Is nurse one of, if not the easiest killer in the game?

I was thinking about this today. Nurse is the only killer where you don't have to learn any game mechanics. No learning how to chase, no learning how to apply pressure, no learning how to hit and run or mindgame, no learning how to run tiles properly or defend gens - all you have to learn is how to point and click on the survivors, and in two games you're decimating every team with nothing they can do to you. Even killers like freddy and legion at least have to learn some things. After that second game, you are unstoppable, and you don't even have to think while you play, unlike other killers. And that's excluding her add-ons that make her even easier!
There's absolutely no reason that nurse should be as strong as she is given how autopilot she can be to play, compared to someone who actually takes a modicum of skill, like hillbilly. That's where the first of the many changes she needs should start - making her difficulty actually reflect her strength, imo.
Lmao let's see your Nurse gameplay buddy. Show us how it's done
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Nurse is the hardest killer in the game to learn. She's just a different ball game. Comparing her to other killer's is like comparing apples to oranges.
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You know what's easier than playing Nurse? Not playing the game.
If you have to lie to yourself this much to try and find a reason to nerf Nurse, you'd be happier not playing the game
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in my opinion nurse is pretty easy in comparison to some even lower tier killers
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Lmaooo this has to be a troll post. 😂😂 Tell us you’ve never played nurse, without telling us you’ve never played nurse.
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She only doesn't have to do those things if the survivors she's going against are mega bad.
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Uh what about Billy? Honestly Blight could be harder arguably since you still have to actually play the game. Pallets and windows still work on you if they time it correctly.
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Blight is also difficult to learn his power, the difference is he doesn’t NEED his power to get a down / kill. Neither does billy.
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Nurse is easy to loop, and in most cases easy to mind game.
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Ehh, you counter his power and he’s just an m1 killer at normal loops.
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At this point Nurse being hard is just sunk cost fallacy. Only takes a few games to learn her basics and after that your good to go and 2k most matches with ease.
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Yes and no, definitely easier to get 4k than trapper but calling her easy is crazy.
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Against a god blight sure, but there aren’t many of those. Your average blight is easy to play against. I played a couple blights last night and enjoyed each game. Escaped all but 1.
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I agree 100%. Nurse isn’t broken by means of her basekit.
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I agree with that, well said. Blight and nurse are definitely strong killers, they just take skill to be strong with. Nurse is more add on reliant than blight is for sure.
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You’re playing an M1 killer if you don’t use your power? Every killer NEEDS their power to get a down unless they’re going against survivors than just don’t know how to drop pallets and vault windows. Even the most basic M1 killers still have a power they NEED to rely on.
Could you theoretically get down/kill? Yes but good luck. You’ll drop so low in MMR that you’ll get survivors practically hooking thrmscles.
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Yes they do. If you time it right you can stun him mid rush. Billy it’s gonna take a bit for him to rev his saw to try and curve around it and even then you can stun him. Even if you don’t they still have to break it giving you some time. Nurse completely ignores it. If yes REALLY good you physically cannot do anything. Even if you break LOS.
Bloght with Alchemist Ring arguably could be stronger than Nurse but then you add the range add ons and nope. You still have to bump into things, and still rely on your environment. To Nurse, what is the environment? He could arguably be harder but honestly not stronger.
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Man with machete** would like a word with you.
** "Man with machete" means playing trapper but not using traps, which was often played by Admiral Bahroo for the memes and actually earned him a regular 4k even on higher ranks.
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That’s not true at all. And you missed the entire point, being that nurse does not have the option to be an m1 killer. A nurse HAS to blink to get hits. She is the only killer like that.
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Yes and no.
She requires a completely different skillset to every other character which makes her both easier and harder to learn and master.
Ultimately it just boils down to muscle memory. You don't need huge amounts of skill to play her, but you need the muscle memory and decent prediction skills.
So really it depends on the player. Some get it done easily, some struggle a lot with it.
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yeah pretty much
She's just a bit harder to learn than other killers. Then once you past that barrier then its pretty much a walk in the park
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Ummm no. Billy is the hardest m. I’d argue Spirit was harder especially pre-batch with iron will than nurse.
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At the trade off that nothing can stop her from getting downs/kills when mastered.
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Ranks mean nothing lol. You could play blindfolded and because SoloQ players are so bad you’ll still get a 4K.
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She's very easy yes you just have to teleport to the survivor and down them
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She's not difficult, but I don't think she's the easiest.
