Anyone struggling to have fun as survivor atm?
I mean I’m gold- but that means crap all. Still had an awful time getting to it lol
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Solo q been rough and Flashbangs taking longer to get is horrible. This plus the fact my map offerings (brown and yellow ones) are now retired it's been tough.
However I'm still enjoying it a bit.
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No having a lot of fun actually, by playing different games :)
What is this a dictatorship?
Regardless of how bad it is for the other players, you can't force people to play the game. Also, that little scenario you sketched would suck in those games where you're hoping to kobe and rescue teammates or to escape, and then what? You should get banned for it?
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I am having a ton of fun....when no one quits
frankly i love the patch and perk changes to the meta.
point blank killers are not ruining my survivor games. other survivors are.
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When playing solo survivor the result feels unearned. If I escape it is because the killer didn't hard tunnel the first hook. If I don't, it is because the killer did, or played an easy-to-win killer like Nurse or Blight.
When playing killer if I want to win I just tunnel the first hook and win automatically. It's such uninspiring gameplay.
I've also been playing for like 5 years now, and this is definitely a real low-point. Things felt bad when Legion was first released, but there was hope that they would be fixed. Right now...? It feels like this is what the devs want, and it is just completely the opposite of skilled, fun gameplay.
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I rarely play these days but came back to try out a few games after the big patch I saw they released.
I actually had more fun than I had had in a long time, I like how they finally dealt with broken stuff like DH so the old stale survivor meta is now pretty much dead. It made me play around with perks/builds that I had no motivation to use since the usual meta was just a no brainer to not use.
The first games were rough though, ngl but after adapting I had fun. Though I doubt I will ever grind away as many hours as I did in the past...
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A lot of the survivor solo q experience is due to ppl dcing in some sort of protest or suiciding. That has made matches less fun.
other than that I’ve enjoyed survivor solo about the same. Chases have been more thoughtful than before. I’ve had more interaction with other survivors due to other survivors getting on gens together. Im not high MMR so maybe that’s why Im not struggling like other ppl are claiming.
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Ive been having more fun playing survivor than ever, especially with shorter queue times so its a big win from me, if it wasnt for bad survivors dcing and killing themselves on first hook itd be even better. I dont even have to care on the rate occasion i get camped or tunnelled out because the next game is only seconds away
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I used to play the game almost every day in my spare time. Now I play a couple of matches and feels like its enough for the entire day.
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Yeah the queue times are insanely good for survivor now, big change from before the patch
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No. Survivors are overnerfed and morale is extremely low.
I feel survivor is nothing but a cesspool of new players because there is really nothing attractive long-term for the role.
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It's borderline unplayable. I'm fairly sure I ended up in MMR hell from all of the ragequitting teammates and now my games are filled with bad players when they're not filled with 5-gen DCs. And with the killer buffs, increased game time, and perks that penalize gens when a teammate goes down, it's much harder to carry a deadweight teammate than it used to be.
Had to take a break; it's just too frustrating right now to put up with.