Please let Wesker be a good killer

I swear it better not be another nemesis situation. Please don't let it be underwhelming. Please don't make his power boring. Please don't. Just don't.
It sounds like better Nemesis to me, which is bit sad because I was hoping for a real unique killer with unique power.
I know it's from same franchise so for example infection has to be there but still. It looks like he has some damaging (more stronger probably) anti-loop power probably just without zombies. Also removing infection sounds CTRL C + CTRL V thing same as Nemesis. Go for limited boxes with limited infection removal.
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Let's have a killer that is fun and fair for both sides the provide skill
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Bro, it's DbD... Wesker will be Stopped by Pallets, will stop chasing cause of strong windows.
He's a superpowered Character already, how will the Entity empower him more? It makes no sense for Wesker to need any more power.
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With Behaviour? no way
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Him being good is nice and all
But god i hope he has voice lines
"You will not live to see the dawn" was so good
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I was hoping he would have some sort of mutation ability. They missed it with Nemesis and now wesker.
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They haven't showed us much just that he has some sort of dash
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Nemesis is a good killer, so I'm not sure what your bar is?
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As in good design all around, not just main power-wise.
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Yeah, Nemesis is still a pretty good killer. Good blend of accuracy and integration into DBD specifically, fun to play as with skill expression helping in countering him, and aesthetically on point.
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He is above decent, but not great. However his power is very unoriginal, underwhelming, and lacks map pressure (completely RNG zombies). His tier 3 is so underwhelming, you'd think a RE character would have a more powerful secondary ability, or at least one that fits him. But no all you get is an extra meter on your m2 ability, which is helpful but come on thats it?
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Nemesis 2.0
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Unoriginal? There's only two killers that are even similar to how he functions, and that's only for the tentacle and the infection - his zombies were incredibly original and groundbreaking for the game.
I'd argue the power is far from underwhelming. Arguably the best licensed power we have, one of the game's few true anti-loop powers and a very robust chase power to boot. The zombies may be inconsistent, but they're still useful as information.
Though, I do agree that Tier 3 is way less of a jump in power than Tier 2 is. Still, technically it's an extra metre and increased movement speed while holding it, which is worth mentioning.
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After how much I've enjoyed these last several new Killers, I hold high hopes and expectations. I'm easy to please (I know. I'm always told this - ESPECIALLY in regards to DBD Killers) but I think that a bit more creativity is on the rise. I mean it's possible that Wesker is gonna have a power where he can THROW, INSTA-PICKUP and even DIVE through windows. Cmon. Let's be a little bit more optimistic and grateful, eh? At least try?
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Expect the worst.
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I'm not sure why people are saying he's like Nemesis. Nemesis is a pallet smashing killer with a modest range attack and zombies that give him some tracking. From what little I've heard about Wesker it sounds like he's nothing like that.
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Having demo have an ability that lets him leap forwards to attack and break pallets is one thing. Having p head to have an attack that shoots forward and through walls but doesn't break pallets is another. But having nemesis have an ability that shoots forward, break pallets, OR hit survivors is a bit unoriginal wouldn't you say? I myself don't like that at all.
The zombies are eh. There is literally only two of them on the map. Sometimes they help, most of the time they don't. They are weak and inconsistent.
I think nemesis could have been more. Another S tier killer. Not only that, but he is an RE killer. He could have been so much more than what he is.
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He can yeet survivors. I do not even care how good he is. I will use him to BM.
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I think his mechanic will be like Doomfist from Overwatch.
Charging Punch and flash forward in a straigtline!
If he hit survivors, survivor will be slow or hit the wall and stun.
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When it comes to licensed characters it should be accurate. Doesn't matter if it ends up not being unique,. The licensed characters should be those characters. Just wait for the next original killer.
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Guaranteed his is gonna be just as annoying as nemmy
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Please give him super speed or teleport power.
Don't make him like nemesis.
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Best i can offer is a green addon that gives a 0,2 second faster infection rate. I call it licker brain.
Take it or leave it.
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He actually comes with bamboozle 2: Electric boogaloo that probably helps with windows a lot. Will have to see.
