Just some wholesome DBD to fight all the negativity and maybe brighten your day :)

Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,502

Hello everyone,

I just had a very cool game. I was Pyramid Head and while loading into the game I saw that we had 4 Flan offerings, so I decided to try for 8 hooks and not sacrifice anyone, but not throw the game or farm.

The map was Coaltower and the survivors were pretty good and gave me a run for my money, but non of them played in any toxic way, so there was no t-bagging after vaults, no flashlight clicking, just pure, good gaming. At one point I tunneled a survivor so that I could hook her a second time, and that gave me the opening I needed to down and hook the last survivor, who had eluded me all game, because he took an (unneeded) protection hit.

During the EGC I downed one of the survivors on deathhook (well, all were on deathhook at that point) and hauled him over to the gates. Here is the post game chat, which really warmed my stone-cold killer-main heart. Please enjoy and maybe try sometimes to not stoke the fires of toxicity. Sometimes you might stumple over a special game and leave an impression thats not marked by hate.

Happy gaming <3
