Solo Que Survivor and Thana Legion.

Gorik Member Posts: 175

I'm bored of hearing people blame killers for bad Solo que experiences.

Other then STBFL, the only thing that screws me over is team mates, every single time.

The MMR is clearly not working or there are massive issues with Survivor not being played.

But since the update the only thing that has gotten me killed is teams mates.

And I don't mean they don't unhook.

I'm talking 5 gens against a Wraith and EVERYONE goes down trying to take hits when I am on first hook kind of bad.

Dwights that block the only way we can run away from the Killer who is basically holding our hand in distance, because he can't move his camera and understand he is blocking everyone from moving because he wants heals.

Yet a 4 man escape against a face camping Bubba with team mates that know how to play, it says it all really doesn't it.

Also yes Thana is on every Legion no fricken duh!

I have 2k hours as killer and after the update I got all perks, that means I finally for the first time got Thana on Legion, so stop complaining about it ffs, now that everyone actually has the perks they want on their killers your going to see it a lot more, like Infectious on Oni to name another.


  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    I think it's fair game to blame killers when it comes to tunneling and camping at five gens, especially since it's hard to communicate as solo and especially in low mmr where survivors are flailing around doing their best but it not being enough (very low % of people willingly throwing games here, just... being new. And therefore bad. Being new against (even bad) killers has become very very lethal.)

    That being sad, I'm a bit tired of people hating on Legion (as if they were not hated enough pre update ! I had so many DCs and suicides before the update already) because of Thana. This perk was always good on them, it got even better, sure. But Legion is still not that lethal, and at least their power makes it so that they rarely tunnel.

    I personally don't run Thana on Legion, I prefer Nurse's Calling because in low mmr people still heal against Legion and therefore gens don't pop that fast anyway.

  • Sludge
    Sludge Member Posts: 768
    edited July 2022

    There's no way for a killer to know who's SWF and who's Solo, there's no way to know if you got matched vs noobs or seal team 6. Can't expect killers to adjust their play style mid match because by then it's too late. if it's a problem mechanics need to prevent it, we can't rely on self policing.

    They play how they want to win and if you pick a weak killer in the first place you're already taking it easy on your opponent.

  • Wewantjason
    Wewantjason Member Posts: 288
    edited July 2022

    Im a legion main. I just lost to a legion

    I REALLY want to press a point

    Prepatch legion and Plague BOTH ran thana and no one cared.

    Prepatch legion and plague- the rule was DONT heal and DONT cleanse

    every single game since the patch "oh no its thana" really? you think that small buff changed things THAT much?!?! Both AS legion and against them I see survivors sitting there butts on totems and chests. just now i ran past TWO open chests, and after i died watch a steve do a totem. I dont CARE about how much longer it makes gen takes when half the players aren't even DOING the generators in the first place

    More importantly, EVERY match I see people healing. EVERY match I see them cleansing. Go ahead and heal against legion. youre just going to get injured again, have to MEND again, then heal again if youre playing that way. There is a time to heal sure, but people are suddenly healing EVERY time, and cleansing EVERY time. It's infuriating hearing people complain about this when for no real reason everyone just stopped playing correctly.

    Not to mention everyone ALSO complaining about the camping and tunneling, and legion is the WORST KILLER IN THE GAME FOR CAMPING AND TUNNELING. Literally if legion tunnels you their ENTIRE KIT becomes disabled, and you are just playing against another survivor who has a knife. point blank.

    Killers cannot win for losing in this game when it comes to complaints. seriously. "we hate campers and tunnellers but we ALSO hate the ONE killer who cannot do that thing because that killer is slightly more annoying than usual". That is the entire argument.

  • Gorik
    Gorik Member Posts: 175
    edited July 2022

    True that.

  • Gorik
    Gorik Member Posts: 175

    I just played a match where I went on second hook whilst the other 3 people, none of whom had been damaged or even hooked, stood around me to scared to move because they where on the edge of the killers terror radius. I went stage 2.

    After Not being tunneled, the Killer finally found me again and yeah with a Slinger I didn't last to long....

    But to my not so surprised aura reading eyes, all 3 of them where self caring in different corners of the map as I died.... But hey Killer tunneled, Death Slinger OP, nerf killer, buff Selfcare to 200% and built im insta heal or I quit, is likely what they will say.

    And the iceing on the cake, is they would likely complain Gens take to long, funny how long gens take when you self care against SLOPPY BUTCHER!!!!

