Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700
edited August 2022 in General Discussions


I really love how the devs butcher Freddy every single patch, its unreal.

Let us talk about this in this:

Until now, Freddy has received a rework, 9 offical Nerfs (imagine this!) and a lot of passive Nerfs too.

What is Freddy designed to do:

He has a mediocre Antiloop and a Teleport to Generators. Im wondering why the Teleport isnt nerfed yet, maybe only 40m or some crazy ideas? When my main ability is to go to gens across the map, what am I supposed to use? Exactly, GEN-PERKS. After complitely annihilating a lot of Gen-Regression-Perks, finally u found a way to even kill Dead Man Switch, which was his only weapon left. Congratulations. And for what? For a stupid little error in your pragramming of Merciless Storm. At least official...

What am I (or Freddy-Players in general) supposed to use now? You have nothing left, you cannot use a lot of perks thanks to their "If in the Terror-Radius"-#########. Guess what, I DONT HAVE A TERROR-RADIUS in my wonderful passive Ability, so called "Dreamworld", which is doing absolutely nothing. Oh wait, I have the Oblivious-Status-Effect on my side. That sound wonderful, unfortunately survivors can hear a lullaby only when I am coming, so they can easily prepare themselfe for the next Loop (at least if they know what a Loop is, of course).

What Perks did Freddy used over the Time:

Thana, Dying Light, SH:PR, DMS, Tinkerer, Pop, Hex:Ruin, Hex:Undying. Boom, thats it.

Guess what: Everything was killed besides Pain Resonance for itself. Congratulations. Its a "little too opressive", right?

Of course, U can still win against Survivors who arent even capable of holding W and pressing Spacebar correctly when a Skill-Check is coming. Against any other survivor or even team, you stand alone.

Im wondering you havent butchered No Way Out or Rancor, but I am well aware, thats next on the list, after removing Moris out of the game. I cant wait to reach F-Tier again like oldest Freddy.

Am I frustrated? Yes

If you have to destroy every perk my character is supposed to use in combination with his GEN-Teleport, just to say sorry for killing Deadhard, then ######### it, give this ######### back to survivors and let me have at least something to work with. Im so sick of this nerfs every ######### patch. Of course, u dont even noticed how u butcher The Nightmare over and over again, do u?

I dont care about a 10% faster cooldown for kicking a gen or breaking a pallet, thats nothing compared to taking away every perk worth using as Freddy.

Am I overreacting? Maybe

If u think so, let me hear some build I can use without losing by default against a good SWF. Im curious what ideas I have missed.

Oh and dont forget his absolute crazy Addon-Pass he has currently. He has literally ONE Addon worth running, everything else is meme or even more bad.

Its frustrating, absolutely frustrating. Oh and lets be honest for a second: I dont want to hear the "Then play Nurse, Blight and Spirit"-#########. I want these killers get nerfed so that trash-killers like Freddy can receive buffs man.

Last but not least: Dont forget the overwhelming kill-rates he has. If the january-released-document is correct, he was the third deadliest killer in the game. I know, numbers are the most important thing, but guess what: Its only because he will appear in Low-Tier-Games more frequently. As higher u get, as lower his pickrate. Wouldnt u agree @Killer-Mains, that Freddy is complete garbage against at least decent survivors, now even more than before?

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700
    edited August 2022

    I do this, he is my 3rd fav. killer. But thats not the solution I am "begging" for. They should start looking at the PICK RATES ffs.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    I love my Demo Puppy he's a good boy. Also if Survivors are good they can give him head pats

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    If you use dark devotion you can use terror radius perks on Freddy.

    If they take away all the usefull perks you might as well go full meme

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    Tell me what u are running? How many hours do u have? How many hours your survivors u go against have?

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,144
    edited August 2022

    Haven't been playing lately him but I'm still running skill check builds. I only run the dresses cause the other add ons suck. Like wow I can hear people's steps louder in the dream world.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    If Survivors fail skill checks, even with Unnerve Presence (what does not work in Dream btw.), than these Survivors are really bad. No one falls for Skill-Checks, except they play Tetris on the 2nd monitor at the same time.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,144

    I don't use that perk due to terror radius conditions. Alright guess those survivors are bad then huh? It the only way to use him beside pallet freddy

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700
    edited August 2022

    If thats the only way to use him now, as u mentioned, then this Discussion is absolutely right. Then he is a really bad, if not the worst, killer. Oh and dont forget that the Dresses works with Skill-Check-Fails, which means they wake up. So this addons works against his design. Isnt that stupid? XD

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Only thing from my build that was nerfed (besides the BBQ points) was POP.

