forever on Cowshed quite as easily.
Go and watch Otz and Ayrun doing their HCS prep. They are still killing it.
It's not that bad. About 70 games on survivor since the patch, and I'm doing fine - outside of everyone DCing and suiciding now the second they get hooked.
A few things, such as Nurse being too strong right now and a few perks getting overnerfed could be changed, but I think that this update is a big step in the right direction.
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People who play this game for a living, yes. I have no interest in streamers whatsoever.
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The idea some people have that casual survivors can adapt just as well as DbD streamers, is just as ludicrous as casual survivors thinking they can put on a streamer's build and magically become god loopers.
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You're missing my point.
Most people aren't as good as these chaps, but they are also not facing the same level of opponent as these chaps are facing.
Of course they're not going to be as skilled, but they don't need to be.
My point is that people need to adapt, stop pouting and declaring that the sky is falling, and just focus on playing safer and using the new tools they have. The goal of the patch was to up kill rates, which BHVR wanted higher. Thus, you will escape a bit less.
This is fine. You can still win.
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Killers before this update could still win, your point?
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My point is that the stated intention of the patch was to raise kill rates, because the numbers the devs have showed they weren't high enough.
People are now complaining that they aren't escaping as much.
I'm also saying that if very good survivors can escape versus very good killers, then intermediate survivors can escape versus intermediate killers.
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survivors can still win after this update so your point?
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They're a hit or miss right now. Most are a hit but not by a lot.
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Survivor is still fun though, in fact I'd say I'm having more fun with survivor than I did pre-patch.
Very few games do I just sit on gens all game and not interact with the killer, unlike pre-patch where typically if you weren't found first you probably wouldn't see the killer all game.
Means I die a bit more than I previously did but that's part of the fun. Its basically a slasher flick after all.
My playtime dropped off because hey its summer and actually nice outside.
Increased killer queues have halved the amount of games I play but probably not the amount of time spend in game. Survivor queues are about the same so far, maybe a lil faster during the day.
If you aint having fun by all means take a break, but ask yourself do you have fun playing DBD or do you only have fun when you win? Because the latter will cause you not to enjoy anything much.
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No, not really. Yes, some matches are not fun, but I’ve had some really fun matches too.. I play solo q. Doesn’t feel a whole lot better or worse than before the update.
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Yes, because of survivors DCing
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Where did I say they cant? Quote me on that one
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I'm upset that BHVR increased the score event for surviving. It was bad enough seeing a lot of people go into stealth-for-the-hatch mode after one death. Now I'm seeing more survivors do it from the straight beginning of the match.
I'm so ticked off at this.
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Ok, I'm going to pretend to be a killer-main so I can give survivors the proper response...
I'm a killer-main and I know for a fact that this patch was the best patch ever. I "played" solo-survivor today and it was 4 escapes all day. The killer wasn't even able to hook but 1 person, if that. Once the survivors learn to play without Dead-Hard, which allowed survivors to finish 5 gens and open exit gates every time you pressed "E", then queues will even out.
Killers still haven't gotten enough incentives not to tunnel at-gen-5 or face-camp at-gen-5. The developers should buff killers even more so killers don't have to tunnel at-gen-5 and face-camp at-gen-5, it's really the only way.
Post edited by EQWashu on3 -
I'm not mad that killrates have gone up. I'm frustrated that the game became even less beginner friendly overnight, and that the rampant tunneling and camping cannot be managed if you're not already decent at the game. (If I can't manage a chase for more than 15 seconds, I can't buy enough time for my teammates to do gens, and I'll need to be rescued again)
Also, pre patch, I was seeing a lot of killers saying "Survivors shouldn't just bum rush gens, they are missing the point, they are also supposed to search chests, and cleanse totems, make the game more interesting" when argumenting against "genrushing". But now, taking the time to do any of these things instead of gens is lethal for the team. And the same people are saying "Of course you should only do gens, now you actually have to play the game instead of gallivanting around the map".
So yeah, I do see your point, and I think you're right in that some people have all the tools they need to adapt and have games that feel just as exciting and fun as they were used to. But it doesn't change my frustrations over the game getting less fun for casual survivors, especially beginner ones like myself (who right now, pretty much only escape on the killer's mercy or against a first time killer).