  • Sludge
    Sludge Member Posts: 768
    edited July 2022

    Survivors have been crying about BBQ for years they don't understand the game at all, it doesn't matter if Legions play style promotes spreading hits. They'd rather be be camped and tunnelled by a Nurse then mend.

  • Wewantjason
    Wewantjason Member Posts: 288

    I wish I could give you more upvotes. Ive died TWICE today because of teammates healing instead of unhooking. Worse than that they weren't JUST selfish they were dumb. They still ran to the hook even though the hud SHOWS how close you are to dying, and got found and injured again anyway. I understand new players. But if I watch you loop well and you have perks from four different survivors and a specialty skin, you should know better at this point.

  • Gorik
    Gorik Member Posts: 175
    edited July 2022

    Speaking of perks, though, why is everyone using Thana!?!? I have seen it on Drs and trappers, im like ugh wouldn't pop be better... proper little Meta sniffers or something? i still love BBQ, it was always about the Aura, BP was just a bonus for me.

  • Wewantjason
    Wewantjason Member Posts: 288

    I haven't been found by bbq a single time since I started running distortion. In fact I haven't been found AT ALL unless I ran into the killer. I just run distortion and sit on gens and take the chase once I'm found/i realize its my turn to take chase

    By the way, if you play survivor and don't understand you have to intentionally take the aggro sometimes, YOURE a part of the tunneling/camping problem. Of COURSE someone is going to get tunneled out if you HIDE all game and the killer can only find the same one or two people over and over. three people hooked already and one death hooked, and the potato wants to hide because the terror radius is near by.

  • Gorik
    Gorik Member Posts: 175

    Thanks brother.... But yeah I actually started thinking that either MMR is turned off, or they have put real Bots in the game and not told anyone, which tbh BHVR would absolutely do... Like the insta vault, that's no accidental bug, they are blatantly thinking of increasing vault speed to counter the less distance survs get now.

  • Wewantjason
    Wewantjason Member Posts: 288

    Thana has always been decent. Better on some killers than others but never bad.

    The reason is thana was buffed. It slows down gens a lot. Gen speeds went up, which is an indirect buff to thana, so it was basically double buffed really. It forces players to choose: do i heal my injured state and be healthy and counter thana but also wasting time i could be on gens, or stay injured and do the gen slowly.

    Most survivors do not grasp this concept: dbd is a TIME MANAGEMENT game. Every second not spent on a gen is throwing. Period. Healing is time you could be on a gen, totems are time you could be on a gen, hiding is time you could be on a gen, taunting the killer is time you could be on a gen, and chests are time you could be on a gen.

    healing is the ONLY exception here to "throwing" but even then, so many survivors are so scared of being injured even if the obessions claws are bouncing and you know the killer is chasing someone on the opposite end of the map. Being injured when the killer isn't around is fine. Do the gens! heal after! if the killer comes back just run or hide or something.

    Thana is a great perk but frankly if people just stay on their gens and dont heal until forced, it doesn't do much. The strength in thana is PARTIALLY gen slow down. The REAL strength is making survivors heal because *THAT IS STILL A FORM OF GEN SLOWDOWN* since they aren't on gens, and the killer just comes back, injures you again anyway, and boom you are right back to square one

    The concept of thana is basically a mini-legion that can be placed on any killer. Does the survivor heal or do gens.

    But considering how many survivors open admit to "gens are boring" and dont do them in the first place, its just obscenely powerful atm. Not because its actually strong but because of the psychology of the players reaction to it.

  • Alcuin
    Alcuin Member Posts: 460

    Killers run Thana because Thana is strong on all killers. Just because it's broken on Plague and Legion doesn't mean it's not strong on the rest of the killer roster.

    As to your point about solo survivors giving up, it's pretty obvious that was going to happen. What did killer mains call camping and tunneling prior to the update? "Legitimate strats" or "viable strats". They have been buffed with the update, just like gen times were nerfed. When the solo survivor sees the little red Thana icon pop up after the first injury, the thought is "here we go again". Camping and tunneling, still legitimate strats. Gens nerfed. Double nerf because Thana is META.

    Killers don't have to be the center of attention at all times. Asking to be the power role, claiming victimhood because 4k's shouldn't be handed out like candy, saying solo survivors are to blame for all their problems. On an on. Shouldn't have claiming camping and tunneling were anything other than broken, low-effort ways to cheat the other side. That's what's boring.

  • Gorik
    Gorik Member Posts: 175

    Any Killer who knows what they are doing understands that camping isn't that helpful, unless the gens are done and gates are 99d then sure secure that kill and camp like a pro.

