Patch 6.1.0 is not what I expected.

Impailer Member Posts: 97

Right now, gen slowdown is 85% and gen regression is 15%. Also, the change was meant for players not to rely on second chances or stack generator perks, at high level it seems like you still have to stack generator perks still. So, what did this accomplish? Very little, I think. Survivors still run dead hard because it is still a second chance, unbreakable and adrenaline still haven't been touched and boon perks are still super strong. The only change I can see that worked is the DS change. However, survivor meta is still the same, run second chances, same thing, different perks. On the gen regression side very disappointed at the pop and corrupt changes. I feel you get punished for preforming well. Just my thoughts and opinions. What does everyone else think?


  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I’ve never complained about Unbreakable and I slug pretty frequently. Yeah it’s annoying on the odd occasion I lose a kill because someone with Unbreakable gets up and gets hatch or something but that’s life. 🤷‍♂️ But really it’s kind of on par with Deliverance which lets you get off a hook 100% of the time but I don’t see complaints about that perk. (Technically Deliverance can be used twice per game instead of just once as well, but does have the downsides of causing Broken status and also requiring a precondition of saving someone else.)

  • Zephinism
    Zephinism Member Posts: 542

    I think as a survivor half your loadout being 2nd chance/anti tunnel is a pain. I like that it disables in endgame but I dont like the reduced DS stun time.

    I've enjoyed playing killer more and have been getting more grabs and my chases are generally shorter since survivors make less distance. Haven't really noticed the pallet/wall/gen break speed increase.

    I don't like the tax on prestiging, it seems completely pointless to spend a whole match worth of BP just to prestige.

    New bloodlust change is bad and is just telling us instead of fixing map tiles they'd rather buff a band-aid mechanic for killers who take loops incorrectly or can't catch a survivor because the tile generation is busted.

    Some of the new loops are pretty disgusting especially on suffocation pit & groaning storehouse. On Storehouse yesterday I had a gym, rock pallet, shack with window facing into the new tile with 2 windows and a pallet which I was able to loop a semi-decent Spirit on for 4 generators.

    SBMM isn't working correctly. Solo-queue is in an even worse state than it was pre-update. Self-care, Iron Will, Calm Spirit, Tinkerer, Hex Ruin and Decisive Strike are all terrible now and nearly every survivor perk that was changed are still not worth running.

    The decent perk updates to come out of this update for Survivor are Distortion, Déjà Vu, Hope, Lightweight, Lucky Break and Off the Record.

  • Dunkinspunkin
    Dunkinspunkin Member Posts: 191

    I think you're 100% wrong.

    First of all, you can't say "half my perks" then pick two huge categories like second chance and anti tunnel. That's like saying omg i spend half my income on food, clothes, rent, entertainment, and my car! You can write it out like that but you're describing a great deal. A killer will often choose perks that give him slowdown, chase, and information(auras). You're doing the same. You can pick between perks that offer second chance, better chase (exhaustion), better gens, or utility.

    Prestige tax means nothing. I can't imagine why you'd whine about 20k (less than 1 game's blood points) after you were just handed TONS of free perks by the new prestige system.

    MMR works great. Right now, the queue times are long so MMR isn't as much of a factor. That's how it's SUPPOSED to work. Unless you want 30 miniute queues while BHVR finds the most perfectest players ever for you.

    Bloodlust change also makes perfect sense. Some loops are very strong and safe, and you probably can't expect low level killers to know that. So while a good survivor can loop a killer for multiple gens, it sounds like that was happening too much at lower ranks. If all you're doing is running around the exact same tile over and over again, bloodlust will force you to either change it up/drop chase or go down. That's perfectly reasonable. After all, you might like running around the same pallet for 5 minutes but the killer does not. It's a very, very slight catchup mechanic (one I never really get to use).

    It's funny to me that you can complain about bloodlust while also complaining that looping a good spirit was too easy for you. Make up your mind maybe.; The two run opposed to each other.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Here's the thing.

    What else are killers going to run?

    The only good lethality perk is STBFL, because stuff like CC and BF are tied to hexes, and hexes suck.

