The worst bug of all time. BHVR's response and a ThrowbackEvent of Legacy

PNgamer Member Posts: 1,415
edited July 2022 in General Discussions


Nowadays it must be possible to develop a Legacy Thowback event or add something extra to Dead By Daylight or ? We now have a new prestige system and also new possibilities. Why not introduce an additional grind system for the killers: Trapper, Billy, Nurse and Wraith and for the survivors: Claudette, Meg, Nea, Jake and Dwight?

You could produce an additional currency for The Legacy Killers and Survivors without rebuilding the blood network.

We will just call it XXX

Only Legacy Survivors and Killers can produce this currency when played

This way is basically the hard mode

Blood web prices will additionally be adjusted to XXX currency, which is as close to the original grind as possible

Common Tier will be raised to 5000 XXX

Uncommon Tier will be raised to 6000 XXX

Rare Tier will be raised to 7000 XXX

Very Rare Tier will be raised to 8000 XXX

Ultra Rare tier will be raised to 9000 XXX

This means: either you pay 3000 blood points for a Common tier normally ( but you don't progress in Legacy ) or you use your XXX currency and pay 5000 XXX for the Common ( and progress in Legacy ).

The advantage is that you can only generate a certain number of XXX per completed match. At the time, I think it was a maximum of 10 000 blood points per match. For example, a maximum of only 8000 XXX can be acquired per match. However, then no more blood points can be paid out. So you would have to choose regular blood points or XXX currency at the end of the match.

In the end, you need a certain number of XXX currency points to unlock the first Legacy part. The whole thing repeats for Part 2 and Part 3, of course.

This would allow new players (especially console players) and old players (especially those who lost their Legacy due to the nasty bug) to go through the old grind system. This would allow old and new players to be rewarded for their dedication.


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