slugging after 2k is the new norm

two survivors dead, two left. gates are not powered. killer keeps one survivor constantly slugged to catch the other one. seems to be the norm since killer wait times are high and killers have to maximize gained bloodpoints.
what is the counterplay in this situation? what should the slugged person do and what should the remaining surv do?
basicly? the slugged one should go to a corner, and the other one should just hide. Killers do it because it works. Make it boring and not worthwhile for the killer, and they might stop.
If i play killer, i just hook, because i win the race for the hatch 80% of the time anyway.
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It depends. If the killer is "face camping" the slug, you just wait out the timer (ideally by locker jumping) assuming you want a shot at hatch. If the killer is searching, the slug needs to crawl as far away from where they got downed as humanly possible WITHOUT crawling towards the person who hypothetically needs to pick up. So many survivors accidentally give away their potential savior by crawling towards them while I proxy camp the slug.
I do not have the patience for that as a survivor, so I usually go for the pick up and Yolo.
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New? It seems it has been pretty standard for as long as I remember.
Suggestions: Unbreakable, No mither, ...
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Not much you can do,, you either hide as last person standing while slug bleeds out or hooked or just walk up to killer,, as boring as it is it's dictated by killer
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There are a couple options, unbreakable might work, but just delays the inevitable, and hiding is the best bet.
Personally I find slugging for the 4k to be the most mind numbingly boring experience in the game. I don't bother as killer, and I'd rather eat glass as the survivor in either spot. I want the option to just chew my wrists once I hit 'find help' if there is only one survivor standing. Make it count as three hook stages, just let me move on.
Had a game recently where our Nancy d/c'd at the start of the game, and bubba face camped nea. Unwinnable game for survivors, but of course he had to try and slug for the 4k. So I used my only available strategy of giving up all 5k of my BP that match and disconnecting so Haddie could get hatch.
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I never do this, if the last survivor beats me to hatch, so be it. If they don’t, they have a chance to outplay me with the gates. If not, I get my 4k, makes it interesting.
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Slugging for the 4K has been a thing for ages, and it doesn't have anything to do with queue times or bloodpoints, it's simply people that for some reason feel the need to kill every last survivor every time and are willing to spend 4+ minutes searching rather than risk getting a 3K + potential hatch escape. I almost never do it (pretty much only if I need it for a challenge or whatever), and not even just because I don't care that much about the last kill, but also because it's simply more exciting to enter into the race for hatch than it is to search for a survivor for minutes on end.
That said, as a survivor in this situation you obviously have the option to hide until the other survivor bleeds out. Apart from this being boring for yourself too however, there's the issue that the killer can pick up the other survivor and either carry them around or have them wiggle off, meaning they can prolong the game indefinitely. Healing the other survivor up usually serves no purpose either though, it will just result in an even longer game the conclusion of which is foregone, with the potential of you then ending up on the floor slugged for yet another 4+ minutes.
What I usually do in these situations if there's more than 1 generator left to be repaired (i. e. if a conventional escape is basically impossible) and if the slugged survivor is not already close to bleeding out, is that I simply spam a vault to let the killer know where I am in order to initiate a final chase. I don't care enough about escaping to spend minutes hiding either, I rather get one more chase out of it and call it a match. Plus if I end up holding the chase long enough for the other survivor to bleed out I still get the chance of a hatch escape.
In general I think BHVR's approach to these and various other endgame scenarios is really rather lacking. The least they could do is implement some band-aid solutions to make them less tedious and boring. For the "slugging the second-to-last survivor for the 4K" situation, they could simply implement the option for the slugged survivor to kill themselves in that spot, forcing the game into the hatch game conclusion. Of course, the hatch game itself is another endgame scenario with design issues: if the killer finds the hatch first, they can simply stand on it indefinitely and refuse to close it until they spot the survivor, because that guarantees they get that last kill. So it too would need some band-aid remedies, such as making it so the hatch closes by itself if the killer is within a certain range of it for a certain amount of time. Then the players get forced into the 1V1 gate endgame scenario, which too has its issues. For one thing, the gate spawns can mean that it is completely impossible for a survivor to open a gate. The remedy for that would obviously be having set gate spawns on the maps, or at least gate spawn algorithms that make it so they are always more toward opposite ends of the map. There are also killer abilities that can allow players to guard both gates effortlessly (e. g. Bear Traps, Victor, Vile Purge), which could be remedied too. They could also remove the gate switch light indicators in the 1V1 scenario, or at least make it so that the first light only activates halfway through the opening interaction (which could be a global change as well).
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There should be increased DC penalty times for survivors who doesn't want to get slugged for 4 minutes and DC in such situations.