    My build on Freddy has mostly always been BBQ, POP, Bamboozle and Lethal.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    Its sad. Well, I can run Eruption, Call of Brine and Overcharge together. Wow, 3 Slots gone. Nice!

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,320

    F for Freddy

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,610

    Far be it for me to defend current Freddy, he desperately needs some love to make him more interesting and give him a more distinct identity, but I do think it's kind of a stretch to say that he got nerfed hard with these most recent changes.

    There are still generator-based slowdown/lethality perks that he can use, and some of them even got buffed. You may not be able to run Ruin, Pop, and Thana(? Could Freddy use Thana before...?), but you now have Overcharge, Call of Brine, Eruption, and a host of other tools like Dragon's Grip that didn't get directly buffed but that he'll benefit from that little bit more since kicking generators got buffed from two separate directions.

    That's not to say he's doing great, like I said he still needs work, but these changes haven't harmed him more than any other killer. You could even argue the gen-kick perks that remain are more effective on him, since he can teleport to any generator he wants to apply them to.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700
    edited August 2022

    Thats what I am doing currently. Overcharge, Call of Brine AND Eruption with STBFL. Is that a good build compared to PR, DMS, Tinkerer and Corrupt/Ruin before 6.1.0? Never, this is so bad compared to my old build.

    On top of that: You cant use other builds, its impossible. Its a matter of time No Way Out get nerfed too and away from these 4 perks, I dont see any build reliable to his Kit.

    Of course u could do something like Brutal, Enduring, STBFL and Spirit Fury, just to have better chase-potential, but u will never win with this on most maps and get Spirit Fury Value maybe once a game.

    Puh.... im shocked how he stays there now. I knew he was never that good of a killer and always in the bottom 10 of the board (after the Nerfs with Snares and Immortality to Sleepiness etc., but now: I cannot see any killer below. Myers has different options, especially T3 all the time, Trapper has at least a big fun potential and Piggy is better with the new RNG-Box-Buff.

    Oh yea Clown, but u know what: He can throw his Bottles midchase, while Freddy has to set the Snares and walk like an idiot left and right until the snare is even ready.... and he has a One-Shot-Option. Same Ghostface.

    So in the end I cannot really see a killer more worse than him now.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,610

    Well, keep experimenting, then. Find something that complements both your playstyle and his kit. There are a lot of generator-related perks, a lot of information perks that can make his teleport more consistently useful, a lot of lethality perks that make up for his mediocre chase power...

    As for whether it'll be as strong as that old build... that old build had PR/DMS in it, a notoriously obnoxious and unfun combination due to how strong it was at that point. I would kind of expect any fair build to give strictly less value than that, but that's not a bad thing at all. You've still got plenty of viable and interesting options- quite a few perks synergise with Freddy's kit when you stop and think about it.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,443

    Ah, still in the fight I see. Good :)

    Now, I strongly believe no version of Freddy can be considered a "Low Tier Killer" and this is a hill I will die on, but... He is just atrociously boring to play right now. You can still use him effectively, that much I tested myself, but you won't be rewarded for doing so.

    The only fun thing about Freddy is the fact that you are playing as Freddy Krueger himself. But even that can be debatable, because he feels like a poorly done mix of Clown and Hag.

    You know what my idea for Freddy is, and I am glad you agreed with it <3

    I just wish the developers agreed too.

  • Silasy
    Silasy Member Posts: 228
    edited August 2022

    Sadly even his pre nerf version was a mediocre killer and he is now absolutely worst top 3 killer. That just hurts. Freddy is a Dream Demon. He should powerful in Dream World but nope, he is just M1 killer with a bad antiloop.

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,320
    edited August 2022

    Enough said. Hope to see him get some love soon.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475
    edited August 2022

    He's been bottom tier for ages now, he shouldn't -need- perks to lift him outta there. He's got a bloated kit but none of it is really that good, besides his teleport I guess.

    Is anyone ever really that scared of being asleep against him? No, it's a really weak effect.

    Post edited by Krazzik on
  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108
  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    I got their attention. Reveived a warning cause I fight too often for him with too many topics, which is spamming.

