The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!


Beemo Member Posts: 26

PLEASE & im sorry but! This map is HORRENDEOUS and something needs to be done to this map, it is 10 times worse than hawkings were.

Everytime i get this map no matter what side i play i just HATE it and it is a PAIN to try and navigate in that ######### of a maze.

RPD MAP 66 votes

LaMupfelWalterBlackich_häng_mal_rumaeonskulTatariuWampiritaN8dogoporopolistDEMONANCErvzrvzrvzDootLordNihil 12 votes
Hail_to_the_KingF60_31brokedownpalaceReikoMoriMrPenguinteaMattie_MayhemOGmewmewGhouled_MojoKill_Yr_Idol83AnnoyingNarratorGannTMAnchorTeaEve13GuiltiiPSPDBDVultureAlex_jesterkindPetforces 28 votes
RPD is good, keep as it is
MiriamGAven_FallenChordycepsTaigaRokku_RorruHellraisingPredatorGlamourousLeviathanEmealIsJustMeElcopolloArchAbhorDanyonettaKateMain86EvilSerjeMarc_123herbaljellyfishINoLuvGressjaymiechancatnipthegreat 26 votes


  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    They already said that RPD will be reworked into several smaller maps, but I don't know.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763

    I thought they just said they were reworking it, they never specified what they were doing with it.

  • Danyonetta
    Danyonetta Member Posts: 98
    RPD is good, keep as it is

    I love RPD. Never played Resident Evil but I just love indoor maps :)

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374
    RPD is good, keep as it is

    I love the RPD map. Yes I am a big RE fan but the map itself is fun for me. I like the fact I've played on it probably over a hundred times and its still scary to navigate and not always know where I'm going. I just wish there was more to it like wandering lickers and zombie jump scares. I really hope the rework doesn't change it too much and I'll be sad to see the current one as it is not be the same.

  • AnchorTea
    AnchorTea Member Posts: 1,019

    Once you learnt the layouts, you can cut survivors off as killer. Some of the structures and hallways can honestly lead into some engaging mindgames. That's really the only thing map has for except it's crazy quality in graphics.

    It's just too claustrophobic. I've only entered the library twice ever. Some parts of it are just worthless. I see where the devs were going on certain areas but all in all it does need a rework.

  • INoLuv
    INoLuv Member Posts: 464
    RPD is good, keep as it is

    Survivor sided like most maps, resident evil deserve

  • N8dog
    N8dog Member Posts: 541

    Indoor Red forest... I didn't think such a travesty was even POSSIBLE!

  • Slan
    Slan Member Posts: 306
    RPD is good, keep as it is

    I know people consider RPD like the in-game hell, but once you get to know the map, things are much easier. I personally like the concept of a big indoor map with several floors. Survivors have it difficult to find gens and killers have to take their time as well to get to places. It is a strange kind of balance for me, but it is balance after all.

  • ArchAbhor
    ArchAbhor Member Posts: 847
    RPD is good, keep as it is

    Love this map. People who dont like it usually refuse to learn it and when they are on it just complain the whole time instead of learning it. 1/2 the Dbd community in a nutshell

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,924
    RPD is good, keep as it is

    I like RPD, its one of my fav maps as Killer.

    I like that its a different experience, something different from the regular game.

    As long as its balanced fairly, I do not have a problem.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    Sorry but the map is just too big. When you have a map that is 9000m² it's generally fair to all killers based on size. Maps that are big allow you to just run away from the killer with no consequence.

    Consider Coal tower as a perfect example. If you run away from your generator towards other loops you are almost certain to suddenly expose a second survivor in a loop to a chase. This is what needs to happen to make the game fair.

    The killer is "expected" to pressure multiple survivors at once. That type of pressure only happens on large maps when a killer hooks and camps a survivor around 3 generators that are completely untouched. Is that healthy? No.

    Small maps are healthy for DBD.

  • Slingshot47
    Slingshot47 Member Posts: 158

    RPD is an absolute nightmare for most killers. The size wouldn't be so bad if it weren't so painful to navigate from one part of the map to the other (thank God I've actually played RE2 Remake or else it would be impossible). The convoluted layout makes hooking survivors near impossible if the one hook near you has been disabled, as it takes too long to get to another one. Many pallets in this map are in hallways or other rooms where you have no choice but to break them in order to move.

    Survivors know this too; most of the map offerings I see as killer are for this map. You can tell immediately that they mean to give you a hard time.

    The map could reasonably be divided into multiple maps, especially if it were expanded to include parts of the surrounding area or the underground. Heck, come to think of it, the streets of Raccoon City itself would make pretty good map material.

  • Kill_Yr_Idol83
    Kill_Yr_Idol83 Member Posts: 213

    I love RE and I love the idea of having RPD as a map in the game but as a killer main, it's atrocious. If you're not lucky enough to have a teleporting or high mobile killer when sent there, you already have the chips stacked against you. Like have you ever tried navigating Billy or Blight through those doorways?! Try setting things up as Trapper? Be Ina chase as Hag?! And that backhalf of the map (bottom floor, behind the main stairs) is an absolute nightmare!! One wrong turn and you're back in a circle again, trying to remember the hallway that let's you back out of that area no matter how many times you've found yourself in that predicament. Halve that #########!!

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140
    RPD is good, keep as it is

    I love the map, and I feel like it's just as hard for killer as it is for survivors, so... Beautiful and somewhat balanced?

    I'd appreciate variations of the map, so I'm not against cutting it in different sections, but the map's okay in my books.

  • Petforces
    Petforces Member Posts: 42

    For me its not the size, but the layout. If every room just had another way in and out, or a breakable door. I think I would not hate the map.

  • VicRatlhead
    VicRatlhead Member Posts: 75
    RPD is good, keep as it is

    Only thing I'd like is if they added some doors or windows to some of the dead ends. Maybe some breakable doors for the killers. It can be such a maze even when you're playing killer and see all the gen auras. Otherwise I'm fine with it.