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That’s an impossible task. Survivors only think a killer is fun and fair, if the killer is so weak that it’s garbage at high MMR.
I get matched against so many survivor bully squads, and if I play anyone besides Blight or Nurse, I’m basically asking to be a punching bag for those bully squads.
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If Wesker isn't even a little bit chatty I will genuinely be disappointed - It's a character with a huge ego and personality. I want to see that emulated in game. Even if it's primarily focused on the Resident Evil cast I need to hear Wesker talk. He's such an amazing character.
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He probably will right?
Would be a bit silly to hire a voice actor just for 2 lines in the trailer
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On one hand - We have The Cenobite with amazing dialogue.
On the other hand - We have Ash who only has dialogue in the lobby.
I know to some degree it's more likely we go the Cenobite route but this is another dream DLC for me so I want Wesker to be that ego filled Mastermind we all know and love.
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Wesker seems to be on a similar level of badass as Darth Vader, so I am looking forward to it.
The 2 lines "I'll kill you quickly" and "You will not live, to see the dawn" are 2 things Vader would totally say.
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In terms of fun? yeah I'd say so. In terms of strength? no, not at all.
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I'm still surprised they haven't changed that yet.
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I think he'll be more interesting then nemesis but I don't know if he'll be better which is a bit worrying.
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Me too... its the worst addon in the game.
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If he is strong on the ptb like the artist he will be nerfed, or if he gets a buff he will get a nerf that also cripples him like Pyramid head. The killer should not be hard just because of the already hard control, but the killer has to be hard to play, is wrong that a killer is hard to play, survivors should have the easiest counters to killers possible, as always. When a killer performs well or is good, gets nerfed, usual
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Nemesis is way better than some people give him credit for.
He's real good at shutting down loops and dealing with chases outside of looping, and while his zombies do kind of suck, they are at least passive information.
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Wesker on level of Vader? You're insane! Darth Vader is the REASON Star Wars exists! Remove Vader and there's no prequel trilogy, there's no og's and there's no sequel trilogy, without Annakin there's no Star Wars. Without Wesker you had 3 excelent games, RE2, RE3 and RE4 and two good games in RE7 and RE8. The original RE is a great game but it's not because of Wesker. Re5 is okay despite Wesker. Sheva's AI was so bad, the story wen't basicly nowhere, Chris was Roided out and Punching Boulders, Jill survived somehow and went Blonde.
There's alot more memorable moments without Wesker's involvement than there is when he is involved...
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Here's to hoping the new survivors have any good or interesting perks. Anything to entice survivor play time.
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I just want him to be fun to play against, unlike Nemesis. But I highly doubt that's gonna be the case after what I heard on the stream
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I'd like him to be a fun killer to play as or against. If he's only fun for one side (either as an S Tier destroyer, or a mockery) it'll be a waste.
His power, in my head, sounds fun and reminds me a little of a charge attack like Hillbilly or Demogorgon's lunge, with a bit of the Twins pouncing over objects. The idea of smashing survivors into things also sounds entertaining. Finally, a killer who utilises _hindered_ as basekit for his power could make him a great chaser.
Should make for some exciting chases, if this is the case.
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That is my opinion, from what I've seen so far regarding Wesker.
Also RE isn't nearly as big of a franchise as Star Wars is. But I saw similarities between those 2 characters nearly instantly.
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Every killer is now A tier or higher
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Wesker was ridiculously powerful due to how he bonded with the virus, so odds are, like the Doctor, the Entity will probably try to forcefully limit his power or fear Wesker like Myers.
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No I hope he's the worst killer. Completely unplayable and a total flop.
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Maybe I'm misunderstanding what u read but he sounds somewhat like he has blight power and makes survivors run slow so that seems decent
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i mean, there's huntress, oni, demo, blight (without his bullshit addons) good survivors usually don't complain about those
it's impossible to create a killer everyone likes but those guys i think kinda come close to that.
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They aren't going to make another Blight. He will probably not be good.
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They can make it fun but it’s got no shot being the most fun in the game since Spirit is already here.
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Just because the basekit got changed doesnt mean the differences between the killers changed.
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*looks at historical records of frothing survivors till they got her nerfed*
Survivors probably will never find her "fun".