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Solo players, what do you want done to improve solo?

Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,432

Seeing as there is plenty of complaining, arguing, sarcasm and just general angst, I figure that we can try to be a bit more constructive and spitball ideas in hopes of improving the game. Please don't ask for nerfs for killers, this is just for giving solo some better quality of life.

  1. DS should be base-kit, go back to a 5 second stun and proc after both unhooks.
  2. Visual indicators of what perks teammates have. For example, I would like to run head on to help teammates during a chase. The problem is they have no way to know what I have planned and would think I'm just hiding. Perks should allow teammates to know whats up. So for head on, upon entering a locker, the doors will highlight or glow white to indicate that it's active, allowing players to have some better coordination that swfs have. Borrowed Time could let the perk holder have a blue aura as they get in range of the hook so everyone knows to let them do the unhook. These visual "buffs" would only be visible to survivors and killers should not be able to see them. I know it would be a lot of work, but the devs should really go over all the perks and see which ones would work best with indicators.
  3. Action icons. They said they were working on them and in typical Behaviour fashion, they put it on the back burner. This is ridiculous. While solo will never be on par with swf, they should get access to as much information that swf has. People will argue that buffing solo will buff swf, but this would do nothing with swf since they're already on coms and make call outs. Solo players are just as important as the other players and this habit of letting players suffer imbalances for extended periods of time needs to stop (remember how long it took them to nerf keys after they butchered moris (though they needed to be)).
  4. Cleansing totems and opening chest speeds should be reduced by 30 percent. Seeing as how the main objectives are longer and killers have ways to slow them down even more, one can argue that the side objectives don't need to be as long as they are. I would think that killers would rather have survivors off of gens for a short time cleansing some bones or looking for a broken key instead of have them power through gens. This would encourage them to do so.
  5. While I would like this to be a thing, it may be too strong, but I'd like some form of Kindred to be basekit. They can water it down like they did with the basekit BT and make it last 10 seconds or just stop showing the killers aura after 5 seconds.
  6. Harsher DC penalties. One of the most frustrating things for me is when I'm about 80% done with my first gen and all of a sudden a teammate DC's the moment they get downed. It's basically a loss after that because the game gets much easier for the killer. Some would argue that they shouldn't be forced to play a game they're not having fun with, and I would agree, which is why they should go play something other than DBD if they can't handle loss. It should be an hour ban after the first two or three DCs. The game should track all the serial dcers and just have match making start grouping them up all together.
  7. Basekit map marker. The glass bead add-on is a slept on tool that many people don't know exists. I've started using it to attract survivors to central gens in hopes of preventing a three-gen in endgame. While I found it funny when teammates would come and stare at it, twerk while standing in it, or point at it, I found it sad that they didn't know what it was. Good thing was they all eventually got the hint and started working on the gens I set it next to.
  8. Delete RpD.
  9. Nuke Poo Poo Bird Lady. Replace her with this



  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    One of the best things they could do is actually implement proper matchmaking that doesn't match me with a Claudette self caring in a corner against Legion with Sloppy,Megs that fail 50 skill checks on my gen and "toxic Neas" that DC because they got downed 5 seconds after spamming their flashlight at the killer

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    Well first an actual MMR that works, not kidding had a Zarina who was healing against a Plague as she was about to be broken, I wanted to DC so bad. Second Kindred survivor aura basekit to deal with the whole teammates don’t save you since they don’t know. And an action indicator to get a better idea to like gen progress and such. Big request along with something to deal with camping effectively.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 3,040

    #2, #3, #5, and #6 would make a world of difference.

  • sonata93
    sonata93 Member Posts: 418

    I think a soft base kit Kindred (without the killer's aura), as well as survivor actions appearing by their names ('hooked', 'rescuing', 'working on a gen', etc.), would make such a massive difference.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    A working SBMM would be a great start

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 3,040

    Yeah but hockey

    But seriously the way they calculate surv MMR is warm dog water

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    1. No, I do think something does need to be done to help with tunnelling but this is ridiculous and is far too harsh to accidental tunnels

    2, 3, 5, 6, all good.

    4. I dont really like this one mostly because hex perks are already in shambles as it is and this makes them even worse, id rather see a speed boost added to small game like there is for plunderers

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,473

    Basekit Kindred without killer aura. Too see the perk builds of the other survivors in lobby. That would be good enough I think.

  • Negi
    Negi Member Posts: 378

    Working MMR. That's the real buff solo queue needs.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,432
    edited August 2022

    Yea, no. Survivors shouldn't be able to resort to cheating in order to be able to help their teammate escape. The punishment should be worse for players like you.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,432

    I wasn't being rude about her, I was being honest. (Thanks for the chuckle though).