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If I down the 3rd and I see the 4th I will go for it.
Otherwise, it is hook and book.
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Usually the 3rd survivor that is slugged will get picked up until that survivor wiggles free. To rat out the 4th. So hiding is pointless. Even if you COULD escape as the last by hiding any remaining survivor, especially SWFs, will collaborate with the killer 8/10. Even if you played well too. At least from my experience.
First… There needs to be a “selfish” aura perk that keeps all other survivors from seeing the aura of said survivor. That way you can’t be sandbagged, or ratted out by ***holes. As solo YOU DO NOT WANT others to see you..!
Second… remove spectate from players that aren’t together. If I’m playing alone the defeated players shouldn’t be able to see what I’m doing from the “Afterlife”, and then whisper to others in regards to my whereabouts. Which automatically spells capture/defeat.
Until all that is fixed I won’t be playing solo survivor anymore.
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Unless the fourth survivor is already right in front of me when the 3rd goes down, I am not bothering to slug, I don't understand why that 4K is so valuable.
Chances are I still make it to the hatch first anyway, and if not, so what, that's 1 less kill to push my MMR up into the danger zone, and 3K is still a 'win' to me.
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Killer: runs whispers
makes me sad :(
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Congratulate the killer for dragging out a public match past the 15 minute mark and winning their non-existent $10k prize.
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I only ever see the sweatiest nurses, blights and spirits do this.
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For some reason I always get this with Nemesis. Nemesis love the 4K.
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It's even better when there was a DC at 5 gens 👍
But also not new. It's the opposite of new.
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You think this is new?
A long long time ago In a asymmetrical game far far away, there were always 4 survivors fighting to get all 5 gens done.
Then they figured out how to do it optimally to get it done fast.
Then 1 day that killer got so mad the gens went so fast that he came up with an idea "what if i keep 1 survivor on the ground, than there will be less on the gens"
And so he discovered slugging.
The end
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Unbreakable wasnt touched in the meta shift update. Probably for the best.
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It's a necessary thing considering the devs saw fit to give the hatch as participation trophy for the last survivor standing. How else is the killer supposed to prevent a situation in which he has to constantly look for the hatch only to find some ######### survivor teabagging him atop of it?
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Why is the killer's fault for dragging it? The survivor could always come out in the open and eat the L. It takes two to stall in this case. If we survivors weren't so entitled for the free escape killers wouldn't have to slug.
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Because it is the killer's fault for dragging it out. Hook the player and take what is at worst a 3k. Then everyone can go next. You're speaking of entitlement and saying "come out in the open and eat the L" without any hint of irony. I remember my first 4k. It's a pub. Just take the 3k, play for the 4k after that and move on.
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I haven't done slugging to prevent hatch in years
the most boring strategy in the game
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New norm? This strategy has been around for years.
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Why is it on the killer, though? The 4th survivor can always come out and take the L too if he doesn't want the game dragged out. Come out in th open and get hooked like you deserve since you didn't complete the gens like you ought to. The killer's objective is to kill everyone, and he has better chances of killing everyone by slugging the 3rd survivor than hooking them, so that's what they do. Or the devs could remove the stupid participation trophy mechanic. Blaming the killer for not giving the 4th survivor a free win is peak entitlement.
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6 year old game and just recently killer slug for the 4k. What is the world coming to?
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The 4th survivor could help the 3rd or do gens, but they rather wait for the hatch to be given to them. Im actually pretty sure most often the last 2 survivors will rather wait for each other to die than keep doing gens. That strategy of "just outliving other survs" has been around for years and is on the survivors, not the killer.
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This is a funny sentiment currently. 'Why doesn't the survivor just give up on what they consider an unwinnable waste of time?'
Because when many survivors take that mindset, you get the current 'disconnect crisis' where any subjective reason for giving up becomes valid in the players mind, that's why.
Slugging for the 4k is an annoying issue with game design. The game should avoid putting any player into a basically dead end scenario like this. Because when you start putting players into unwinnable, yet inescapable scenarios, the best option becomes 'the only winning move is not to play.' Some players take a break from the game, while others throw games. One is healthy, the other isn't.
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You've taken the honest path which is to blame the devs for the bad game design. It's not fair to expect the 4th survivor to give up and it's not fair to expect the killer to give up either. The issue is that the situation shouldn't have arised in the first place.
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The only time I do this is if the 2nd survivor runs right past me as I down the third. It makes logical sense to me then.
But if I do not know where the fourth is, I'd rather get the 3k and then go hatch-hunting sooner, so then whichever way it ends I can continue with another trial, than play dull hide n' seek games that really don't matter to me. For me, a 3k is still a good result, and if I lose to a hatch - well, it's not like BP is finite.