    People used to run BBQ for BP, but that was nerfed to a...very niche perk.

    The only strongish info perks now are Discordance (which far too many people sleep on), Retribution (tied to, guess what - hexes, and can be easily broken itself) and IAE, which is also very niche.

    Thus, people will put on perks that they know will likely help them consistently during the match rather than perks that might help them once or twice.

    Corrupt is totally fine now. It's strong, but won't allow you those insanely frustrating snowballs off a super early down as easily.

    The goal wasn't to remove Dead Hard, it was to reign it in. I like that it's still useful.

    DS change silly, 3 seconds is far too short for a once-off. I'm fine with it not working at the endgame, and that change would have been more than sufficient.


    Unbreakable is completely fine.

    A big part of the killer changes is that they are supposed to result in less unfun playstyles, like heavy slugging, camping and tunneling. I wouldn't be too sad to see a buff to Unbreakable and DS to make this more true, but I'm also a bit tired of bandaid solutions via 'run this perk always or you might autolose'.

    Frankly, some perks (DS, Unbreakable)...I'd be happy to see these made baseline in some form.

    Shattered Hope is another of these.

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 940

    What are you saying ? I still run the same build than before patch corrupt-deadlock (the lazy build) + anything, I rarely kick gens and I win most games, jolt is pretty good with this build too

    and if you didn't notice everyone is running thana - plaything/pentimento - call of brine/overcharge/eruption, maybe just stop using pop and corrupt

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    I've seen one penti in maybe 50 games now. On a Plague. And she got destroyed.

    I love Penti, but it's very easy to counter.

    Thana...I'm seeing a lot of, but I'm not convinced that anyone besides Legion really uses it well. It's a psychological perk.

    Other regression perks are fine, they can all be countered and if you're dedicating all your perks to regression, you're badly short of info.

  • amazing_grace
    amazing_grace Member Posts: 734

    Now that things are starting to become normal again, my games are slightly harder in soloq on average, but still possible to be done. I actually started tracking my games last night and I was escaping over 50% of the time.

    It could be that the killer MMR got inflated a bit from last week disaster so I went against some killers too high or could be from the night before last night where I was dying almost every match (bad teammate night).

    I'll definitely say that my perks have changed since the update. I can kind of run whatever perk I want now and it doesn't affect the game too much. Before, I pretty much always ran unbreakable, WGLF, and BT because I felt like I had to or risk losing the game. BT for unhooks obviously, and unbreakable/WGLF to deal with slugs. I'm not running unbreakable anymore because I found most killers aren't slugging like they used to, so I haven't found the need to use it.

    Prestige Tax is annoying, the more annoying part to me is not only them adding a prestige node that costs 20k but essentially making you have to buy an extra bloodweb as well. Before you could prestige level 50 without buying anything, now it's an extra bloodweb plus 20k. Pretty steep ngl.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,436

    Thana is mostly psychological. If, and this is usually a big if, the Killer can keep all survivors injured from start to finish of a gen it will add roughly as much time to the gen as the old Pop took away from a gen at 25% progress or more with the disadvantage that Thana isn't reuseable like Pop is.

    With all the healing options keeping most Survivors injured is only a decent option for Legion or Plague.

    I hardly ever see Penti either but an easy counter to the Plaything plus Penti combo is just ignore Plaything. The Killer will probably get a couple more downs depending on the situational awareness of the survivors but a perk has to have some value or there's no point in it existing.

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 940

    Yes most common build is the kicking gen build with CoB/overcharge, I think thana is popular because it's just easy to use, annoying passive effect and you don't have to think too much about it, I'm using corrupt -deadlock for the same reason

    and yes even if slowdowns are still meta you can actually win games with chase builds or aura reading builds this patch

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,122

    Unbreakable is polarizing because only the highest skill/highest risk-taking killers can pull off a mass slug near the end of the game, because you're gonna lose otherwise, and if 1 survivor has 1 perk (Unbreakable), you lose the whole thing, because they're all gonna get picked up, heal, and never let you slug them again. Sometimes it does nothing, and that's fine. But it's those matches right there that make it super frustrating. If it was going to be nerfed, the one I would suggest is you shouldn't be able to get the faster recovery speed after you've used it to pick yourself up. That's similar to how Balanced Landing was nerfed.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077


    Or just boon the Playthings (nobody runs SH).

