Item rarity after prestiging
So apparently, after you reach a certain prestige level, lower rarity add-ons and offerings stop appearing. One of my friends just got pig to prestige 20, and the only addons he ever bothered using were combat straps and john's medical file. But now he's upset, because those add-ons are literally never appearing in his bloodwebs.
At first when he told me this my response was "PepeLaugh you didn't know the lower rarities would stop appearing lol."
But this makes me wonder, if this ends up being a problem that enough people talk about, will the devs do anything and what will they do? Often times some of the best killer add-ons are brown and yellow, and the higher rarity addons are either busted, or far weaker than the brown and yellows. So what happens if you run out of the addons you like to use, but you literally can't get any more of them because you've prestiged so many times, and the game refuses to put them in your bloodwebs?
Bloodwebs got mad expensive because of this
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Yeah i am glad i spent millions on killers to have a giant safety net of the brown and yellow addons on the ones that need it (demo being the biggest currently with both shred addons) But eventually they'll run out. So i hope they can find a middle ground.
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Yea this little fix of theres just made the grind much more annoying like - I love dbd and I'll happily defend it being a good game but they totally monkey paws a lot of their patches. Monkeys paw is a meme where to get something good you also get something bad, so we got a "reduced" grind, but they're going to start making bloodwebs more expensive and grindy by increasing the rarity of addons on the bloodwebs, not to mention reducing the grind but removing two perks with great BP benefits, there was absolutely no reason to do this.
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they completely overlooked the entire importance of anything other than perks in the bloodweb, and had to come up with something after the fact. Since it wasn't a core consideration when they overhauled the entire system, they've had to wing it and it shows.
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I wonder. Do bloody party streams get more common? If so that would be sick but guessing dbd and there bloody party streamers they prob keep the locked up in a safe somewhere and never let them go out in bunches
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Pretty sure BPS have a unique and very low rarity despite appearing green.
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I've definitely noticed more map offerings in my lower bloodwebs, the BPS rate seems to be about the same. Maybe a little higher than before/showing up at lower webs than they usually would. There's definitely a lot of map offerings though... too bad I never use them.
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Yeah I think this is a problem, but I'd give the devs time since they just fixed the opposite problem (not enough rare addons appearing) which loads of people were complaining about. Ultimately this is a massive update for the game and not everything can be fixed immediately. Making a game takes a lot of effort and skill, and I don't think theyre ignoring us here, but just give them a bit of time because they are working through lots of other problems/fixes at the same time. For now just try stock up on loads of rares on killers that have good rares :)
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I think I'll be doing ok, though I could run out of Barb's Glasses. I only have 66 compared to the rest of the Uncommon Add-Ons, all of them being around 200
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Do we have any data on what the addon ratios are like at prestige 20? I have a character over level 10, and some of my mid bloodwebs (like around levels 20-40) are still completely brown and yellow. And sometimes I only see one purple per blood web.
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Just FYI the devs mentioned in the July update blog that they are going to be adjusting the rarities in post prestige bloodwebs to match what they are at level 50. Not sure if that’ll be in the full chapter coming up or a following patch but they have it in their pipeline and it’s a numerical only change so hopefully it won’t take much longer than that.
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An easy fix: prestige 50 makes grey addons, offerings and items permanently available and automatically sells all the addons and items that remain. At prestige 100, the same is true for yellow addons, offerings and items.
I've never seen a reason to not make that rarity permanently available after spending a certain amount of time.
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According to the patch notes, they already made this change. But I have a character over prestige 10, and the addon rarity ratios are still garbage when compared to what they were before the prestige rework.
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Which patch notes? I don’t remember seeing that.- Never mind I see it in the patch from Tuesday. Thanks for pointing it out!
Add-on rarity in low level bloodwebs increases as you increase your prestige level
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Ghostface best addons are both commons. :(
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His new purple add-on that blocks and regresses gens by 20% when someone is Marked while doing them is pretty nice. 🙂
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BPS are unfortunately crowded out due to the high saturation of map offerings in the green rarity.