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Over 4k hours here, SOLO-Q survivor main - i switched to play killers, but que times r very long time so i dont play much but still worth waiting rather than to play solo q survivors.
My survive rates has droped a bit much. Well but its not care, i dont need to survive always right ? 2 days ago i had 4 games in row when i had fun, then after i had 5 games in row when somebody DC or suicided on first hook. Btw second day after patch i havent survive in 13 games in row.
Not working matchmaking - u can be even skilled survivor but ur teamates r newbies playing against skilled killer, Lots of DC and suicides on first hook, Killers stacking slowdown perks (3-4 slowdown perks) , Killers camping and tunneling more often i guess (they have more time for that), at some maps killers camping 3-gen with their stacked slowdown perks what is a bit difficult for solo-q survivors to break them, etc etc.
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MMR will help take care of that, once the incentives are back in and queue times normalize.
Yes, this game is a bit killer sided for folks just starting out, because the survivor role and the idea of looping are not something adequately explained in tutorials. Soon though, we'll have bots for newbies to practice against.
You can't balance a game around new players. The best you can do is give them a training mode where they can learn.
It's all a gigantic strawman and exaggeration, and I wouldn't be surprised if the devs aren't really taking much feedback on board right now due to the absurd noise to signal ratio.
Nobody wants killers to 4k every game, and you trying to give this impression is grossly unfair to other players.
The facts here are simple.
The devs have numbers we don't have access to. By those numbers, kill rates weren't high enough. So they buffed killers.
Are more balance changes needed? Sure.
Will they happen? Duh.
Is it going to happen overnight? No.
Is carping on about it like this helping anyone? Absolutely not.
Everyone needs to take a deep breath, focus on adapting for a while and once the dust settles, we can start gradually tweaking stuff.
This us versus them nonsense is ridiculous.
Post edited by EQWashu on2 -
Do I really need to point out the chain of comments that lead to this? Really?
Starlost pointed it out, he never said killers can't win just that kill rates were lower than liked and changes were made to help adjust that, or BHVR's rational for the killer buffs and perk changes.
Your rebuttal "killers can still win what's your point," which is just kinda meaningless and unrelated to what was said, so the counter point to that is survivors can still win so what's you point, again meaningless although this time directly relevant to the rather poor rebuttal you made.
You've based your rebuttal on the claim that killers can still win so why make the changes they made, but survivors can still win so why complain about the changes if that's all you've got to argue with.
If you struggle to understand your own point you will be very bad at making others understand it.
At the risk of sounding snide, and I've probably said this before, but debate is not your strong suit is it?
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StarLost used the argument that survivors can still win games, so the game is ok. So I told them, killers could also still win games before the patch, that doesn't mean much.
Why would I want to debate with you at all? Not only english is not my first language, I also dont care enough.
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I'm having a really good time as solo q! It wasn't always like this at the start: the survivor disconnects were bad and there was still a lot of adjusting to the changes.
However, I'm assuming I've been quite lucky, or there is some blip in the mmr where people who don't dc are being put with others who don't, because for the past couple of days I have had a fair number of survivor matches and only one afk (not even a dc!) team mate. Everyone is working well as a team, and whilst my survival is about 50/50 currently, even if I don't make it I've contributed, as with my other survivor players. I've also not encountered one face camping killer. A few proxy-campers, and whether survivors were near or not they may have had their reasons. So my experience has been good!
However, I can empathise woth those who don't. My builds are always random, and I'm starting to learn Onryo (which I love, by the way!), and I had a couple of matches where there were dc's for early downs. I only wish those guys could see what perks I was running: One was Hex: Thrill Of The Hunt and Unnerving Presence; the other Grim Embrace ... that's it! If they had stayed around they may have found a way to win, but instead they ruined the match. And ultimately, from my experience only, the biggest nerf to survivor out of everything is the quitters.
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No they didn't, in fact they even tried to state you'd missed the point and clarify it further. I'd suggest re-reading what they actually wrote because they do make a valid point.
