Please do something with the matchmaking. Solo Q is DYING rn because nobody wants to play with potatoes as teammates. How does it even happen that I get absolutely GODLIKE teammates who do gens, flashlight save and loop the killer while the other teammate keeps hiding/crouching and doesn't even touch gens??
The Feng was looping the killer for 2 gens until she got tunneled out of the game. The other 2 gens I did the looping and was hoping for the Kate to do the last gen so I could maybe get away with adrenaline. The gen didn't pop tho and I was wondering what she has been doing this whole time... Well. Turns out she wasn't even trying.
Spoiler alert - she got hatch because killer couldn't find her.
PLEASE DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE CURRENT MMR SYSTEM, I'm tired of suffering because my teammates are bad.
They don't do nothing about solo. Literally they wanted this to happen with a statement.
Also MMR. They also said "We sacrificing players equal skill for faster q times."
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I have to admit even as a killer main, I am watching survivors not do gens and also not take chase and also letting people die on hook while im across the map.
Every game is either seal team six, or one good player paired with 3 potatoes
I'm considering just killing the potatoes and giving the good person hatch from now on.
I've been so tilted at the game lately and venting my anger in an unhealthy way towards my fellow players, and feel kind of guilty to be honest.
Lets all try to be positive influences in our community again people until this dust settles.
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I get where you’re coming from. I always keep an eye on survivors who are being lazy or stealthy all game when playing killer because I know how annoying it is for the other teammates when they know they got an imposter on their team.
everyone was complaining about the update and the killer buffs but for me solo q was and still is the reason why I feel frustrated with the game sometimes.
the killer buffs would be so minor if every survivor on the team would just do gens and help out others,you wouldn’t even notice the millisecond faster pallet breaks or faster recovery after hit.
But instead of fixing solo q and matchmaking the devs keep changing/tweaking perks back and forth while completely neglecting the real reason why so many survivors said they’re done with dbd.
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Have you ever considered quitting the game? Getting tilted over pixels is not healthy.
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When are we gonna stop using the term "its just pixels" or anything on the lines of that when someone shows any sort of vehemence over a game.
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Its just a way of saying "its a game", I would be saying the same if someone had anxiety/anger issues/depression/wathevernegativeemotion over playing chess, poker, mahjong, carcasonne, football or any other game/sport, games are supposed to be fun and are there to help people enjoy leisure time and let them relax, if your game of choice is actually making you angry, miserable, or wathever negative emotion you may feel is time to look for another way of enjoying your free time because games are supposed to help you not feel that way.
You can argue being supermad at a game (of any kind) is not something bad but at the end of the day if you are having a bad time at work and a bad time at your leisure hours you really need to make changes and search for something else, switching hobbies is much easier and less riskier than switching jobs.
Imagine going to a psychiatrist and ending every session feeling like utter garbage for a week, everyone would tell you "switch to another one because the one you are seeing is not doing you any good" and nobody would bat an eye for such statement. I stopped playing Dota2 when the comunity went to utter garbage and got filled with "MID OR FEED", raging kids and people more interested on yelling than playing, it wasnt the end of the world, there were plenty videogames out there where I wasnt getting angry, Do I miss it? Yes and no, I miss Dota2 before it got swarmed by inmature people but I know I cant go back to that unless I have a time machine or Valve purges the comunity.
I also quit Solo Survivor after 6.1 because its utter garbage with the new changes, I wasnt getting tilted or anything but I wasnt having any fun either, and not having fun is the first step into the "this game gives me tachicardia" road.
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nah instead of fixing solo queue they should focus more on making sure no cosmetic bugs exist 1# issue in dbd fr fr
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I never give Hatch to the person hiding all game. I always see it happen, including people with zero hooks, and they let you die. And then The Killer finds them and escorts them to the Hatch or Gate.
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I honestly don't think killers should give the hatch to anyone. To me it just skews numbers. I'm much more comfortable being lenient playing against a poor team than pity gifting things, and I never take it as survivor.
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Its important to remember though: Just because they have zero hooks doesn't mean they did nothing. I play quite stealthily; I am often the last one, or one of two left, without a hook - but ill spend the match doing gens and safe unhooking not running around like an idiot attracting the killers attention or trying to unhook..
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How many kills per game, no?
Say you have 15% of players giving a survivor the last hatch, that means 15% of the data is skewed. 15% of the games that would have been total wins for the killer now read as 3K's, a partial escape win, maybe even the outcome behaviour skew towards.
The percentage probably isn't quite that big but I would expect it's certainly significant enough to throw off the numbers, and thus the balancing.
