Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Thana is dead, might as well delete it

EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233
edited August 2022 in General Discussions

No idea how you manage to take the concept of buffing a perk and making it in the worst shape it's ever been...

Seriously devs you need to stop over reacting and gutting everything people complain about.

Theres 0 point in most killers using this perk, 3 consistent injures isnt just given to you and as a reward you give killers 6%? Like what even? You talk about having to put in effort for a reward but that's not a reward... especially when RESILIENCE GIVES 9% FOR GETTING HIT....

Only killers that may get use is legion and plague, which most people complained about for some reason but even now its only a plague perk as shes the only one who may get a benefit from survivors trying to counter it.

You took a perk you wanted to buff and killed it... at times I wonder if anyone understands the game and what risks/rewards is.... ruin, high risk completely pointless, thana high input to just get 6% because let's be honest 3 constant injures is hard enough, not gonna act like 4 injures is gonna happen often or even long

How is the meta ever gonna change if you just kill perks completely, thana could have just been reverted but nope kill it.


  • SeannyD115
    SeannyD115 Member Posts: 583
    edited August 2022

    They should just rework thana. It's supposed to encourage survivors to heal and is really only useful on two killers. They should change it so it's good on other killers too.

    Maybe depending on how many survivors are injured it gives a different effect and only effects injured survivors. These effects would not stack either.

    1 survivor injured gives a totem speed and gen speed penalty

    2 survivors injured makes injured survivors have an item efficiency penalty

    3 survivors injured survivors gives injured survivors a vault speed penalty

    4 survivors injured gives injured survivors the obvious status

    My other idea is thana could give the killer buffs for how many survivors are injured like vault speed.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    It's not dead, Its just only playable for two killers and with some counterplay (healing).

    I am happy for Thana nerf however I probably wish for other change where other killers can use it too but it is not so strong as right now.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,463

    its completely dead because most of its uptime is on 1,2 and 3 stack which are now meaningless. also if you read their post. they specific said that one of reasons they are changing the perk is because of thanotophobia quick rose to popularity.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,531

    They could just reverted it back and not over nerf it.

  • cburton311
    cburton311 Member Posts: 410

    I agree with the sentiment, and thana by itself wasn't the issue. Its gen speeds in general + stacking slow downs on legion and plague. It can be beaten it just sucks to play against. Literally, no fun to be had. So something had to be done...

  • Tranquil_Blue
    Tranquil_Blue Member Posts: 335

    I think the numbers should be more like 3/6/9/20 (honestly, the 20 could be lowered to 16 or 18).

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,083

    Yeah, I dunno what this change is supposed to do.

    It didn't feel nice on Killers like Nurse or Blight or something but it wasn't a huge issue.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,697
    edited August 2022

    Thana was always a very situational perk, because consistently getting three or four people injured at all times was practically unheard of, which is why you only saw it used with certain killers. But now this knee-jerk reaction by the devs has officially killed it for any killer that isn't plague or legion. And if you thought legion played sweaty before, get ready when he starts bringing add-ons to keep survivors injured!

  • XombieRocker
    XombieRocker Member Posts: 324

    So it's still going to be borderline OP/busted on Legion and Plague, but useless for literally every other killer.... after they specifically said they wanted to change it because it was borderline OP/busted on Legion and Plague...

    So they didn't solve the problem they set out to solve while hardcore nerfing it for every other killer.

    Well done.

  • Cameragosha
    Cameragosha Member Posts: 630
    edited August 2022

    Thana need buff or rework , now it is worst perk.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,069

    I’m so glad someone else understands the concept of effective uptime.

    The effective uptime for all 4 survivors being affected at the same time, is so low for anyone besides Plague, that the 4 survivor big bonus can be ignored, which means the perk is an effective 60% nerf for anyone besides Plague.

    And Legion can’t even reliably try to rig their perks and addons to aim for all 4 survivors being affected at the same time, because SWFs with voice communication exists, and they can coordinate to finish mending each other. And having a strategy that is extra weak against voice communication is a poor game strategy.

  • Wewantjason
    Wewantjason Member Posts: 288

    Already updated legion to a permanently injured/break pallets build because I knew this was coming. Too many people were complaining and usually that leads to a MASSIVEW over correction. My current legion build is ten times worse than thana ever was. I would dc against it personally. But everyone wanted thana gone now they will get something so much worse. Thana was a crutch for most legion players but they have a lot more tricky stuff to pull. Frankly even with thana or not legion is a b-c tier killer anyway. But yep thana is going to be absolutely horrible now.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    I like how Tanataphobia and Mettle of Man both got changed.

    Thanataphobia lost its 10% buff (which was added in the first place because nobody was using it except legion and plague), AND it got a 60% nerf, AND it basically turns off once a single survivor is dead (making it ANOTHER killer perk that punishes the killer for doing well and rewards survivors for doing poorly, alongside Nu Corrupt and Nu Ruin).

