What's your opinion about the new MacMillan tiles?

Personally, not a fan of them, but I wanted to see what everyone thinks about them
Very confusing and sometimes lead to chain loops
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I feel like they freshened the maps up.
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They're fine.
Basically the same loops from Ormond/Yamaoka with a different dressing.
Nothing to write home about.
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Hopefully a sign of things to come
Map design/tiles are a balance nightmare rn and I think this has helped somewhat. Macmillan used to only spawn pallet gyms, jungle gyms or L wall T walls in many maps (Which either made things incredibly surv sided or killer sided)
Example: Shelter woods
You could sometimes have no jungle gyms and nothing but L wall T walls
or basically only jungle gyms/pallet gyms
Now it can have more variety and it seems to balance out more often
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they're just another way survivors got nerfed because destroying every anti tunnel perk, increasing gen times and buffing all aspects of killer weren't enough, the tiles are awful and most of the time it's just dead space
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They took tiles from realms like Autohaven, Yamaoka and Ormond and added them into a realm that had little variety
That's not a survivor nerf. Learn how to run the tiles
Personally sick of the same Jungle Gym/L Wall T wall/Pallet gym variations, so boring.
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Average response: skill issue because removing the pallets and putting windows in places where u can't speed vault is my skill that's the problem and I'm not talking about those tiles, SOME of the new tiles are awful
Post edited by EQWashu on4 -
I don't main any particular role
You don't need to project intentions onto me I'm just giving my opinion, if you can't take someone not agreeing with you without needing to get the label brush out maybe don't post on a public forum js
For the record I've played more surv than killer this patch, I think the tiles are fine and macmillan is a more balanced realm as a result. Feel free to disagree if you want, it's not an objective scientifically proven fact.
Post edited by EQWashu on3 -
Thank you for your permission to disagree, I do
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I am very old man who loves old stuffs more.
New tiles are just so bad and boring. I was happy with old loops.
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Not a fan as a killer. Not like the worst thing possible but still sucks
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Macmillain has ridiculous house anyway, so what.
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I hate them.
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You're welcome :)
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These new tiles are effing good. What are you babbling about.
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Only one of the new tiles is actual unique. The other tiles are already existing tiles on other realms reskinned for MacMillian.
The actual new tile has been a bit to get used to since it's just a different kind of flavor on the LT walls, except the windows are 90 degree from each other.
I don't think there's anything wrong with them and honestly just having different variety of tiles is a bit refreshing considering the tile variety has been lacking on that map compared to the other 3 OG realms of Autohaven and Coldwin Farms.
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They make playing on Shelter Woods a bit more bearable, But other than that I hate them. They're too confusing and can sometimes lead into loops where you can't mind game or loops that connect to each other.
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They're good on Shelter Woods, but unbalanced on all the other MacMillan Maps, especially Suffocation Pit
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They're strange. I'm happy with them mixing things up a bit though. Their spawn rate is weird too, I had a coal tower map where it seemed to be the only kind of tile that showed up??
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Its a very good change I hope we will see more in the future :)
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- - They nerfed ds to 3 seconds, every other anti tunnel perk is the same except bt got buffed and otr is S tier
- - Almost all the tiles imported are actually real good for survivors and you should learn how to loop them!!!!!!! Especially the half LT half Long wall tiles they are broken for survivor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- -The fact that you keep generalizing shows your lack of anything but first thought emotional reactions.
- -I've seen you on multiple threads voicing completely incorrect things because you are so bias to your role.
- -You don't have to play the other role to have at least some understanding of it.
- -Nothing is wrong with the power level of survivor right now. Other than sbmm being absolute garbage right now, good survivors do great. Most of the base killer buffs affected m1 killers who survivors should have no problem dealing with. Other than alch ring blight getting a buff on maps where Tiles are really far apart. I really can't stress enough how all of the DH bots are either gone from my game and I get good survivors who can and will give me a run for my money or the queue time is too long at 2am and they can't do anything.
- -I as a killer main can sympathize with most gripes survivors have with the game. Exceptions being anything related to A DH buff and them thinking survivor is weak this patch just because MMR is trash. You should put in effort to understand the other side as well!!!!!!!
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Lmao I really hit a killer mains nerve complaining about the new MacMillan tiles didn't I? Also pretty sure my last 2-3 posts were also about my solo queue experience and people DC'ing and killing themselves on hook so I'm sorry killer main for being so "biased" and just saying my real experiences of the game as survivor because clearly this is a killer forum and you're only allowed to be biased towards killer. Silly me.
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Also please could you elaborate on "every other anti tunnel perk"? Because the only one we did have got nerfed to oblivion which was DS and now we have OTR (which is easily countered and makes survivors useless for 80 seconds unless they want to accept their fate and be tunnelled) so what other perks are there to counter tunnelling? Thanks.
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that's the entire opinion. i was excited,no longer am. just no.
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Individually they're not the strongest but Macmillan Maps (not Shelter Woods) typically have a lot of loops chaining to each other and the set-ups they provide can be filthy because of their window placement.
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Same opinion I had on them when they were exclusive to Yamaoka and Ormond: I have absolutely no idea how to run them and wish they would be banished to the shadowrealm xD
For real though, they bring some fresh wind in and that is appreciated. It's really just an issue of having to learn how in the world they work for me, I'll get used to them.