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I agree, but it's also a lousy approach to allow everyone to get two hooked, and you're still at zero. As a Survivor in that scenario, I go out of my way to attract The Killer's attention and get hooked. Hook balance is better for the team. Sometimes your first hook becomes your last because the remaining players have less desire to risk themselves to rescue or even do gens.
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This is something I agree with. If a Killer is trying to tunnel out a teammate and I have no hooks I will, if at all possible, stay between the Killer and the tunneled person until the Killer is forced to down me. That keeps all survivors in play and makes the chance of a escape more likely.
Spreading out hook states among all survivors is an important anti-tunneling strategy.
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And this has backfired on me, too, lol
Sometimes you're better and never get caught, and The Killer actively ignores you. I finally got hooked but left to die because the others assumed I was hiding being useless. I've even been left to die when it was clear I went out of my way to take a hook for someone.
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At some point I hope the community finally accepts the fact that match making isn't the problem. The problem is that most survivors are not that good without having swf and second chance perks to carry them. There's never going to be a scenario where they devs just put all of the new/bad players together and only have "good" players matched together because there is currently no real way to tell them apart. Solo queue results and swf results are held equal as far as we know. Until they have a way to differentiate individual contributions, the system will not be able to properly match mixed lobbies. Plus the other consideration is that most killers will not enjoy playing against 4 equally skilled survivors every match. Having weak links is a major part of what makes playing killer remotely tolerable in the first place. 0k-2k every game would not be fun for most killer mains.
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No it doesn't Hatch isn't considered a win or loss and dosnt affect MMR at all. All it would show is howany times someone escapes through the hatch.
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Potato survivors are actually Nemesis' zombies in disguise!
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*90% of players MMR drastically drops*
*People start farming to gain MMR*
Yeah, wouldn't work
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Yes, surv MMR criteria are awful. You absolutely can't measure how well a surv plays on escapes, and trying to do so only encourages poor, selfish gameplay. For killer it's actually not nearly as bad, though far from perfect.
Why would BHVR intentionally alienate the largest section of their active player base? It's nothing so insidious, it's just incompetence/laziness.
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I'm not reading the novel you wrote in response to a one sentence reply.
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I feel you. I remember more games then I care to admit were I just wanted to go in there and try to go for 8 hooks without killing anyone, but "lol, to keep the tension up and make them throw in real effort I will tunnel that first survivor there, so that I got already two hooks on them", then haul my ass over to the completely opposite side of the map, and the survivors still let their mate die on the hook.
I know, I know, "don't tunnel you scumbag", but really, there can't have been even a hint of a terror radius anywhere around the hook.
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That's implying that people get high mmr for reasons they don't deserve. Which while can happen, doesnt happen as often as you may think.
Making it 30k BP will do the opposite problem. Good players with different roles WONT have high MMR and be stick in an MMR elo hell because they didnt make 30k BP. Flashlight loopers and Gen jockeys wont make that much every match. So are they bad players?
It wouldnt work out. The current MMR system has flaws but the simplistic design of it helps. If you had gray matches, but in general most were escapes. You're most likely a good survivor. That's how it should work.
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Not entirely true, but close. Even though all the killers have different powers etc. the basics are the same for everyone.
Afaik 70% of your highest killer MMR is set as the baseline for everyone else and you can increase their MMR from there on separately.
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I think Killer mmr is pretty forgiving, at least enough.
For example, I think I have about half a dozen killers that are high-ish MMR, about 6-8 I am just okay with, and the rest I don't use.
When Dredge released, I got about 10-12 easy 3-4K games against low MMR potato squads before my MMR snapped up to the median. I had the same experience with Sadako, and other killers released recently.
And I mean I think that's pretty fair since with the exception of a small handful of killers, if you're really good with one killer, you're going to be at least decent with the others. If you've got thousands of of hours in killer, there's no reason to need to start from the bottom of MMR with any of them.*
As for survivor, I tpyically employ a pretty altruistic playstyle, and will often go against the odds in late game to get people out, often giving myself up. It's not unusual for me to die but 2-3 of the others out, yet I still had the most points. It's just the way I enjoy playing; I love the against the odds challenge of it.
But if I play really well and help get potatoes through the gate at my own expense, I don't think it's fair that I get no positive mmr bump there.
Clearly surv MMR has to be more nuanced than it is.
*I would say Nurse, Billy, and Blight might be the exception there.
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"If you're complaining that you should be able to goof around the whole match and still win... I don't even know how to argue against that kind of twisted logic."
Tjey can still do that, just not at the mid-high MMR.
Just lose a good couple of games and they should be matched again with killers that are no match to their tactics of choice. :)
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survivors need to know the skill of their teammates
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Are you lost?