    Is it?

    I'm seeing Pain Resonance, or ye olde PR+DMS more, often coupled with Thana.

    Overcharge+COB is great on mobility killers, or killers that can kick fast. On slower or setup based killers, I'm not a fan of it.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,247

    It didn't shake up the meta at all if we're being honest. Slowdown/regression is still far and away the meta on killer. The perks just have different names.

    Survivor is kind of a mess because nothing is clearly good right now. There are lots of strong things you can do as a group with 16 perks, but you can't coordinate that unless you're on comms. On an individual level, everything is kind of meh.

  • ownoka
    ownoka Member Posts: 36

    BHVRs only optics (and this is a huge miss on their part) is exceptional laptop players and their own assumptions based on data. Data gives you no insight to player experience - the one thing you need to design a good game. So, I think what we are already seeing is survivors only doing gen repair to pip. Once a killer killed a survivor, if there are still 4 or more gens to be done, then people stop doing gens. I think its smart way to play for survivors and an act of protest too. With BHVR making it exceptionally harder for console players by not only messing with gen work, but increasingly removing palettes and jungle gyms from games is to learn new ways to run the killer. Killers do what they've always done - gen pressure and hook watch. With gen pressure now being taken care of by BHVR masterminds, Killers are staying close to hooks. So we are seeing a doubling down on tunneling, slugging and camping. Killers are given a huge lopsided gift and BHVR could not predict what Killers would resort to these tactics en masse. Fun.

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,690

    Adrenaline, you could argue about whether or not it should pause if you're on hook or whatnot. What *can't* be argued is that it wakes you up if you're against Freddy, which is straight up unfair; it's one of the few perks with a function to specifically counter a single killer, which is something the devs claim they want to do away with.

    Unbreakable? Unbreakable is just a powerful perk that's been a powerful perk since its inception. Even if you don't get off the ground, your ability to recover quickly means the killer cannot slug you. And that's something that is severely undervalued, because this perk exists, killers have to be careful and strategic of who/when they slug survivors. A single well timed UB can win the game, not to mention crippling killers such as Twins or Oni who are very slug heavy.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    I did not know Adrenaline woke you up against Freddy, that's something I could see changing. I do think it activating when off the hook is important for endgame plays.

    As for Unbreakable, it might be my own frustrations talking, but in my opinion, if a killer resorts to slugging, a.k.a enforcing an extremely boring game on the survivors, the killer kinda deserves to have one of the survivors use Unbreakable. Also, isn't that the point of a perk that when well used or well timed, it can win you (not even talking about your teammates) the game ? Plus it's only used once. If you slug the survivor a second time, the survivor won't be able to heal a second time.

  • Wewantjason
    Wewantjason Member Posts: 288
    edited July 2022

    frankly youre right, and my games where the survivors dont QUIT and use those same perks (except for ds, that needs reversing) are the exact same as before, i feel a slight buff and they can run the same builds. i had a dwight dead hard me FOUR times in one game the other day. its harder for survivors to use now, but its also HARDER FOR KILLERS TO BAIT.

    people actually think most killers players have .5 second timing? HA. Thats funny.

    cant dead hard for distance is a crock of butter. because they deadhard, get endurance and get to the pallet or tile anyway. dead hard doesn't stop things like torment/traps etc anymore, but it was not nearly the nerf everyone says. i still run it just fine frankly.

    that being said, none of the other survivor perks you mentioned are problematic. survivors need some second chance perks, period. adrenaline only works in end game and still isn't an auto win. ive killed people when its proced. unbreakable only works ONCE per game ,and only if the killer allows it to work. also fine.

    corrupt being nerfed only hurts campers. corrupt is fine atm. it is 2 minutes. if you find a survivor and chase them and still have time to do it a second time in two minutes, youre cracked at the game. generally speaking the average killer gets their first down and corurpt is nearly deactivated at that point anyway, or maybe half gone. not really a huge loss here.