Why can wraith be lightburned?

It actually is so detrimental to him against better teams. They can literally force wraith into a bad spot when he gets them in the open. And why is the stun so long?
It's an old mechanic that has no place in the game now, when's the last time you even saw anyone manage to stun Nurse with it?
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Otzdarva got lightburned in his most recent video lol
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It usually helps me when they try it. I just stop uncloaking and move behind them to bodyblock them before starting to uncloak again. They waste charges and get themselves a nice whack
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If they are competent this will not work tho
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It would make sense as a counter to a strong power (such as hag traps), but on wraith it's just kind of weird.
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Because he should be abrd to play and weak, this is why he got nerfed
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It provides a chance to a player in a bad spot if they have the correct tool
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Outdated mechanic
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It is a good mechanic.
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I actually laughed when Otz said avoiding lightburn as Wraith is basically what the whole of VHS (the game) is like
He was totally right
I don't necessarily mind small interactions like this but it's not like he needs it to be fair or balanced. Stunning him out of cloak having an increased stun is already kinda unneeded as well.
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It has some lore link to the Entity's aversion to light. The Wraith and Nurse can traverse on a different level, which is powered or linked to the Entity, so light naturally harms or affects them.
Same goes with other dark magic related to the Entity, such as the Hag's traps or the Artist's crows. I like the mechanic and hope they don't reconsider it.
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Because the players who main him deserve the frustration. 😈
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It's from early ideas that kind of went nowhere yet stick around. Like how hooks permanently break after a sacrifice. The original plan was for bodies to still hang on them once they were finally dead, as seen in the alpha trailer. But that got scrapped, probably to be less graphic intensive, yet the hooks being unusable was kept because...........?????
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because he is from a world of dark.
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Go on, explain, please elaborate to the rest of us on how this is a good mechanic...
When Wraith was introduced, it was at the very beginning of the game, Wraith was the only stealth killer and Insidious was the only stealth perk in the game at that time, Lightburnning was introduced as a way to balance him out since there was so little in the game to suppress the killer's Terror Radius. (Keep in mind, old Wraith use to get Lightburned in 1 second and was stunned for 4 seconds.)
It's 2022, and we have a lot of ways of suppressing the Terror Radius to where Lightburnning being the balance for Wraith is outdated, it is punishing a player for using their power on an already weak killer. Other killers do what Wraith does but better, and they dont have to deal with Lightburnning at all.
Lightburnning on Wraith is horrible. On killers like Hag, Artist, and Nurse, it makes sense due to their powers being decently strong, but again, on Wraith, it is outdated.
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Nah, don't feel like getting into yet another pointless discussion where neither side will change their minds and will just keep talking and talking until the thread is inevitably forgotten.
I just like the mechanic.
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Wraith is undetectable, fast, and invisible. Survivors need to have a counter and its not even base kit, you need a flashlight in the first place.
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He also completely countered a bully squad the entire game.
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You are a literal god at this game if you manage to lightburn a nurse mid chase
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I don’t really mind it that much, but I would not care if it was removed. Getting rid of it would not make him overpowered
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The devs removed sabotaging traps with toolboxes because they didn't want items having extra benefits against certain killers. Yet here we still are.
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Wraith, Hag, Spirit (you can burn the husk) & Dredge are example that I feel there should be a special chest with a special item that only spawn when vs certain killers, with very limited use to counter a killer power.
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Easy Killer with OP addons and basekit Undetectable make him impossible to counter in SoloQ. I've seen a lot of experienced survivors get gen grabbed by semi-decent wraiths.
Not to mention, he's so good at tunneling, you won't believe how many baby killers use him in SoloQ just to face camp and get an easy 4k.
If you're not in a safe pallet or long loop you're dead when he uncloaks.
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I thought the last time wraith was changed was a buff, or was there another nerf I'm not aware of?
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If a good SoloQ team dies to a mediocre Wraith, the team wasn't good
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Your perception of "experienced" survivors is very interesting because as long as you use your eyes it's very unlikely you get gen grabbed even if he has silent bell + no terror radius.