    Deleting RPD would help solo because I would stop getting lost on the way to hooked teammates and finally be able to rescue them before they go into second stage.

    I like the idea of a longer speed boost after being unhooked. I hope the devs play around with that.

  • PaintedDeath
    PaintedDeath Member Posts: 492

    Base kit DS available on both pick ups and I stop playing Killer entirely. I dont need that kind of negativity in my life.

  • StibbityStabbity
    StibbityStabbity Member Posts: 1,839

    I don't like the idea of DS being base-kit. Just a me thing. However, if it WAS base-kit, I would make it so that the Base-Kit version works only on FIRST hook, and has the 40 second timer akin to DS tier 1. Taking the perk makes it work on both unhooks and gives the benefit of the increased time based on tier. Stun time should be back up to 5 seconds, rest of the normal penalties apply.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,432

    Why? You're still able to tunnel if you want, but at least this way the survivor has a chance to play a bit more. It'll still deactivate after gens are completed and be useless during endgame.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,432

    This would be fine by me. Would make getting farmed while playing solo less miserable.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,917

    Brainwash teammates into not having a defeatist attitude.

  • 6659Leg
    6659Leg Member Posts: 102

    Dunno about this tbh,The ability to see ahead of what your matchmaking will lead to entitled twits leaving if they see 1 person not running the absolute meta or just general trolling.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,105

    It's a risk, but I don't think it'd be a particularly huge problem.

    If nothing else, it's a risk I'd like to see taken in a PTB to test it out, since the potential upsides are pretty significant.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    Maybe instead of showing it pre match have it show on the loading screen since thats just kinda dead time anyways

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    2,3,5, and 8 I think would be great additions and honestly should have been implemented years ago especially the action indicators. I really don't know how hard a few icons and a system that registers what you're doing and displays the proper icon could be but I'm no game dev so could be harder than I would think. RCPD also definitely needs to go and I'm annoyed they're making another indoor map which is, in my eyes, a notoriously bad map type.

    Base kit DS, especially with the old stun, would be far too powerful of an effect to be base kit, they really only need to revert the stun nerf and it'd be fine.

    DC penalties also don't even prevent people from quitting so making them more severe just means people will kill themselves on first even more often, arguable whether this is positive or negative for the rest of the team.

    The map markers, if left in its current form, would do almost nothing and are just kinda annoying to me but idk they might help. Pinging in VHS works really well so maybe it would work fine in DBD but I'd hope they take the awful noise away from it when you are up close.

    Bird lady isnt a killer I feel strongly one way or the other playing as or against her but I know a lot of people find her annoying so maybe a rework is in order but reworks tend to just piss off the people who liked them and now hate them or make them more frustrating/annoying to play against, or in the case of clown barely make any difference at all.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,470
    edited August 2022

    Really liking these suggestions. These solo survivor buffs would be great. But realistically, that will still take some time to implement.

    What I am hoping for at the moment, because that could be done much more easily, are nerfs to camping and tunneling. Those have absolute priority in my opinion. And those strategies hurt solo survivors in particular.

    And some of the slowdown perks, like Pentimento and Eruption, still need some nerfs.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Okay, a fair question as I play a lot of solo.

    I'll go through your suggestions, then add my own. Assume a non-mention is mostly an agreement.

    1. No. One of these is more than sufficient. Basekit at 3 seconds? Sure. 5 seconds? Sure. 3 seconds, double activation? Sure. All 3 together - not a chance in hell.
    2. I've suggested this in the past, with the easier solution just being able to see what perks everyone else has. The problem is that this would result in lobby dodges if anyone is running stuff off meta. Your idea is just...too complicated.
    3. I think BHVR realized that these won't do much, for the work they'll take to implement. I like the idea, but we'll have to wait.
    4. Chests? Sure. Totems? No. Totems are already meh.
    5. Baseline Kindred with survivor auras only? Absolutely fine. Killer aura - no. Too strong for basekit. The information that aura gives even if the killer isn't camping is ridiculously good.
    6. YES. But...I'd rather see this done in the same way other games do it - rather than falling off over time, DCs now require you to play multiple games out without DCing to get the penalty to decrease.
    7. Sure. But it would be used excessively and would get a bit silly.
    8. Just rework it.
    9. No, Artist is nearly perfect.

    As for my own ideas...you actually got most of them.

    I'd like to see:

    • SWFs gain a temporary inflated MMR number, proportional to the number of people playing together. This means that communication is offset by a slightly stronger opponent. This would also free up killers of the correct MMR for solos.
    • If a killer remains within a certain radius of a hooked survivor, they lose their ability to use their power and perks. This persists for a few seconds after the unhook, or they leave the radius.
    • An ingame tool to help people find groups. Something like a 'LFG'.

