Worrying Direction for Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight
1 August 2022
Worrying Direction for Dead by Daylight
Pain Resonance, a slowdown perk that was meta before 6.1.0, and is still seeing use post 6.1.0, is getting buffed? Questionable, but not really important. What is important, is that to buff Pain Resonance, they brought back a meta perk interaction, because Merciless Storm would very occasionally be stronger than intended? And to do this, they nerfed Dead Man’s Switch?
So there was an unnecessary nerf to DMS, for the sake of an unnecessary buff PR, for the sake of nerfing a very niche scenario where MS was stronger. If Merciless Storm could happen multiple times on a single generator, perhaps this action would have been warranted, but it doesn’t. And considering that the bulk of 6.1.0 was intended to shake up the meta of multiple slowdowns and perk interactions, it seems very counter productive.
This change also sparks renewed concern over addressing the use of multiple slowdown perks. Before 6.1.0 hit live, Overcharge was nerfed significantly due to its potency when combined with Call of Brine. Which was and still is an odd change, when simply preventing the stacking of the two could have introduced more build variety without an unnecessary nerf to perk that individually was not a problem. The same could have been done to Thanatophobia and other similar perks i.e. Dying Light, Gift of Pain, Pentimento, etc. etc.. Doing so would increase perk variety and open up weaker perks for buffs that were previously ill advised.
The 6.1.2 update seems to be very counter productive of the goals of 6.1.0.
Its a very weird update. For they are just back tracking and nerfing a perk interaction for a RARE situation for a very underwhelming perk in merciless storm outside of low ranks.
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This once again confirms that the developers are not playing their game. The merciless storm + the resonance of pain is an extremely situational bundle, which even if it worked, nothing terrible happened
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The funny thing is, since Pain Resonance knocks people off gens again, its combo with Merciless Storm is arguably stronger.
Where before, you'd have to go through the skill check gauntlet to avoid the gen being blocked. Now if this rare interaction happens, the gen will just be blocked outright. No chance to avoid it.
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It is hardly a surprise, to be honest.
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In addition to this, because Pain Resonance and Dead Man's Switch interact with each other again, it now provides the same level of information as before. Given that DMS highlights the affected generator in white, PR now functions exactly as it did before when combo'd with DMS.
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You're right. The fact is that a good killer will now benefit even more from the resonance of pain+DMS. Because the timer is only 30 seconds. It often happens when you quickly down another survivor and you need to wait reset 45 seconds cooldown, now you don't have to wait 10-20 sec and you can immediately hook up survivor
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Pretty nonsensical.
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As a killer main I hate that this was brought back.
We pretty much went from a meta of Corrupt, PR, DMS, and BBQ, to a completely open meta. And now back to a meta of Corrupt, PR, DMS, and either bbq or floods of rage, maybe lethal.
It's just dumb that we went completely backwards after a single patch
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I was enjoying the variety.
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I don’t like that they brought the PR/DMS combo back, but Pain Res by itself wasn’t buffed. Only the combo was. Interrupting the survivor will have no effect unless you have DMS. It’s still weaker than last patch now that it is only 30 seconds and you can still counter it by letting go before someone is hooked.
But I do wish that instead they just paused Merciless Storm if it went below 90% because I really don’t want this combo back again.
Or even just make it so Merciless Storm will automatically block the gen if it goes below 90%. Still better than PR/DMS coming back.
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What’s with the Name, Date, and Subject at the start of the post? Are you writing an essay for school? :p
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This update was baffling. They addressed maybe one thing people were complaining about and everything else was changes that nobody asked for while ignoring some of the issues people have been complaining about in the forums and on streams/YT channels since the last update.
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Like OP said: They changed Overcharge to have a GOOD regression, found it stacked with Call of Brine too much, and instead of preventing both from working at the same time, they nerfed the new Overcharge regression to be WORSE than not bringing it unless you were also bringing CoB to make up for the absurdly overwhelming nerf.
But let's not forget:
Nobody was using Overcharge because it didn't do the ONE thing it was supposed to: punishing survivors who tap a gen and leave instead of having to stay on it for several seconds to stop regression. You still get to do the skill check even if you tap and go, for no perceptible reason.
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3 September 1964
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inb4 the next like 5 patches are basically reverting the perk changes of 6.1.0
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Certainly hope not.
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Maybe to be search engine friendly?
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I don't understand why if they had a problem with Merciless Storm, why didn't they change Merciless Storm? Like if they had a problem with Gift of Pain they wouldn't buff Sloppy Butcher and nerf Dying Light, they'd nerf Gift of Pain. I get Merciless Storm and Pain Resonance was a combo, but if they just simply added "If the gen falls under 90% under any circumstances, Merciless Storm will deactivate," then boom. 1 perk had 1 slight change and the whole combo goes down without having the worry about a different combo.