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That’s because he got impatient and he admitted it. But in his defense, that flashlight lasted a hell of a long time. I would have just kept dodging like he was doing until it was completely out. He tried to decloak when he assumed it would be out. They guy was injured so he would have have caught up and downed him in 2/3 seconds.
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Wraith got nerfed in the last time, his speed after uncloaking was a lot better than now.
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If they’re competent you’re losing since you’re playing Wraith lol.
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While it is an outdated mechanic, removing it would mean changing Wraith. While cloaked, Wraith has faster movement speed and is able to body block survivors. I'd happily trade lightburning Wraith for removing his collision while cloaked, but I don't foresee anyone agreeing with that because "Wraith is F Tier".
Poor Wraith needs a rework, and a good one at that.
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It's an outdated mechanic that has no place in the current balance of the game and as such, it won't be removed for at least 2 more years.
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Yeah, the same with every other killer, which it brings back to square one
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Context error, i said i've seen experienced survivor get gen grabbed by semi decent wraiths using OP addons, and baby wraiths get 4k's more often in low mmr.
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Wraith doesn't have any OP Add-Ons, and if a Survivor is in low MMR, they probably aren't experienced
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They're two different sentences and the Iridescent clapper and All seeing blood is OP since you won't be hearing anything until they're fully uncloaked meanwhile they can see you behind walls and floors, and that's how experience survivors get gen grabbed, Heck, i even see unhooking grabs against SWF.
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I agree with this... if it was 2018.
It would continue to be a good mechanic if flashlights held similar powers against newer killers like:
- If you're holding a flashlight on Nemesis he can't use his tentacle.
- Holding a beam of light on Victor continuously for 3 seconds kills him.
- Holding a beam of light on Trickster prevents or slows down him throwing knives.
- If a flashlight could be used to burn away Pyramid Head's trails or torment.
- Can Onryo get lightburned?
This is why Wraith getting lightburned is an outdated mechanic. He's already one of the weakest killers on the roster and not being able to be lightburned wouldn't magically elevate him to B-tier.
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Silent Bell Clapper can be countered by eyes and ears.
All-Seeing Blood is what, 8 Meters? You can probably see and hear Wraith from that distance, so again, countered by ears and eyes
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I like it. It's thematic and fun. I wish flashlights had more utility.
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I agree! It's just cool to have a mechanic like this.
Yet flashlights still work to hindrance the killers Nurse, Wraith, Legion and even newer killers like Nemesis and Artist.
Sabotaging Trapper's traps should never have been a thing because you have always been able to disable his traps, which is enough. None of these other killers listed above are having their powers permanently disabled by an item.
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They really should give him an add on that makes flashlights uncloak him faster or at least ineffective. Something akin to trappers makeshift wrap.
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There used to be addons that made it harder to lightburn him and the ultra rare one even prevented it completely. They got rid of them for some reason.
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Tbh I like that mechanic, I allows for some fun interactions.
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The difference between bad wraiths and semi-decent wraiths is that they know how to approach at weird angles and uncloak behind walls. Your eyes and ears have little use when you're doing a gen and you don't know where he's going to pop up next. The growling noise tends to be subtle.
They're powerful because they give wraiths a huge advantage on certain indoor maps.
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Yea for the survivors. It is no fun to be forced to uncloak in a worse spot where you can't easily smack the survivor for catching them in a bad spot.
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Would you rather see them have toolboxes and medkits instead?
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Yes, because at least I would get a guaranteed down or hit on them if they are injured. If they know what they are doing you are pretty much robbed of an easy ambush.
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Wraith is easy enough, I'm fine with having a mechanic that prevents ridiculous movement speed, even if you do it with malice.
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Wraith shouldn't be light burned. He has so little to his kit he doesn't need a counter.
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I actually meant for the killer. Maybe it's me, but I find incredibly funny when someone tries to burn me and don't realize I got behind them, so they still point the flashlight forward swaying left and right.