Matchmaking Incentives

So now that the devs confirmed that Matchmaking Incentives will return with the Project W patch can we have double bloodpoints until the patch comes out?


  • apathytheclown
    apathytheclown Member Posts: 295

    A 1.5 multiplier would be fine too.

  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,238

    Why are they so against people getting bloodpoints? Did you know you'd have to play around 729 games at 42k bps per game just to get the prestige cosmetics in the coming update? Does no one else think this just seems ridiculous? Thanks to some guy on reddit for that.

  • LiaLight
    LiaLight Member Posts: 75

    It is extremely disappointing that the matchmaking incentives are not going to be enabled with the next patch. It is the feature that everyone universally could agree on and now we even have to wait until the next chapter which is scheduled to release in September...

    Ok, fair enough if there are technical issues, but at least please give the players some sort of bloodpoint bonus... log-in rewards, a blood hunt, BP codes - just something to make the grind more bearable. Or something to compensate for a feature that was announced, immediately disabled and is not going to be fixed for another month or so.

    I know it was said previously that the matchmaking incentives are not primarily there for the BP but to fix queue times, but surely they can see how everyone is longing for more BP.