I Completed My Flashbang Locker Challenge!

CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564
edited August 2022 in General Discussions

For anyone who didn't see my previous discussion I tried to get a flashbang locker save vs every killer in the game. I also created a mini bingo card and let people pick which team they'd thought I'd get all the flashbang locker saves first.

This took me about 3 weeks to do but I've finally done it 🥳🥳

To anyone who participated in the previous discussion here are the results:

  1. Team 6
  2. Team 4
  3. Team 3
  4. Team 2
  5. Team 1
  6. Team 5
  7. Team 7

I'll give some information on how this challenge went.

  • Killer I got the most saves against was Deathslinger. Hit all 5 attempts.
  • Killer I missed the most against was Pinhead. 1 out of 7 attempts.
  • Killer I got my 1st save against was Nurse.
  • Killer I got my last save against was Trickster. Seen him only twice throughout the 3 weeks.
  • Pig was a difficult killer to get a save against due to her locker animation however with hotfix 6.1.2 she became easy.
  • I use survivor screams to roughly time every flashbang. I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure Onryo has different scream times or locker grabbing speeds than anyone else.
  • I got the Dredge teleport save on my 4th attempt.
  • Team 2 got a quick 2/4 lead within my 1st 5 saves. However I ended up not getting anymore attempts till they were both in the last 3.
  • I got an Iron Maiden save vs Huntress first try.
  • 6 saves were against random teammates. Sorry to the few I missed my attempt on.
  • Lastly I'd say I had a 70% record during this challenge. Onryo, Pinhead and Legion lowered the average considerably. Btw this average is based on saves I was prepared for, not ones I had to run onto.

To most this means nothing but for me I really enjoyed this challenge. It was fun to see how teams were doing and I enjoyed the challenge I put on myself. This is basically my way of remembering my challenge since my memory is terrible.

Once again I'd like to thank the people who risked their lives for this, and the people who actually joined in on the fun and picked a team. I'm always very anxious when making discussions on here but everyone was extremely nice and made the challenge so much better.

Lastly here is the final picture after I got all my saves.

Post edited by CashelP14 on


  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    Now that is very impressive, my friend. Congratulations!

    I only managed to do something similar once, with a Winter Party Starter long ago. It is a good memory, because such saves often are.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Thank you very much mate 👍 tbh I couldn't have done it if it weren't for a few friends who basically jumped in lockers at full health to give me an attempt 😂

    My first ever one was a Firecracker. Had never seen it before and ever since I've been perfecting my technique lol