    Tunneling sure it's a pain but it's also one of the few ways to get pressure.

    I tunnel when I need the pressure, other then that the unhooker gets my attention.

    Also when the Unhooker goes full stealth after an unhook when you are literally 16 meters away, whilst the unhooked runs like mad, then sorry there getting tunneled, the unhooker should of taken the aggro, as I need to chase someone, i'd rather the guy who unhooked, but if i can't find them, then what do I do, ignore my objective?

    4Ks or escapes should never be handed out, sure Thana is stronger but not on trapper like ive seen, and Dr, 2 killers that really don't make use of it well at all.

    Also survs giving up hasn't been an issue for me other then once last night, it's literally playing with people who must be new or something that throws games.

  • Gorik
    Gorik Member Posts: 175

    Camping doesn't work unless you need to secure a kill and things are desperate any half decent Killer knows that.

    I will tunnel the dude off hook if the unhooker goes full stelth and the unhooked has left scratch marks everywhere, I need to do my objective and if the unhooker doesn't take aggro and has hid in a locker or whatever, why complain at the killer for tunneling? ( This happens A LOT btw ).

    No one should be given kills or escapes.

    Thana may be stronger but on Drs and Trappers? That's just a really poor perk to use on them and the Killer is obv trying to Meta build badly.

    I have had 1 surv give up since the update in game because it was range add ons Nurse and we would of won had he not 100%, even the Nurse said it.

    The issue is playing solo with Survs who seem like they are literally new to the game, which has to be an MMR thing or bots.

  • Alcuin
    Alcuin Member Posts: 460

    Camping works. I've lost three times in the last two months to the same streamer who goes on 100-game win streaks just by playing dirty, i.e. camping and tunneling. Nothing has been done as far as time for a survivor to reach second or death stage on hook but gens have been increased by 10 seconds. That's a buff to camping. Add No Way Out, Deadlock, and whatever else it guarantees at least a 2k. If the killer is competent it's a 4k. Camping is also a reason why survivors want out of matches early.

    Thana's strong because DBD has entered a new era. Gens are 90 seconds, the developers changed their position on this. They used they were going to increase them past 80 seconds. That was tested. Now that it is changed, Thana is a double nerf to gens.

    I play solo survivor. I'm not new and not a bot. I've watched streamers way better than I am play solo survivor since the update. They're not escaping much more than I am.

  • Gorik
    Gorik Member Posts: 175
    edited July 2022

    Is MMR even on?

  • Gorik
    Gorik Member Posts: 175

    My dude trust me I know what your saying and I do sympathize to a point, I have been playing a while to and yeah there is definitely a shake up.

    But 1 stack of Thana against a Dr or even 2 isn't really much of an issue. And dead lock blocks 1 gen, go do another then go back to the Dead locked gen after 30 seconds if you can, I can't defend No Way Out to much, it's just strong, but still it's countered by splitting up on Gates.

    STBFL is the only perk that needs a slight nerf atm as essentially it has 10 stack now with the buff, which is to much when you add the less distance from being hit.

    And it's not impossible in solo to deal with camping, last night a face camping Bubba messed up as we harassed him around hook and we all got out, that was in Solo to all 4 of us, but it was 4 people who knew what to do.

    Even when you watch streamers, the biggest issue is team mates not doing gens, or helping to get unhooks, or pallet camping rather then looping, or self caring in a corner etc, lets be honest that's been solo que for years, that's why people wanted accurate MMR, and accurate MMR would solve so many issues in Solo.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    TLTR: Stop complaining about boring playstyles, it is your fault that I am using these perks.

  • Zexbunny
    Zexbunny Member Posts: 209

    If you're a legion who needs thanataphobia, you aren't a good legion. Stop using crutch perks and git gud.

    Isnt this the attitude killers had toward dh users? Why shouldn't it be returned in favor?

  • Gorik
    Gorik Member Posts: 175

    Dh was good period.

    Thana is good on like 2 killers, that's the difference.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,688

    Pop got a major nerf, and it's complete garbage now. Thana is better because you don't need to waste a bunch of time kicking a generator. Base gen regression is still only 25% of the survivor repair speed, so it's still often not worth kicking gens unless you're stacking gen kicking perks.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited July 2022

    It does when killers have an additional 50 seconds added to the survivor's objective time.

    It does when everyone and their mother want to stack multiple passive slow down effects.

    It does when killers still Camp and Tunnel even AFTER a buff.