Also, whoops. Looks like this is another reason the old level 50 bloodwebs were superior.
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True but it's rare enough that it's an occasional treat. You also blow an exposed for the gen hit unkess you hapoened to be right on them. The commons are super useful and consistently help.
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One of the nice things about Ghost Face now is the mark lasts 60 seconds so even if you mark at long range there’s a decent chance you’ll have an opportunity to hit them before it ends. (It’s kind of like having Haunted Grounds triggering periodically throughout the match.) 99% marks are still handy too but simply full marking is more viable now than it used to be.
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True, but he also has zero chase power, so marking from a distance is pretty much guaranteed to have the survivor get away. At the very least it discourages them from doing gens while exposed.
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Right, it does make them panic off the gens, which is useful on its own. Plus they can’t break you out of stealth for 60 seconds which also is pretty great. And even if they run they might not even know where you were and can run the wrong way towards you.
You’re right about Ghost Face being weak in a chase though. Running chase related perks can be fun on him because it helps shore that up a bit.
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I had no idea this was even a thing. I wish they had never touched the prestige system tbh.
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Map offerings. The biggest waste of inventory space. Bloodyparty streamers should change to ultra rare at this point
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I think they were purposefully vague in the patch notes about this because they knew they were going to have to make future tweaks.
I really wish the devs would think these changes through before implementing them.
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even if they get that perfect, it still doesn't account for the other issues like forced prestiges (and forced costs,) fluctuating blood web sizes, less perks meaning less webs you can force the entity to eat bad nodes/routes, etc. And there isn't even a real solution because different killers prioritize different addon rarities because they still don't know how to create uniform degrees of value for each rarity.
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Since the post above I found out they actually did adjust the rarities in Tuesday's patch. It's not clear from the patch notes what the change they did is, but it does say "Add-on rarity in low level bloodwebs increases as you increase your prestige level".
Hopefully a dev will clarify exactly how that works now since that's all they said. All I know from that statement is rare add-ons can show up more often in the early webs after you Prestige, but I have no idea if that means it's the same frequencies as at level 50 or something else or if those frequencies continue changing every time you Prestige up. 🤷♂️
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There is a real solution, which is to use a deck of cards RNG to have the addon ratios be identical to what the level 50 bloodwebs are. Even if people prioritize different rarities, it would functionally be equal to what people previously had before the prestige update.
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They used to be near non-existant before level 40, but thats not exactly the issue I meant. Web size is important in regards to minimizing waste in webs, larger webs have more "choke point" nodes that you can use to manipulate the entity into taking larger chunks of the web faster, minimizing waste in an extremely-inefficient-by-design system. All of these issues would go away if they ditched this gatcha style dumpster fire but they refuse because its both iconic, and serves as a vessel for plenty of manipulative player retention tactics.
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that emulates the previous rarity distribution, but it doesn't address it (nor actually fix it) as it still doesn't offer pairity with how things used to work. These types of changes are damage control, not resolution.
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Im at prestige 15 and my low level bloodwebs are mostly green with the occasional brown/yellow/purple/iri
When I hit prestige 16 Ill screenshot every single bloodweb from 1-50 and report back
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I’m more concerned with whether or not the purple addons feel like they are near the 3/26 ratio. It feels like I’m getting way less purple addons than before. I need more data points, but so far it also feels like if an iri spawns, it replaces a purple, as I still haven’t seen any mid bloodwebs with 2 purples and 1 iri.
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Well regardless, Im saving up 2 mil BP then Ill go from 16-1 to 16-50 and put every bloodweb in an album on imgur or something on post it here. Will probably take a couple hours.
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Level 3-50 bloodwebs at prestige 16
Overall cost was about 1.8 million
At this prestige, there doesn't seem to be too much of a lack of lower rarity stuff, but as I level up Ill continue to be vigilant, maybe at prestige 20 or 21 Ill do this again