    And for some controversial ones:

    • Solo players get a bonus to BP and a bonus to score events. Pipping is...honestly too damn hard at times.
    • Survivors gain a portion of the BP/score events earned while on the hook, much as they do during a chase. This will encourage people to not suicide.
  • MrPeanutbutter
    MrPeanutbutter Member Posts: 1,586

    I think you have a lot of good ideas, but basekit DS seems a bit much without compensating killers accordingly. I’d be good with basekit DS if killers get basekit BBQ (with bonus BP restored as well) which would encouraging leaving the hook and hooking every survivor at least once.

  • emetSdidnothingwrong
    emetSdidnothingwrong Member Posts: 332

    Communication added. It doesn't need to be voice coms, it can be text, icons, etc.

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    Kindred base-kit. It’s literally the perfect change because it buffs solo without buffing SWF. Should’ve been done years ago!

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    I would like to hear about this in more detail.

    If a killer remains within a certain radius of a hooked survivor, they lose their ability to use their power and perks. This persists for a few seconds after the unhook, or they leave the radius.

    Mostly because there are some major potential issues with that.

  • Belzher
    Belzher Member Posts: 469

    Chat wheel to communicate or icons on other survivors so we can know if they're getting chased, healing others etc.

  • 6659Leg
    6659Leg Member Posts: 102

    I can get with this,although I'd like if the killer can see as well in the lobby. Like how they can see the items they bring,it might sound like a bad idea but the killers having the advantage of knowing what you have is more or less equal unto your teammates knowing what you have.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,432

    I agree with your controversial points. Solo needs some love when it comes to blood points and pipping (though I personally don't care since I'm mediocre at the game and don't want to be up with the higher skilled sweat lords).

    I would love it if SWFs gain an inflated MMR as you suggested, it would make me play killer for more than just challenges.

    I disagree about killers losing powers near hooks unless it's killers who have a one shot ability. Maybe make it to where if they stay at the hook for a certain amount of time, their power wouldn't down anyone, but put them in deep wound state, even if they were already injured.

    LFG, ah, that brings back memories of my addiction to WoW and all the times my corpse has been camped while trying to level up in outland, admiring and wondering where they got their netherdrake mount. Yes, it would be a good addition. To add to this idea, I'd like to have a feature that would let random teams who enjoyed each other to queue up for the next match together.

    As far as artist goes, I don't necessarily hate her power. It's her darn caw cawing, screeching, and chase music. It just makes me cry. I figured replacing her with a cute little birb that just chirps, and has all her powers would be easier on my ears.

    For DS, I'm okay with what someone else suggested, where we can have one base-kit DS after the first hook and the perk could add one after the second hook. It doesn't necessarily need to be 5 seconds, it just needs to give the survivor a chance.

    My visual indicator does seem complicated, but some perks like Head On could use something. As you said, if perks were revealed in lobby, lobby dodging would make a comeback. It was just an idea that I hope the devs would mull over.

    They could put a cool down on the map marker or limit how many times it can be used, it shouldn't be too troublesome.

    Hopefully, RpD gets reworked with the upcoming Resident Evil Chapter.

    All in all, I admit I'm no game developer and just spitballing ideas. It would just be nice if Devs took solo queue more seriously several years ago and release balance patches more often. It would be fantastic if they would do more trial weekends like they did with the blood lust weekend and see what works and what doesn't.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    Id say no to that unless your showing them your perks and add ons as well. Which would be terrible youd have so many loading screen dcs that way.

  • serpentk1ng
    serpentk1ng Member Posts: 18

    I don't actually like the idea of letting killers see, as it would allow killers to easily identify who can be tunneled out and nullifies a lot of survivor perks that rely on the element of surprise.

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210

    Action debuff for SWFs. They're causing the problems (even for solos, when you think about it).

  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    Put Kindred in as basekit for anyone who is not in a SWF group. Remove the Killer aura from it though, and buff Kindred itself in some fashion relating to that. Maybe increase range, or give it 3-4 seconds of aura view post-unhook. That way, you can see where everyone is at without giving away too much information.

    Otherwise, I'm enjoying solo queue following this update. Escaping about the same amount, dying a lot because I try to get everyone else out before I'll bail. I am in the low -> mid ranks though, I imagine higher MMR is pretty ugly. Feels a bit more Killer sided right now, but having to replace 2 of my Perks due to changes was not appreciated. Now i have to get comfortable with others! Unfair!

    Maybe give solo queue'ers a bonus anytime they have to pair up with SWF'ers. I frequently find myself the object of a Killer's ire because the 3-man group I got stuck with went in intentionally to piss them off. Becomes irritating when you do gens and totems all match, and would have already been out the gate if those 3 others hadn't been playing kindergarten bully time with the Killer.