    I played Plague and I never ever ran Thana, because I knew how boring it was when I played against it. Maybe you should put yourself in their shoes and go play against it back to back and see how you like it. It becomes a boring match and there is nothing wrong with saying that. Boring is boring.

  • Wewantjason
    Wewantjason Member Posts: 288

    thats 12.5 seconds per survivor. if you do even ONE dull totem then thats already two survivors worth of of wasted objective time, and i see dull totems broken every day. I dont want to hear anything about 12.5 seconds per person as much time gets waste clicking, teabagging, and on dumb stuff like totems and chests.

    The killer shouldn't have slowdown perks. Are the survivors going to give up their good perks? seriously the entitlement. survivors can have brand new parts but killers can't have slow down.

    if they camp and tunnel before and after the buff then the buff isn't really the problem is it?

    Ive played a ton of both. everyone is playing them, thats half the complaints atm. I was bored playing the same old killers before. I'm happy now. I never saw legion or plague before because they weren't in a good place. Now they are

    that is a meta shift. I was sick of spirit. I was sick of nemesis. I was sick of trickster

    pre patch atleast HALF my games were trickster and i got sick of him. Now half my games are legion and plague. And guess what- eventually the meta will change again

    the number of gamers on here who do not understand the meta shifts and changes is astounding. I never got to see plague before, now shes every where. Next patch maybe it'll by myers or ghostface. who knows.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    They are not in a bad place. Of course they are better now, but they were no where near being bad.

  • Wewantjason
    Wewantjason Member Posts: 288

    not being in a good place isn't the exact same as being in a bad one. I point out they had a low pick rate and have a high one now. they were average at best before and played more now. It was very clear that I was pointing out the killer pool was one way and is another way now, I gave an entire elaborate point on meta shifts in games that change over time

    is no one on this forum able to actually process a point that is being made? I am growing weary of people taking once sentence from my often elaborate multi paragraph posts with reasoning and focusing on it.

    Discuss what I said about the meta shifting and them being played less before and more now. If it PLEASES you sir ill edit

    edit: Legion and plague were not high pick rate killers before. I understand they are every where now. Every time a meta changes SOMETHING will be played a lot. This is why dead hard was removed, the devs wanted a meta change. It was inevitable the killers would also change. Legion was played some and plague not much, I enjoy seeing them played more

    is that clear enough for you since you clearly didn't understand the original comment?

    also im not going to lie: im not seeing either one every game. slightly more than before sure but not every game. You people are just bad at playing them. Anything you can't easily beat you call "boring". If every single player dced everytime they didn't like the killer the game would die today.

    I hate nea and ace. I don't know the last time i saw an ace or nea that wasn't toxic. Would they like for me to quit or dc because I get bored with them teabagging all game?

  • Wewantjason
    Wewantjason Member Posts: 288

    99% all of my solo q games i lose because of teammates

    I played against a pig today. Pig facecamped me. Four gens popped while I was being camped.

    the michaela DID NOT TOUCH A GEN THE ENTIRE TIME. The second michaela did ONE gen. david did FOUR gens.

    David pops the last gen after im dead, but gets downed by no ed one moment later. Pig ends up with a 4k. Killer camped me and i was laughing cuz it was funny. Until I realized the team that could have had a 3k didn't. michaela was crouched behind my hook the whole time waiting for a save that clearly wasn't coming. she could have popped another gen.

    that poor david cranked out gens and knew the name of the game. he didn't deserve to die but thanks to his his bad teammates the 3 escape became a 4k.

    i did my part and didn't die on hook. I let the first hook timer run down then hit all my skills checks. If the first michaela did a SINGLE gen, or if the second helped david by doing a second one, pig would have gotten one kill.

    but nope i sat there on hook watching ONE teammate do gens, while one crouched behind my hook and the other ran around the map doing who knows what. i know at some point the two michaelas screwed the pooch and had to trade hooks for a moment, but if the first one hadn't stupidly been by my hook (pig knew she was there the ENTIRE time, she wasn't hidden well) it wouldn't have happened. And idk why she was crouching there for three entire hook states if she wasn't going to try to trade hooks.

    pig? good game. you expected the survivors to play badly and you got a 4k without sweating. Frankly I respect it.

    David, sorry man. you worked hard and got oofed.

    to both of those michaelas, just go play another game. probably complaining about camping but YOU lost because YOU didn't do gens. I bought you the time you needed to escape instead of quitting. Which makes me even angrier I wasted MY time just for you to throw.