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This every time. If I am one of the last 2 survivors and the killer slugs the other one I will absolutely hide. It always amazes me that the killer behaviors survivors hate the most are usually the ones survivors themselves make the most rewarding.
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Okay just because I did that one time for Spirit's adept 🙄
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Chances are whoever's bleeding out was the one trying to play out the game, when there are two people left one of them is already playing for the hatch and waiting for the other person to get caught at a gen.
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Pick up your teammate if the killer doesn't stand over them. If your the slug then all you can do is wait.
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This has always been the norm in about 70% of matches in which I don't escape from. It may be a 'valid tactic' but it's far too common and needs more counterplay.
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I run away from the camped slug that wants to chase me while trying to stay hidden.
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I think its kind of silly to say that the killer or the last survivor are doing anything wrong or underhanded in this situation. The killers job is to kill as many people as possible, the survivors job is to escape. The killer in this situation is trying to make sure the last survivor cannot escape, the last survivor is trying to hide long enough for a shot at hatch.
Either both players are doing something wrong/wasting time, or neither of them are. You aren't owed the killer giving the survivor more chance to escape, and you aren't owed the survivor just walking up and letting you hook them either.
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Nemesis players also typically love to relentlessly tunnel.
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This is exactly how I do it as well unless I need the 4k for a challenge or adept and I normally feel kind of bad.
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So slugging for the 4k? This isn't new and it never left.
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I cant stand the entitlement in the comments...
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It's always been a thing. When they camp my slugged body, I like to crawl in the opposite direction of the survivor and up to some random lockers. It makes me smile watching the killer check them. I gotta amuse myself somehow while on the ground..
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The killer has essentially got a 4k at that point as long as he gets the last survivor. Killing the 3rd survivor only leads to the 4th getting 2 free chances to escape: 1 because of hatch, and 1 because closing the hatch powers the exit gates. I don't know why the devs thought it was a good idea to give survivors a free escape. "Because there's no point in continuing to play otherwise." Yes there is. You keep trying to push gens so that you can escape, even if you fail, so that the game progresses and ends fair and square. If not, you deserve to have your aura shown to the killer. That's my take on a proper anti-"holding the game hostage" mechanic. It's not fair that "holding the game hostage" is always presumed to be something killers do, but never survivors, and so survivors get a free escape chance and killers get nothing. Honestly, think of the killer for once.
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But that survivor escaping through hatch almost always sees it as, "I beat you", especially when there's a toxic SWF. They're never truly defeated because they have every second chance in the book, including this one, to make them completely safe against your rightfully deserved 4k (if you were going to get one, anyway).
You might say, "Well, I don't consider it a loss." But trust me, this community loves to gaslight killers. They will say, "If you don't get a 4k, whether there was hatch or not, you're just a bad killer." And you will be the only one to challenge that claim. And because you get 4k's less than you 'should', you have a 'skill issue' and your credibility in discussions gets dismissed. It is sinister, and it is the reality.
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I love how the blame is always on the killer.
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Hatch should auto close after 60 seconds, second to last survivor should get the option to sacrifice themselves as if they were hooked if they've been on the ground for 10 seconds or longer total, and last survivor should lose collision with the killer to prevent stalemates. That alone would help tremendously.
Also give survivors a surrender option when everyone is downed or hooked, with no second chance perks to pick themselves back up, use decisive, or get a guaranteed unhook. No more slugging for 4 minutes for no reason. If the survivors surrender they're sacrificed as if they were hooked.
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The last time when I slugged for the 4K was, when I did my Trickster Adept on rank 1 (old rank system). Hell, it was annoying af. Otherwise it is a waste of my (and the survivors) time.
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Like some of you mention, its unfulfilling for both parties.
As a killer you can shorten the time by hooking. The risk of a hatch escape is the same if you let bleed him out or hook him. But you gain some time in which the remaining survivor can make mistakes or hope that he slugged person leads you.
As a survivor you can bring "Unbreakable" to get up by yourself or "We're Gonna Live Forever" if you want to pickup someone more safely. But that cost you at least one perk slot for a very specific situation in that you already have lost.
Seems like this situation should be reworked to shorten it or add a useful counterplay or both to make it more enjoyable for the killer and both survivors.
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Thats not now. Thats since I played this game the Killer-Meta, if u want your 4K.
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I mean it's boring gameplay for both sides, but its really who wants to "win" more. Do you as the survivor care enough to not just offer yourself and go next? Or do you want to waste as much time for the potential win as possible and hide?