    Mettle of Man no longer stacks its invulnerability with other endurance effects, BUT it went from 3 protection hits to activate to 2 protection hits. Will people use it? Probably not! But it's important that in a change intended to nerf it, they DID manage to sneak a buff in there too.

    As opposed to the THREE nerfs they put on Thanataphobia, a perk nobody was using in the first place because Circle of Healing completely invalidates it on 99% of killers!

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,190

    Mfw when Dying Light might legitimately be better than thana now

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    It should go of the opposite, that reduce the maximum stack debuff to make it weaker on Legion/Plag, but 1 injured will make a huge debuff.

    If could be 9 / 12 / 14 / 15. Injure one will get equal stack of 2 injured pre-change, but maximum will only have 75%

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    The thing is, healing against Legion is a waste of time because they can so easily injure you again by just stabbing anyone and then running off to find you, and because you generally can't avoid the first hit anyway. So it's still perfectly good on Legion, too - they just don't get as blatantly tangible a reward when survivors heal.

    Healing is now slightly more attractive vs thana Legion, but it's still survivors choosing between wasting time and wasting time. Especially when you throw in that Mangled addon.

    100% this. This kind of design would have been the correct way to nerf Thana - weaker at its max strength but more usable for most killers. What they did made it hot garbage on anyone who isn't Plague or Legion, but didn't really hurt its viability on either killer.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,069

    Only 1 person needs to heal, and that's only if Legion managed to have all 4 survivors affected at the same time. Against survivors that hard split, or are just on opposite sides of a large map, it's more trouble than it's worth to get all 4 affected at the same time. Even if Legion used never sleep, and decided to just run cross map, the amount of time spent Legion wastes by running cross map just to hit and run, is much longer than one person healing if all 4 do get affected at the same time.

    The problem is it's a 60% effective nerf, and Legion has to aggressively fight to attempt to make it less than a 60% nerf. That is a huge change, and if the survivors do manage to counterplay the 4 affected bonus, then we're right back to a 60% effective nerf.

    Also, does BHVR really want to encourage these tryhard builds? Instead of Legion just playing normally, they're encouraging Legion to aggressively try to hit and run way more than normal, just to get the big bonus. And even if it's less effective to play like this, it might be a lose lose situation where it's a worse game decision for Legion, and it's way less fun for the survivors since they're constantly being hit and run.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    True, you have a point. I suppose it's going to be map-dependent - on a big map like Red Forest, you're right, Legion can't effectively keep everyone injured. And I agree that the focus they're (inadvertently?) promoting is bizarre. That's part of why I wished they would have changed Thana the other way, so that it's more useful in incidental gameplay but less useful once you start focusing on 4-man injury.

    But I still do think it's better on Legion than it is on almost the entirety of the cast now, because Legion doesn't care nearly as much as any other killer when survivors heal and thus the survivor counterplay to Thana isn't as effective.

  • Wewantjason
    Wewantjason Member Posts: 288

    I went ahead and removed it from all my builds the moment I saw the announcement. There is an immediate difference in killer gen pressure and I am already sweating more. I was trying to avoid tunneling as much as I could but frankly at the mmr I am in without that regression someone has to be gone. It's a real struggle to avoid playing that way when sweaty swfs or even solo q survivors that can loop for days can make chase-no matter how quick- turn into a 2-3 gen pop situation. I had a game tonight were three gens popped in the fir two minutes. I had another where the first gen popped at 41 seconds.

    I'm not complaining for myself per se. But the fewer perks killers have to prevent gens from popping is going to encourage more camping/tunneling to slow the survivors down. It's going to be one or the other. I played without thana for several hours preparing for the update and had to definitely play much sweatier already than I was before, and I just didn't want to give hatch anymore. Working too darn hard for the kills while gens pop now I want them, queue times are too long to sweat this hard then not get my BP.Pip, so no more hatch/ having to tunnel is just going to be a thing I guess. And I'm saying all of this begrudginly. I'm sure theres plenty of killers who already felt fine camping and tunneling and are just going to see this nerf to thana and say "yup thats why i was playing this way in the first place." Continuing to remove the gen slowdown/regression is going to encourage more camping/tunneling. j=

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,069

    The problem is the effective slowdown Legion will realistically get out of the perk, will probably be less than if they had run a different slowdown perk. Why should Legion aggressively fight to get really good value out of new thana, when they could just run pain res and probably get better value for much less work? At this point, deadlock might give more effective slowdown, and that is even less interactive for the killer than thana.

    TD;LR if new thana is so bad that Legion gets only 10 seconds of slowdown per gen when Legion is aggressively fighting to hit and run excessively, Legion could have run pain res instead which is a much lower time commitment than excessively running around the map in a frenzy. Legion would only need to activate pain res 4 times during the entire match to get better slowdown value than an aggressive thana strategy.