street meg and science fair claudette.

Bartook Member Posts: 7
edited February 2019 in General Discussions
Hi. How can I get street meg and science fair claudette exclusive? Will it ever be available to get? I need this :/ If someone had this code and sent me, I would be very grateful. Thanks.


  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,100
    They won't be available anymore unless u got the money to pay for it on eBay or if u know someone who has them
  • Bartook
    Bartook Member Posts: 7

    I want this :c

  • Arroz
    Arroz Member Posts: 1,433

    @Bartook said:
    Hi. How can I get street meg and science fair claudette exclusive? Will it ever be available to get? I need this :/ If someone had this code and sent me, I would be very grateful. Thanks.

    Me too, street meg is really nice

  • Juya
    Juya Member Posts: 63

    I love the pants for science fair claudette. Those violets pants plus the red boots are just adorable!

  • Rothul
    Rothul Member Posts: 72

    Don't worry. We almost all do want those cosmetics but for some reason they are exclusives