I've lost respect for Killer
And weren't alot of the kill charts averages anyway...that can change drastically depending on various factors....
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The only reason your not seeing toxic survivors is because you are killing all of them every match lol. Game is so killer sided now.
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Good killers win an overwhelming majority of matches, and killrates well over 50 for everyone. I remember Pinhead having close to 70% across the board. This is before the massive killer buffs and survivor nerfs! It blows my mind thinking how high it may be now.
You feel cheated playing as survivor and especially when BHVR thinks killers need even higher killrates. Very strange way to balance and great way to run off the majority of the player base.
Every mechanic rigged against the survivor. The hatch can even be totally denied by killer.
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I feel like we would have a lot fewer of these types of posts if people bothered to play both the killer and the survivor roles. I’ve lost all respect (actually I never had any respect) for people who say the other side is too easy when they exclusively play one role.
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Hatch doesn't matter anyways. The devs don't consider the ability to survive actual skill. So the game takes a hatch escape as a tie.
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Afk pig doesn’t work anymore since they added one more box to her. If you go block a box the whole game now you’ll lose
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People on this forum are talking about this game as if we are playing Street Fighter
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what about the survivors(like my self) who didn't use deadhard or any of the meta perks but still having hard time after this patch?
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Your three teammates were likely using dead hard. Even if you weren't the one using it, you are still likely affected by it's nerf to how prevalent the perk was.
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They are out of touch. It takes a miracle to escape with hatch.
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so I was being carry by a perk I never use ok😒
or it could be that solo sucks and camping and tunneling was a thing before the patch now after the patch solo sucks more and camping and tunneling is a lot easier now.
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Every complaint MUST be related to you no longer being carried by Dead Hard!
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funny because I never used Dead Hard when I had to for challenge I sucked at using it.
or this like a joke post?
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I was trying to make a joke.
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sorry i ruin it.
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Ah, don't worry about it :)
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Survivor respect for Killers, LOL.
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Wow.... Tragic
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We get one killer-sided patch after dozens of survivor-sided ones in a row, and malding is endless holy #########.
The complaining you see about this patch is entirely from the contingency of predominantly below to slightly-above average Survivor players who play killer at a mediocre level if at all. Go play killer. Actually get good. It is not possibly for a sane individual to play against rank 1 SWFs —which is all you get in the red ranks— as any random killer and honestly think that the game is imbalanced in favor of killer.
Project harder. This is a fairer game.
Survivors (not all™) are just bitching because they've grown entitled to results they didn't deserve, and never expected the blade of balance to ever cut the other direction. They even nerfed all of the strongest killer perks and you people still complain.
God forbid you aren't able to just hold W anymore. God forbid you can't rely on your "oops" button to reset or undo any mistake. One of your sources of infinite self-healing isn't quite as strong as the others?? No....say it ain't true doc.... ######### hell dude, you might actually need to play the damn game now. lol
Sucks to suck. Get over it.
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Go play killer? I played both sides. It isn't fun for me anymore. The game sucks now.
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You just proved his point, you numpty.
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What point would that be?
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It's only been one patch and you're saying the game sucks "NOW".
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Yeah, it does. So what? He said I should play killer (I did before I quit) and that I should get good. I wasn't having fun as either role...it is too easy for killer and miserable as survivor (mostly solo). I'm not a god survivor player, but I'm pretty good a lot of the time. The biggest problem on the survivor side is tunneling/camping and gens taking forever to do. It's boring
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It’s a 4v1. If two or three of your teammates used to run DH and don’t now, they’ll have chases that are a lot shorter and now the killer can focus on you more. I also don’t run DH and haven’t for over a year, I haven’t noticed any big changes in this patch as a solo player except that a lot of other survivors are super upset and DC/suicide on hook a lot.
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No, I asked where is your thread claiming those things, you said you dont have one, so that was the point. My post was referring to the ones who made those kinds of threads, you just assumed it was directed at you.
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It's not fairer for solo q players.
They nerfed all the stronger killer perks, while buffing other ones.
You people are obsessed with dead hard. Do you have nightmares every night about someone pressing "e"?
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Yes this is true, and while I do think that survivors need some help very fast, especially against camping and tunneling, the argument that killers now just get free wins and that killer is easy is just way exaggerated, and just not true. A good survivor team can still be very challenging to go against.
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I hate it that all killer main are like this .I hated deadhard too but killer main need to remember that not all survivor are in swf group,but all this update did was push survivor into quiting or making a swf group.
like you don't find it odd killer Q have got way longer after this update
remember if you got an easy 4k game most likely it was 4 solo or maybe you used 3 or 4 slow down perks and camped and tunnel which way easy to do now.
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The unnecessary spam of gen slow down perks + the new gen times are so soul irking.
I like that the perks survivor side were switched up (RIP Iron Will) but the nerf to the hit speed-boost and increase in gen times is silly.
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There was a very long time, that whenever I played Blight or Nurse, I usually had 3 or 4 dead hard survivors in every game. And I'm still claiming that I really didn't see dead hard for distance very much, and I can't even remember the last time someone used dead hard for distance against my nurse. The survivors in my games were mostly pressing E to erase their mistakes, multiple times, in every game I played.
I also have absolutely no idea what you've been doing in your games. I'm most definitely a meta killer main, but my solo q matches usually aren't anywhere near as bad as what you're claiming solo q matches to be. Sometimes MMR matches us with killers way above our MMR, but it also sometimes gives us potato killers, that I can chase around for a long time. I might have a bit of an extra advantage, because I've played Blight and Nurse so much that I know what to do in chases against them, but I'm really not seeing these horrible sad stories of people losing 30 survivor matches in a row, and I've been doing just fine with completing the survivor challenges in this rift.