Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

New idea

since its become the trend, how about just disable all survivor perks once the gates are powered? well all except the ones designed for the end of the game at least, that is whats truly fair right?

while we are at it, lets give killers base kit all their perks, since thats basically where this game is headed, instead of fixing oh i dont know, killers being vacuumed to the wrong side of the pallet, there being sound still with quick and quiet when the lockers close even though the NAME of the perk is called quick and QUIET so it shouldnt be making noise, id didnt before, why has it the last few patches? and i also feel instead of iron will being a "balance" change with the 75% bit, its probably due to them not wanting to figure out how to fix there being a sound bug when you finish healing with iron will active

and no this isnt a one sided rant by some new player whos angry they lost or at changes to their "crutch perks" ive been playing the game since 2016, started as killer too, game used to be fun on both sides, sure it was buggy, you had your a-hole survivors and killers (you still have them today, just one side is put on blast more than the other, and that causes the devs to make changes around that) and also back then there were actual infinites (the whole reason we have blood lust in the first place is it was supposed to be a band-aid fix till they fixed the loops to not be impossible for certain killers and certain maps, now, there isnt really a need for it yet they increase the speed you gain it? what matches are so bad that it needs the devs to hold their hands, almost literally, in order to win? and in such case, shouldnt that be a slap in the face and a wake up call to improve? not be happy?


  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,667

    map design still suck so i won't call for a bloodlust removal, especially for pure m1 killers like wraith, legion and trapper will be the ones that will suffer more from this change while killers with an actual anti loop power won't be affected much...

  • Hito420
    Hito420 Member Posts: 89

    wraith has speed burst of his own when he uncloaks, legions power is arguably the fastest run speed (run, not teleport/phase) other than maybe billy or oni if you count them, and trapper, as someone that plays trapper frequently, if you place your traps where you should be placing them, loops are a non-issue, since you will be stopping them with your traps, its not like before where your traps could be sabo'd, imagine back in those days playing trapper with no traps then you are really just an m1 killer