    Lets count this as a small win. They saw it.

  • Alex_
    Alex_ Member Posts: 143

    Ofc you can do that, but I highly doubt that you need 3 Gen Slowdown perks...

    It is out of question that Freddy is more than just on the weaker side if killers, but after the killer basekit buff you do not need 3 slowdown perks, especially if it's an imo really strong perk (eruption, due to the lpng incapacitated duration) and two perks that combine to a beastly combo. You can get rid of at least one of these if you really dont want 3 slots gone. (I dont know if i interpreted your comment correctly tbh)

    Perks i can recommend tho are pop (which is even after the nerf still very viable, esp with tinkerer) and deadlock if you want solid gen slowdown/defence.

    Opression is also not as bad as you might think, you can even combine it with other kicking perks.

    Other perks that are good are some basic things that work for most killers. You can run im all ears to make interresting mindgames, you can take coup the grace (as memey as it sounds, it is really fun, and can actually help you in some situations, esp as noone expects it). STBFL and PWYF are also viable options. Surge/Jolt works just fine, as it works over a set distance as far as i'm informed. You can use mindbreaker/fearmonger to easier catch survivors after a teleport.

    What also might work (i didn't test this yet as freddy is far from being my main, but i really want to) is using some undetectable perks, plaything in particular, to cause some chaos.

    I think regarding perks, it's not too difficult. Sure, his addons are atrocious, but perks are not a problem. Threre are still many good and fun ones.

  • Alex_
    Alex_ Member Posts: 143

    Ofc you can do that, but even tho freddy is undoubtedly more than just on the weaker side, i dont believe you need 3 slowdown perks after the killer basekit buff. Esp as its really good ones. Eruption has the insanely long incapacitated and overcharge and call of brine combo really well together.

    But for other perks...

    If you want gen slowdown/protection, pop is still viable after the nerf, esp with tinkerer. Deadlock is very decent. Opression is not as bad as you might think, esp in combo with other kicking perks like eruption (i know it doesnt apply eruption to the other gens, but its still nice to get both effects with one kick) you can pair opression with surveillance to see what gens have been kicked if you want to. Jolt works just fine, as it has a set distance. Corrupt is also still great.

    There are severaly perks that work on most killers that you can run on freddy just fine. Im all ears to make interresting mindgames, coup the grace (as memey as it sounds, it is really fun, and can actually help you in some situations, esp because nobody expects it). Devour hope is great, esp as you will teleport after hooking many times. Fearmonger to get easier chases after teleporting. STBFL and PWYF are decent.

    One thing i haven't tried yet, but might be fun, is using plaything on him for the chaos. It kinda punishes survivors to wake themselves up.

    I in general highly recommend you using more fun builds. From what i've seen in this threat, you had your build of ruin/undying, PR/DMS and used this almost exclusivly (sry if i understand that wrong), but i think you don't need a build as strong as this, even on freddy.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    I do feel bad for Freddy mains, the few left, his current state leaves him so weak with near non existent anti loop, a good teleport though but has lost synergy with lots of former perk, although I do thinks there’s still good gen perks being the only thing he can run synergy with well. But that doesn’t matter if he can’t get those downs and current Freddy just doesn’t have much mechanical depth or a skill ceiling or interesting gameplay. I hope one day Freddy is reworked to be strong but interesting.

  • Oscarnator
    Oscarnator Member Posts: 304

    It sucks but you could just try to not play Freddy. You can’t purposely play a bad character and expect not to get dogged on while simultaneously wanting to win. If you want to win while having fun play Oni or other A tier killers.

  • Gorgonia
    Gorgonia Member Posts: 1,607

    Play survivor or git gud.

  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104

    I miss original Freddy. There was a lot of bad about his power back then. But the upside was once he got you asleep you could run but you couldn't hide.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,443

    Most of Old Freddy's weaknesses were easy to solve though.

    They should have just reverted his initial nerf (Patch 1.8.1) and given him the Incapacitated Status Effect during the Dream Transition.

    Thats literally it. It doesn't take a full rework.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700
    edited August 2022

    Yeah I know that Freddy is Bottom-3 now. The Synergy with Tinkerer was awesome, fake-teleport and Dead Mans, PR Info (more important than the 15%), then teleport and Pop it etc.

    But now there is nothing left what synergyze well with his power. Thats the issue.

