The worst bug of all time. BHVR's response and a ThrowbackEvent of Legacy

Nowadays it must be possible to develop a Legacy Thowback event or add something extra to Dead By Daylight or ? We now have a new prestige system and also new possibilities. Why not introduce an additional grind system for the killers: Trapper, Billy, Nurse and Wraith and for the survivors: Claudette, Meg, Nea, Jake and Dwight?
You could produce an additional currency for The Legacy Killers and Survivors without rebuilding the blood network.
We will just call it XXX
Only Legacy Survivors and Killers can produce this currency when played
This way is basically the hard mode
Blood web prices will additionally be adjusted to XXX currency, which is as close to the original grind as possible
Common Tier will be raised to 5000 XXX
Uncommon Tier will be raised to 6000 XXX
Rare Tier will be raised to 7000 XXX
Very Rare Tier will be raised to 8000 XXX
Ultra Rare tier will be raised to 9000 XXX
This means: either you pay 3000 blood points for a Common tier normally ( but you don't progress in Legacy ) or you use your XXX currency and pay 5000 XXX for the Common ( and progress in Legacy ).
The advantage is that you can only generate a certain number of XXX per completed match. At the time, I think it was a maximum of 10 000 blood points per match. For example, a maximum of only 8000 XXX can be acquired per match. However, then no more blood points can be paid out. So you would have to choose regular blood points or XXX currency at the end of the match.
In the end, you need a certain number of XXX currency points to unlock the first Legacy part. The whole thing repeats for Part 2 and Part 3, of course.
This would allow new players (especially console players) and old players (especially those who lost their Legacy due to the nasty bug) to go through the old grind system. This would allow old and new players to be rewarded for their dedication.
Considering how they handle any feedback and how slow they are, enjoy getting ignored
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Just so I understand this correctly. Does that mean they could (e.g., in the form of my example) but they don't want to?
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They could do countless good things for the game.
Will they? Nope.
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honestly with now 100 prestiges i would like to see even new legacy skins for new survivors for the ones willing to prestige to 100 their beloved character. no sense in prestiging without a reward now (past P6).
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Theyve states multiple times that Legacy is not returning
Which really doesnt make sense to me considering its being treated the exact same way code cosmetics were. There are a bunch of 3rd party sellers selling accounts with legit Legacy. And even then the majority of Legacy accounts you see nowadays are probably just save injects.
Theyve also given out the Event cosmetics to everyone (Howling Grounds and Scorching Summer BBQ) because there was a flaw in their system in the past which made it possible to lose these cosmetics (which was mentioned in this post). Some people have lost their legit Legacy and BHVR refuses to give it back.
Just give Legacy to every one BHVR, there is literally no reason to keep it behind a locked glass door when people have found multiple ways around it
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Here is something we can agree.
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Quite honestly, the only reason why I want it to come back
is so I can have a smiley face on my Wraiths big toe
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I want it on my Claudette, because I am absolute certain I could have gotten it if I was aware of DBD's existence back in 2016.
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It isn't coming back in anyway, they've gone on record stating this dozens of times. Get over it.
The only people who should get it are folk who lost it in the first place.
>killers: Trapper, Billy, Nurse and Wraith and for the survivors: Claudette, Meg, Nea and Dwight?
Jake erasure once again. :/ Why does everyone forgot about my man, he was one of the original four!
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People can "go on record" and lie or also change their mind lol.
People who are willing to do that grind should get it. I'm on console so I would've never had the opportunity to grind for it, which I definitely would have. The OP's idea is a relatively good one.
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Jake has legacy too
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Hackers have found out how to increase movement speed so we should just increase base movement.
Just because cheaters can unlock every cosmetic doesn't mean we should unlock every cosmetic.
Stop cheaping Legacy and don't say its just skins. If it was just a skin you wouldn't care so much about not having it.
The only people who should get legacy today are those who lost it due to BHVR's incompetence with their save system.
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wanna know what else was exclusive?
David's Untamned Donkey Jacket
Huntress' Hound Mask
Kate's Free Song Bird Shirt
Hillbilly's Pro-Pain Hammer
Yet those were given to everyone despite being exclusive to those who participated in those specific events and only being obtainable for 2 weeks.
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So were some Event cosmetics, which were given to everyone anyways.
The only special thing about Legacy is the fact that it looks good. Thats it.
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Tbh how about we just flat out delete legacy, i mean most of the people that have it are hackers, and most people that got it legitimately don't even play anymore
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Then we give it to everyone instead of deleting it!
Jeez, why choose the worst possible solution ever?
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Either delete it or add it as a p100 reward, except for the stranger things characters (until they might come back)
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If I lost something as valuable as Legacy. I would just stop playing the game ngl
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See? Even a P100 reward is better than deleting it!
You're learning mate.
You're learning.
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I'm still leaning towards the delete though
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I've seen something suggested that would be better imo, we get these effects that cover the body and can be used with any skin, kinda like nemesis's contamination
Delete legacy, add this
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Well, to each their own.
You are allowed to have your own thoughts on the matter.
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If i said it once i've said it a thousand times, Legacy is not only overrated, it actively screws you over if you wear it because you stick out like the world's sorest thumb
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With all due respect, but it can't be that traders who trade with real money, are making money with legacy outfits at the moment. There are enough sites on the internet where this is happening right now.
I find it sad
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It's not that simple. One of the main reasons I wrote this post is that I lost Legacy because of the bug and there is a lot of RMT (Real Money Trading) at the moemend with Legacy outfits.
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You're making the steam code cosmetic argument. Won't work here.
Most of those account are more than likely hacked with all cosmetics unlocked, even paid ones. Should BHVR unlock all cosmetics for free? Not everyone can afford them. Just like not everyone could grind the requirements back then.
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Of course BHVR should not unlock all cosmetics for free. That's why I gave an example above and as for the accounts, of course they are hacked, there is no other way. Unfortunately, there are people out there who spend money on them. For whatever reason.
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I don't agree with bringing them back, but BHVR should do the right thing and refund lost legacy skins to players that lost them.
The easiest compromise by far is this: Give players that lost their legacy ONE set of legacy skins back to one character of their choosing. So if you got P1/P2/P3 achievement before the deadline, you get to choose L1/L2/L3 on one character.
The devs can do this by:
- First, checking whether a player has prestiged before the 24th Nov 2016 deadline by looking at their steam P1/P2/P3 achievements. If they haven't, reject their application.
- Second, check their database to see if the player currently has any legacy skins. If they do, reject their application.
- Ask the user which one of the originally applicable characters they want their L1/L2/L3 on.
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I think the easiest way is the example I described. When I spoke to Stefan Horvath from BHVR a long time ago, he told me: "Never say never" and that still gives me hope.
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It's true that it doesn't make sense to go higher than P9, I agree, but as for the rest, I don't think it will happen.