Distortion is Cracked... When it's used.

Now that Distortion got its buff, I'd like to just gush about it a bit.
It was always a strong perk, it's just restricted.
We all know what it does, it blocks aura reading if you have a token available, and now you can recharge tokens while in the killer's terror radius. Which you're in it more often than ya think.
However, it obviously just does nothing if the killer doesnt have any aura reading perks. But, at least for me, I'd rather have that security than not. Especially since some of the best killers like Nurse and Blight will 9 times out of 10 run Aura perks, usually BBQ and Chili. Ya know, the perk Distortion was DESIGNED to counter.
And yeah, I get running OTR could give the same effect, but that's only for 80 seconds AFTER I get unhooked. Running them together however is... MINDBOGGLING. If ya like stealth, run that.
But anyway, what do you guys think of Distortion?
Perk is absolutely amazing now
being able to counter floods of rage nurses calling or bbq and chili an entire game is just so nice
Not worrying about an entire category of perks
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Distortion is amazing and works great for countering killer builds that just have one aura reveal perk(think just running BBQ, or just running I'm all ears, or any of the killer addon's that reveal survivor auras). It really only fails at it's goal if the killer brings multiple aura info perks which is an extremely rare build.
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distortion is carrying me in solo q
not only does it keep me from being read by aura perks, now that it can recharge i have it 99% of every match. ive had ONE game where i ran out of tokens for large portions of the game. killer had so much aura reading distortion conked out lol
plus if youre smart you get soooo much info. i main killer so when i lose a token i almost always figure out the killers build and then play around it. totally cucked a dredge today.
depending on when a token is lost as follows
start of match: killer has lethal pursuer. not only am i safe and can go to a gen unhassled (literally almost always finish my first gen unbothered because of this) since the lethal buff it means 99% chance the killer has another aura perk or addon.
killer opens locker and i lose token, darkness revealed
killer hooks someone and i losea token that means bbq. if they don't have it i can safely not worry about being found after a hook. i had a teammate today who hid EVERY time someone got hooked (obviously to avoid bbq) and i kept waving and shaking my head no but he didn't understand.
survivor unhooked and i lose a token? i know they have floods of rage and also that hook is a scourge hook.
gen pops and i lose a token? bitter murmur.
gate opens and someone is hooked, oh boy they have blood warden.
i get a great skill check and lose a token? hello gearhead!
not to mention all the killer addons i figure out.
that dredge game (i main dredge, bubba, legion, doctor) i love his aura addons. he has one that triggers on third teleport and one that triggers if you lock lockers. i locked a locker by my gen. i didn't lose a token. i knew he didn't have the addon.
if you actually KNOW the game and aren't just casual, distortion is absolutely cracked now. getting the tokens back is so easy too. i routinely go down and up and have maybe 7 or 8 times if not more. i dont even count how many. i think it would be more fair if it started at 6 tokens and didn't regain them. but atm it is my favorite perk. so much information its ridiculous, low tier players really sleep on this one. the highest tier players though im sure- like otz and dowsey- probably don't need it. but id say the bottom 90% of players could dominate with this. def saving me in solo q.
as for *when its used*. honestly it is so rare i don't see aura perks im not taking it off for any reason
but also thats even information. if i never lose a token then i know the killer has no aura perks. that is HUGE information. i dont need to worry about aura add ons, i dont have to hide from the killer i just need to keep map awareness of where they are, i dont need to leave my gen because i think bbq or something else will proc
knowing the killer has no aura perks in and of itself is worth a perk slot to me on the rare occasion it happens.
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I've seen a few of those, specifically on a Legion with BBQ and Stylish sunglasses. But because the meter goes up when you're in their TR, you can kinda treat it like a Spine Chill. Needless to say I never got caught XD
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I ran it while doing a gen challenge and it felt like very few people at my MMR use aura perks anymore. There was maybe 1 lethal and a few BBQs, I'd say about 70% of my games it sat at 3 stacks and never moved.