  • Shooby
    Shooby Member Posts: 226

    Better MMR system.

    The easiest change to implement making the baseline MMR off of a fresh account way lower than the median they currently start at. Going off of this, make numerical losses and gains to the hidden MMR stat lower in a survivor's first 30 games. I have just over 2,500 hours, mostly on survivor, and see teammates with less than or equal to 100 hours. That shouldn't happen. The only reason the MMR baseline is placed at the middle is to hinder smurfing. Who smurfs on DbD anyways?

    Next, and this is more of a dream than a feasible change, a more advanced MMR algorithm. Every DbD player can tell you that individual performance is a better indicator of skill than simply escaping. Your teammates suck because your immersed teammates get hatch or get carried through the exit gates with less than 2,000 boldness points per game. I cringe remembering Patrick the dev saying, "Yeah, we know you got chased for the majority of the game, repaired two generators, unhooked two teammates, and healed three total... but you died first. Tough luck!"

    Fix the MMR system. Maybe once we start getting truly balanced lobbies, we can actually make good changes to the game based off of accurate gameplay data, instead of buffing then nerfing Thana and reworking Mettle of Man.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,963

    Basekit kindred is all I want at this point

  • JaviiMii
    JaviiMii Member Posts: 286

    I have been playing a lot of soloQ recently again. And the one thing that kept bugging me the absolute most was the lack of two of the most basic call-outs: "Killer is on me" and "I'm going for the unhook". Those are probably the two most essential things you need to know to not "sandbag" each other all the time on a makro-game level. Other things are Perk and Add-on call outs - but that's not something you can implement.

    Personally. I would like that, if you Q up as solo there are some basekit changes to survivors (like the often suggested HUD with basic action-icons). Plus some basic "Bond" and basic "Kindred"; for Bond reduce the range to 8 meters (the times I have run into a random/was run into by a random always felt like a super unnecessary thing. - One could also make it a somewhat more complex version where you can see the auras of survs further than 6m away and closer than 10m to avoid pallet/flashy-save "wallhacks" where it becomes too easy for survs to position themselves cause they can see the auras) and for Kindred remove the killer aura (which personally I don't find necessary but I can see how it looks to some degree unfair from a Killer's pov).

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    For Killer, I think is fine, but for Survivor, it definitely needs to be reworked.

    It needs to calculate the result of the whole team, instead of the individual result. A 3man escape shouldn't result in -MMR for the Survivor that died

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 3,040

    Yeah, I really like playing the team game, even in solo. I leave a lot of escapes out there because I will run back in to help when could just leave. I give myself up a lot, even in games where I played really well.

    It's just the way I enjoy playing survivor; I could play for escapes, but that just isn't as compelling to me. Then sometimes I end up in MMR hell and have to grind/immerse to bring it back up, and that's not fun.

    And you're right, killer MMR works a lot better, because there are fewer variables. I can pretty easily work it to end up where I like to be, and stay there.

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    Not sure why people are adding the condition of basekit kindred without the killer aura. Knowing if the killer is face camping or not is the information solo queue players especially need to know. Can lower the range, but taking away the killer aura is not a good idea if it goes basekit.

  • Ghostofsnow
    Ghostofsnow Member Posts: 173
    edited August 2022

    Just revert the stun time on DS back to 5seconds and give us kindered basekit. Strongest/simplest fix to camping that swf cant abuse

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    I'm all for a HUD that allows me to see what other survivors are doing. _Identity V_ has that in place, and it helps solo survivors coordinate that little bit better.

    I don't think DS should be basekit, and having it cancel after the final gen is done is good. However, definitely revert it to a 5 second stun (or at least start the 3 second stun from when the survivor is able to move, and not include it in the drop).

    Kindred as basekit... I'm in 2 minds: on the one hand I see how it would help, but on the other side it feels like a lot of hand-holding. I may be okay with it working a bit more like it showing the auras for a few seconds, but with the HUD changes it may be a bit ott. I'd be happy instead that if a killer stays within a certain distance from the hook, and no other survivor is in the vicinity, after a few moments the Entity moves the hooked survivor to another hook. A bit like Pyramid Head's cages, except the survivor doesn't transport regardless of whether other survivors are nearby. It would discourage face-camping.

    Otherwise, give survivors a brief Sprint Burst effect once unhooked to punish a tunnelling mentality, whilst not eliminating the threat entirely - survivors shouldn't feel safe; a threat has to be there. But it would punish the killer more pursuing.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    I just want that they stop buffing SWF like they´ll do with the upcoming patch.

  • Kira4Evr
    Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025
    edited August 2022
    1. Revert DS nerf.
    2. Revert Self-Care nerf.
    3. Basekit Kindred.
    4. The ability to see what everyone is doing.