Why are you tagging Laluzi when I'm the one who said what you're quoting there, in a completely different thread?
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I... am confused now myself. I guess I somehow messed up? I'll try to sort my head out tomorrow ^_-
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Lol it's all good. BTW in hindsight the tone of my reply reads a bit harsh; that's not intended. If anything I was amused and slightly confused.
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Don't worry, I took it as such and was amused/confused myself. I guess I somehow conflated your two avatars, even though they show the Nurse and the Plague.
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My second to last game before hitting IRI 1 yesterday, I found an adam first and he ran into a dead zone. He just stopped and stared at me. I hit him and he didn't run. I hooked him, and after his team saved him he stayed there. I just killed him since he gave up, literally zero gens done.
I then chased an absolutely cracked jake for three generators. I could not catch this man. If even one other player had been his skill level all five gens would pop
That being said, I was just planning to let everyone go anyway since the Adam gave up. I double hooked everyone and the Jake didn't want the pity escape nor the claud. The jake pointed to hook and asked to die, and the claud killed herself on the hook. Last girl refused hatch and teabagged. So I don't really know what was expected of me in that situation. If I killed everyone I'd be a try hard since a teammate gave up, and they refused to just take the free win.
I also don't know why a potato Adam with no game sense who gives up was paired with that legacy Jake that broke my ankles. The claud was the same as the Jake but she didn't loop me, she went down taking protection hits for Jake thinking I was actually trying to tunnel him for real.
Mmr is a strange beast atm.
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So if you met those criteries yet died most matches, are you a good player?
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See, your argument might hold some merit if bad killers weren't being spoonfed their kills by BHVR right now. There are plenty of good survivors who are able to consistently run killers for multiple gens even without exhaustion perks and second chance perks.
Matchmaking is terrible and something needs to be done about it. I'm tired of being paired with survivors who act like absolute lemmings and go down after 15 seconds, constantly try to flashlight save even in situations where the killer is clearly baiting it, try to unsuccessfully pick up a slugged survivor who isn't fully recovered mid-chase, etc. etc.
Then there's the poor killers. Here I am with 1300 hours absolutely destroying this poor Oni who's just hit 300 hours and is still figuring out which killer they should main. Then there's the "300 hours but tunnels" type killers. Very rarely, I get matched against a killer with similar hours but they run multiple slowdown perks and also tunnel at 5 gens.
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Psh. I just had a very special match as legion.
The survivor lobby had one duo, obvious due to matching names, Cheryl and Nancy. They had flashlights and did the funny clicky clicky, franklins wiped that from existence though. Now, that Cheryl wanted my attention BADLY so i assumed shed be a good looper and ignored her to go after her teammates. She spent the ENTIRE (!) match fast vaulting in and out of a locker to get my attention while i ignored her. The. Entire. Match. Even while i hooked the last other surv. She didnt do ######### all game and thought she was a big playmaker. But she is the sole reason i got a 4k. Had she done something productive, multiple people would have def escaped.
People like that should be timeouted or at least at the very bottom of mmr. But no. Everybody can get these trolls randomly. I reported her btw. Their names were hotbombshell and hotasyoucansee or something. DODGE THEM if youre a survivor because we all know not even reports do anything :)
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I play both roles and am also seeing the patterns as well, though my lust for Iridescent Grade III might be stopping me from soaring anyone.
At the very least, if I see people doing especially well or especially poor I've made sure to call them out on it in the end-game chat when I can.
Perhaps I'll start giving the hatch to the most skilled players now though.
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I'm starting to think this is why my mmr is so screwed up. I stopped counting my win streaks after over a hundred solid. I THINK 150 but considering how many of those games had people doing that same thing and throwing games, I think the survivors who were throwing most of this patch have artificially inflated my MMR too high with wins I didn't deserve and now I can't keep up.
I am so far past infuriated I really want behavior to start banning toxic players/throwers/ quitters.
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I see.
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Oh really? So a game doesn't show as 3 kills instead of 4 on the statistics, but instead it has a separate stat for that dev side? I'm talking about the statistics for matches, not MMR really. Like if you were to reference the numbers and it said that in 30% of the matches the killers sacrificed all the survivors, vs the real number being more like 45%, with 15% of those having the last survivor being gifted the hatch.
The reason I bring it up is for balancing reasons, not ranking etc, so I'd love to know if it was counted as a 3k win or 4k win, and how the devs can differentiate between a survivor finding the hatch or being gifted it.
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That's what I'm saying because it's not counted as a win or loss it's not included in the normal stats dev side but in a separated report.....that's how we got the whole hatch and Key rework is from those stats
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Interesting, that's good to know. Thanks for the clarification.