    I do hope they start looking at him.

    Im well aware that I just could swap to another killer, indeed I play different ones (8 to be exactly), but Freddy is my man, u know.

    It just feels unfair that he falls down to the bottom-3.

    Tbh I think Trapper is now almost better...

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700
    edited August 2022

    Yea I know, Nurse, Blight, Spirit. I am so sick of these three tbh.

    They ruin the possibility for other killers to catch up.

    Nerf this three, man !

    But I dont care about the perks for changing him. I would wish for

    A) Addon-Pass

    B) Remove Snares/Pallets and give him a better Chase-Ability (maybe Stretch-Arms like in the first movies - can go around tiles for example. But then, youll receive a cooldown if it hits so survivors can get more distance.

    Something like that.

    Post edited by Marik1987 on
  • kizuati
    kizuati Member Posts: 1,386

    nurse is not and anyone with over 500 hours will agree with her being the most op killer in the game

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733
    edited August 2022

    The game itself is horribly unbalanced, with a rather deceptive amount of agency in a match relying on the survivor side. Nurse (and blight) give the killer side a larger share of that agency. They are "overpowered" enough to become "even" considering the 1v4 dynamic.

    So basically you're both right, but mostly due to how literally every match will be unfair to at least some of its players every single game.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    It is NOT a solution to say: Hey, Killer X is bad, play another. Thats not how it works.

  • kizuati
    kizuati Member Posts: 1,386
  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    They really need to just stop this whole "x perk is op specifically on y killer, so lets nerf it into the ground so its bad on everyone" approach. Just have problematic character/perk combos have their synergies adjusted instead. The Thana change is a perfect example of exactly how not to handle those types of situations, they could have easily done something like put a stipulation that broken/deep wounds give half the thana effect and suddenly its still a decent perk that can't become "too oppressive" on killers who get "too much consistent value" from them. Even if/when people find ways to work around that, it'd still be better than what we ended up with.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    The alternative of "make the thing useless" is never the correct alternative. The entire point of the meta shakeup was to address literally that.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    I dont care about Perks. I care about Freddy. He needs an Rework for his Antiloop (something new for Snares and Pallets) and an Addon-Pass.

    Especially the Addon-Pass I would love to see.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    The Freddy-Tier: Freddy, Frapper, FreddyFace, Fryers, Fig

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    Funny-Tier XD.

    But I have to say that Frapper and Pig are better, especially Pig. Pigs Buff to the boxes is a very good buff, you can buy a lot of time. With Video-Tape, u will probably have 2-3 hooks before the first gen pops.

    On Top of that has Pig some fine mechanics, especially Amandas Letter with Johns Medical File or, if u like Ambushs, the Workshop Grease with Combat Strap-Combo. For Standard, just use Double Gear.

    Freddy: Dont matter, just use Paint Brush every game and the 2nd addon is meme anyway.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    The overreaction is calling Freddy F-tier. There are still plenty of things possible, but Freddy's main playstyle is preparing for the Endgame. No Way Out, Noed, Bloodwarden and Remember Me are quite good on Freddy. You use the generator part of the game to hit the obsession as much as possible, while hooking everyone once. Generator teleportation makes this relatively easy to do. You dont need all 4 stacks of No Way Out, you just need 3 stacks of Remember Me and 2 stacks of No Way Out. If you do manage to hook everyone at least once, go find the obsession again and kill them, even if it means tunneling(lets be real here, if you hooked everyone once and can tunnel out the obsession who might run both DS and Off The Record, survivors have had time to finish all gens or at least heal up for bodyblocks, there are no gen slowdown perks available).

    With Freddy, I personally consider this to be a very interesting build, as he becomes less mobile the more gens are done, while also becoming more intimidating during the EGC.

  • INoLuv
    INoLuv Member Posts: 464

    He has to be weak, if a killer is strong they will get a nerf, survivors have a good time now that he is weak, this is what matters.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,443

    Then Blight should have gotten an overheat mechanic by now.

    Freddy doesn't necessarily have to reach the absolute highest of Tiers. He just needs to stop being so damn boring.

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135
    edited August 2022

    I remember plenty of threads complaining Freddy was too easy to play for how good his kit was. Whether you agree or not, it was kind of a hot topic at one point. But yeah, they went overboard and gave Freddy a dirt nap. Sad.