You're so far off the mark at the moment that the confusion surrounding it is completely understandable.
Lastly the best way to not engage is to stop commenting otherwise you invite a reply/rebuttal.
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I actually got home today at a decent time and normally I would log into DBD, but honestly I just can't. I've lost the desire to. I had a decent day and I know playing Solo Q means my matches will be an absurd circus of camping, tunneling, d/c'ing, bad manners, ridiculously stupid matchmaking- I'm sitting here thinking like; " Do I really want to put myself through this??". Don't think I do. It's not as fun anymore. I didn't need some huge escape rate (Solo survivors NEVER had a high escape rate aside from those people on the forums that claim "I'm a Killer main and I just won 30 Solo Q matches in a row!"). But an escape rate next to nothing- sitting on gens forever, just not appealing.
Also, the Devs eliminated a lot of things that made this game fun for Solos due to these perks making SWF disproportionately strong. Things like clutch save and escape using Deliverence and Decisive Strike. I know Killers say "It's a free escape!!". Not really. They would happen to me once in maybe 30 matches? If that? So most matches they'd be used during and not in endgame anyways. The conditions to get to that point in Solo Q were so stringent that when it actually worked it was a high. Now stuff like that is gone. Hatch and keys gone. The incentive to try to make endgame saves entirely obliterated, and they seem to want Solo Q to be more selfish than ever.
I'm sure next patch they will "buff" survivors by deactivating all survivor perks at EGC. Maybe duct tape our legs together and put cow bells around our necks. Don't want Solo's being overpowered afterall.
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Yep. Solo is practically unplayable and survivors were overly nerfed. Killers had everything handed to them, survivors got nothing. Survivor is miserable now.
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Really? Cause I'm Gold IV now as Solo Survivor and doing just fine. I'd be higher if I also didn't play Killer too for dailies and whenever I'm feeling a Killer game, I'm Silver III as Killer atm.
My build is We'll Make It, Flashbang, Iron Will, and some random 4th perk. Trying out random things with the last one. Pretty sure the problem is most Survivors are just really bad, without their 5-6 freebies for making mistakes repeatedly.
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They need to just punish people for instantly dying. If you go on first hook and try to kobe off and miss 2 skill checks, you are doing the same thing as disconnecting but you don't get a ban for it.
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You can't force ppl to play the game tho.
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Glad it's not just me lol some games I spend my time just battling to get one gen done amidst Jolt, Overcharge, PR, Brine, etc. I don't even remember my current tome challenge until the game is over D:
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I've referred to that as the 'MMR sweet spot'. It's a glorious place.
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In a word: no.
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Not really
They made the main objective significantly more boring to do
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That's weird then why punish for disconnecting?
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It's the same as always, getting screwed by lack of coordination.
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My survivor experience is mostly fine when my teammates aren't DCing 20-30 seconds in because they messed up and got downed.
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As a certified Gen and Heal Jockie, I'm havin a blast!
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Nope, I'm doing fine, and I am mostly a soloQ survivor.
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Game has literally become fun for only killers. If u are a survivor main leveling and grinding bloodpoints takes 2 to 3 times longer than it used to which makes the game less fun by default. Honestly once I get all the teachable skills unlocked on all my survivors. I am going to take a nice long break and not play the game again until they changes things to were u aren't dying 9 times out of 10 in matches as survivor.
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I am generally happy with playing as a survivor, now I have more choice among different perks and I use different builds, the only thing that upsets me is teammates who do not know how to play from the camp and cannot save anyone
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Isnt bloodlust a freebie also? And 4 slowdown perks? When I started playing this game killers needed to find people. Now you can use hundred of aura perks. You can find posts here complaining because they need to go to hit a gen to begin the regression
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Yea I even tried to switch to killer. But the ques are literally worse than ever, so I'm stuck with survivor
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It is truely a thing of beauty!
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I'm still having fun as survivor. The only thing that makes me get angry or frustrated is when survivors don't play altruistic so maybe I get second stage on hook because nobody comes to rescue or they refuse to heal someone and do gens instead so when the killer comes he gets an easy kill.
People need to learn to play as a team now. They are still used to play by his own.