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Dead by Daylight Chapter Idea - Star Wars

randomconsoleplayer Member Posts: 33
edited August 2022 in Creations

Seeking thoughts and feedbacks on this idea. I have lots more in my notes, most unlicensed. Comment if u want more.

Dead by Daylight Chapter Idea - Star Wars

The Emperor is an absolutely devastating killer who feeds on fear. He may be underwhelming sometimes, but the power he holds at other times proves overwhelming for survivors.


Name: The Emperor

Weapon: Electrified Hands

Speed: 4.2m/s 105% movement speed

Gender: Male

Size: Average

Terror Radius: 32m

Power Name: Dark Side

Power Description 

Special ability: Force Absorption

As survivors are chase by the Emperor, they leave behind trails of dense Force Energy. These are visible from anywhere in the trial and last indefinitely. The Emperor can use Force Absorption to absorb these Force Energy, slowly filling his power gauge. The Emperor is slowed down considerably while performing this. His power gauge, when not yet full, depletes by 0.5% per second passively, this does not occur when Force Absorption is being used.

Special attack: Force Lightning

Once your power gauge is full, Force Lightning will be available. Press the power button to charge up Force Lightning. Force Lightning has a range of 20 meters. While this is active, you see the auras of all dropped pallets within Force Lightning’s range, and they will be instantly destroyed upon coming into contact with the Lightning. A max charge of Force Lightning will persist for 6 seconds after being released. Force Lightning penetrates through any walls and obstacles. Upon being released, any survivors that are hit with Force Lightning is instantly damaged by 1 health state and will be damaged again if hit by the same Lightning stream for 2 seconds after immunity. Survivors are granted an immunity of 3 seconds after being hit the first time by Force Lightning. Starting a charge of Force Lightning will instantly deplete 10% of your power gauge, then each second of charge will deplete 8% of your power gauge. Your power gauge will deplete by 5% per second passively as soon as it fills up, this does not stack with charging and releasing Force Lightning.

Secondary attack: Force Twirl

Press the secondary power button to charge Force Twirl. Force Twirl can be released after 0.2 seconds of charging and upon being released, you will twirl forward at an impossible speed for 5 meters, damaging any survivors in your path. However, upon twirling into any obstacles, you will suffer a short stun.


Being killed was not nice, not being able to be resurrected was not nice. He laid in his own darkness, filled with the dread of dying. His force powers had been immense, but it had been the force itself that he had died for. The former Emperor himself allowed this temporary moment of peace to overwhelm him. Suddenly, a force-like Entity crawled into his head.


It whispered seductively, offering him power and the opportunity of a second chance. A second chance to destroy anyone who opposes his position as the Emperor. Palpatine accepted willingly. He embraced in the eerie waves of power. The force was no more, but the Entity lives. He appeared on a land unknown. Beyond, a survivor cowardly walked away. The Emperor groaned. It was time for work. Time for his rulings.


Iridescent Throne - Ultra Rare

The familiar throne the Emperor wielded when he was in control, grasping the galaxy by it’s throat tightly. It gave a dark sensation, crunching with power. When a survivor is downed by Force Lightning, any survivors within 16 meters of you will suffer from the exposed status effect for 30 seconds.

Death Star Fragment - Ultra Rare

The very masterpiece the Emperor had created. It now came to his mind every so often. The fragment which was pulled in along the Emperor hummed with strength from the otherworldly galaxy. When your power gauge is full, gain the undetectable status effect for 30 seconds.

Fragrant Wood - Very Rare

A part of an exotic lightsaber. The Emperor adored the material, carrying it wherever it went. It releases a calming smell. Any survivors who is damaged by Force Lightning will be afflicted with the deep wound status effect, along with Mangled and haemorrhage until fully healed.

Death Star Construction Plan - Very Rare

Once been his masterpiece, the Emperor wished to reconstruct the destructive deadly Death Star. When the Emperor hits a survivor with Force Lightning, gain the undetectable status effect for 30 seconds.

Ancient Sith Relic - Very Rare

Found at the heart of a sith tomb, the Emperor studied this relic which held great knowledge and power. Increase the max charge of Force Lightning by 2 seconds. Increase the distance of Force Twirl by 4 meters, but increase the charge time of Force Twirl by 0.3 seconds.

Darth Plagueis The Wise Statue - Very Rare

The tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise. The Emperor still wields a statue to commemorate the man who made him what he is now. If the Emperor walks through Force Energy, he will absorb them. But decrease the range of Force Lightning by 14 meters.


Name: Luke Skywalker

Gender: Male

Size: Average


Persistent Rebellion

Your never-give-up attitude grants you the final victory. After the last generator is completed or the hatch is open, if you are unhooked, gain a 15% speed boost on top of the unhooking speed boost and your unhook attempts have an extra 8/9/10% of succeeding. Being the last survivor alive will also guarantee that you will not die on hook unless you hit 2nd stage.

Strategical Betrayal

You understand the value in tricking your enemy and still working to your ultimate goal. After the killer hits you with a basic attack, they will be blinded for the duration of the attack animation cooldown and after that, scratch marks will appear to the opposite of the direction you are facing. This perk has a cooldown of 60/50/30 seconds.

Heroic Might

Your heroic statue grants you unnatural reflexes and agility after succeeding. Once you successfully blind the killer, Heroic Might activates. The next time you run, you will be granted a speed boost of 150% movement speed for a maximum duration of 3 seconds. A recuperation of 60/50/40 seconds is required before this perk can activate again.


After defeating Palpatine, it seemed like the galaxy had no threats anymore. Luke sat alone in the night of the victory, wishing to find another objective in his life.

He felt a cold touch on his shoulders and spotted huge claws coming out of a cloud of darkness. He tried to push it away with the force with his palm, but the thing was resistant. It clung onto him with overpowering strength. He was just a plaything of it. Seemingly tired with playing, the class dragged him in and he felt a stream of darkness cloud his sight.

When he woke up, he was in a totally new environment. Luke struggled to figure out what planet he was in, it was no use, his force powers ceased to function - it was stripped from him. In the distance, he could hear the Emperor’s menacing laugh. No. He did not have time to figure out how he came here or how the Emperor was still standing. Staying alive was the only thing that mattered. His heart thumped, and he raced on.