For example, I think Spirit is easier to play
Also it seems like people tend to confuse how easy a killer power is to use with its strength or other stuff like general game sense, pressuring, survivor pathing vs that specific killer, map knowledge or general killer knowledge
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She is the hardest to learn, no where near the hardest to master though. Her power is quite literally muscle memory the killer. The only other real mastery to her is reading survivors.
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I never understand people who say learning nurse is difficult.
All you need is just 10 hours of life gameplay. After this it's just muscle memory.
Billy, Blight and even Huntress take more skill in my opinion.
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She is the easiest to learn, and the easiest to master. Her power basically teleports u next to the survivor so u can just hit them easily.
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You can't loop a nurse.
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Not it’s not lol. You can only use the environment against Nurse to lose LOS which does not matter with ranged add ons
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Good Sir, if you ever see my name as one of your opponents, I ask that you be gentle with me.
Also, people need to stop taking the bait.
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She can blink through pallets and windows making them useless 90% of the time. Like I said you can use it to lose LOS but that’s it lol. You must not go against very good nurses.
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I live in the Midwest (Specifically Missouri -don’t come here, the humidity is atrocious).
Yes, I use this name in-game as well. I like how it sometimes instills fear in my teammates, thinking I’m just going to hide most of the match.
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Nurse is by far not the easiest killer in the game. I don't know how you could think she's remotely the easiest killer in the game. She has the highest skill floor out of the killer due to 100% needing to use her power for hits. You can argue she's not the hardest killer in the game to master, but that is a different discussion.
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Still rolled and smoked me 😅
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Yes I’m going for pallets and windows. That’s what “she can blink through pallets and windows making them useless 90% of the time” means and implies.
REALLY? BREAK LOS? If only I thought of that and mentioned it in literally all of my comments. Nooo way, I am now enlightened by your wisdom. I’m never going to be the same again.
Nothing works against Nurse except breaking LOS. Which you can’t do for very long if she has RANGED add ons now can you? If it’s a good Nurse you’re going to lose. You can’t break LOS forever and if she’s actually GOOD she won’t let break LOS for more than 3 seconds.
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Not the easiest killer, but definitely not as hard as everyone like to pretend. Spend a day or two playing her and get familiar with the muscle memory and you can't lose. Learn the easy stuff, like blinking to corners instead of predicting where people go and it takes minimal effort to get downs and wins.
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Oh let me rephrase that. You’re not lasting more than 20 seconds in chase against a nurse unless you’re already half way across the map and have 30 different instructions blocking her view. Literally the strongest thing in the game
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Newsflash: DBD does not solely consist of SoloQ.
Make up your mind: Does a killer need his power to get a down? Or are SoloQ players so bad that you can play with a blindfold and still get a 4k? Then you don't need your power when playing without a blindfold. Also I was not saying he reached high rank with this meme build, but that he was playing against survivors in the high ranks.
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Its a false narrative that nurse is so hard to play. Its true, that if you never play nurse and you try her, you will have a very frustrating experience. But if you play her with a learning mindset as a beginner, only trying to get a grasp of her power, you will not take many games at all to get decent.
Other killers you have to run very tight lines, mindgames, moonwalk, make decision (do i continue chase, switch target/splitpressure), etc. , usually if you have only one bad chase, its game over.
Nurse is so powerful, with the starstruck meta even more so, you always have a realistic chance for the slug, you can screw up blinks, you can "proxy camp" a hook from like half the map (with range addons).
She is ridiculous op in comparison to other killers. I think, if they nerf her strongest addons, she may be in a good place.
The main problem with her (and blight is) they both have incredible strong chase power and map pressure /mobility (with her range addons). Thats all a killer needs : end chases quick and traverse the map quick. No killer should excel in both aspects at the same time, or at least not with some clear drawback (for example like oni, he has to charge for his power)
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I do think there are harder killers than nurse but her difficulty comes from reading survivors,, the more you win and increase mmr the more your missed blinks will matter and cost you gens,, that being said she has crazy potential in the right hands,, mediocre nurses will get demolished whereas a mediocre blight will probably get better results
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I've always thought people over stated how hard nurse was to learn, if you can learn muscle memory fairly quickly then she isn't too difficult. Without a doubt in my mind, the hardest killer to master is billy
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You’re right if only there were different variety of skill that a player base has. But nooo they all have the same exact skill set and play the same. You’re right.
If only DBD had MMR.
“If only MMR existed, which literally tells you what your ‘