My Current Solo Q Experience (camping and tunneling were definitely addressed)

As a solo survivor, this game is no longer balanced or fun. I understand needing to rebalance killer to tackle toxic SWF, but this has been done at the expense of the solo q experience.

Game 1

Artist with Plaything, Dead Man Switch (DMS), Pain Res and Pentimento

First two survivors were tunnelled and camped out of the game before the second gen popped. Third survivor was slugged and DCd after not being picked up, just as I was downed. Killer then stood over me waiting for me to bleed out.

Game 2

Huntress with DMS, Pain Res, Surge and Thana

First two survivors camped and tunneled out of the game (even with DS, BT and OTR - unbroken tunnel vision). Third survivor slugged, I am downed with 2 gens being done. Rubbing salt in the wound being sent to RPD.

Game 3

Deathslinger with DMS, Pain Res, Starstruck and Thana

First survivor face camped in the basement, next two proxy camped. Actually managed 4 gens this game as Badham hook layout favourable but last survivor killed before finding hatch.

Game 4

Nurse with recovery add ons DMS, Pain Res, BBQ and Furtive

You can probably guess how this went, nurse recovers from blink and hit as the haste speed burst wears off - downed in 20seconds. 4 slugs left to bleed out.

If you've stuck with me this far I have some other observations. I rarely see a killer bring an end game perk because they know they just dont need it now. Camping and Tunnelling are worse than before the rework and solo survivors feel incredibly weak.

Personally I would like to see Devs focus on rebalancing and fixing DBD rather than promoting their gimmicky dating sim.