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I hate to say it because I like using it, but I actually think it's too strong now. 95% of the time when I use it, the killer never sees my aura even if they have multiple aura perks. Imo, it should be useful for hiding your aura, just not for the entire match.
But even if the killer doesn't have aura reading that itself is worthy of a perk slot imo. Knowing the killer doesn't have certain perks or addons is extremely valuable.
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I experience that a bit too, but ey I dont mind. The games it DOES come in handy, OH BOY it comes in handy.
Hell even if it doesnt do anything at least you can say "Well, they dont see mee at least"
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Totally useless. The killer can’t see you, but he would see any other surv, and this is a team game and you can’t escape alone
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i forgot to mention that but yeah, anytime it starts going up and i dont hear the terror radius too loudly yet i know killer is going to be close asap. really is a mini spine chill (very mini but it is.)
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did you not read any of the examples any of us have given? knowing you can do a gen without being seen means a siginificantly lower chance of the killer patrolling that gen. more gens popping means the quicker the team escapes. having one person do gens safely is a HUGE benefit. not to mention being able to determine most if not all of the killers build is cracked. my guy seriously did you just comment without reading the whole thread?
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It's one of my favorite perk to run.
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Staple perk in my builds
I've been using it even before the buff to "scout" the killer's build, now with the option to recharge the tokens it's simply so good, even though the duration is not as clear as before
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I don't understand why they changed the way it looks
It's genuinely confusing on when your token ends
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Most likely because now it uses the same effect when you're in the killer's terror radius and the two effects could conflict, like if you're healing in the TR while the killer has nurse's calling, the timer would need to tick down because Distortion activated AND tick up because you're recharging a token at the same time
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Run it with Calm Spirit and you're practically invisible. 😉
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It's an interesting perk that I've always liked for sure and I enjoy its ability to regain stacks now as well. It does feel sucky when you get no use out if it though; However, its stacks also get shredded through quicker than it can be regained I've noticed if the killer is running an entire aura build. But besides me, I don't know many killers that do that. Most bring 1-2 but rarely more and because of that, it is very useful and fun to use if you plan on wanting to stay hidden out of and during chase.
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I ran Distortion a few times and it usually never got activated once. Tell more people to use it when I play Killer please.
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you say that, but knowing when it doesnt activate tells you exactly when you're safe to continue what you're doing. It's equally useful when it wouldve activated, than knowing that it didnt in those same situations.
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I literally said this multiple times but no one cares to actually read the threads and take in opposing view points. Knowing that the killer has zero aura perks or addons not only tells you that you can do anything you want all game without being found, it helps learn the killers build.
If you know the killer perks/addons well enough you can easily eliminate atleast half of the strats they have avialable and deduce the build from there and play around it. If I run distortion and figure out the killer has no aura perks, that 100% impacts my game play and how i interact with the team. point blank. had a leon earlier kept leaving our gen to get in a locker every time someone was downed. I know he assumed there was bbq. i kept doing the come here motion and teabagging to get him back on the gen and he wouldn't do it. We were on the last gen and this was still happening and because of the time wasted in the locker the gen didn't pop.
Distortion is busted and people just dont understand some of the more advances nuances of knowing the map/builds being run or how to infer information. they need information directly fed into them.
I've popped SO MANY gens recently just because I knew they didn't know I was on it, and I've saved myself SO many times from seeing the token proc and figuring out which aura perk they had based on what made it proc. Then once out of tokens i knew which aura perk they had (locker time for bbq, move away if someone gets unhooked cuz of floods of rage, dont lock lockers if dredge has his locker add on. etc.)
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Distortion is amazing for swf
You can call all the perks the killer is using and tell your friends
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It's always been useful for sacrificing the rest of your team so you can escape or do challenges unharassed, it's good if you don't want to engage with the killer but not much else, and you're putting more pressure on your teammates for the most part.
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When a survivor uses stealth perks, it just encourages the killers to tunnel the other survivors. There have been so many games where 1 or 2 of the survivors are immersed, and it's their fault that I'll just keep chasing and hooking the other survivors that I can find.