Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls kill switch de-pipping

Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,497

Thats all. Thanks.


  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,299

    how this game is we shouldn't depip it to random of a game to depip.

  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104

    Gaining grades in DbD is laughably easy, you cannot lose a grade by depipping and the rewards for getting high grade are really good. Depipping is a minor hindrance.

    Play more a git gud.

  • Gorgonia
    Gorgonia Member Posts: 1,607

    I was iridescence 4 a couple of days ago... I'm Gold 1 now haha

    I get a pip, I lose 3. Mostly to campers.

  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104

    You'd be wrong with that guarantee. I play mostly SoloQ and getting to Iridescent IV is a breeze and that's enough for 700k BP on the 13th if I don't make it higher. When I actually do get Iri I as a SoloQ I feel like I've actually earned something.

    Getting Killer Iri I is much easier.

    Do you think you should just get a free 2 million BP every month on the 13th? Or should you have to earn it like the rest of us?

  • Gorgonia
    Gorgonia Member Posts: 1,607

    Getting to iri hasn't been an accomplisment for years

  • toxik_survivor
    toxik_survivor Member Posts: 1,184
    edited August 2022

    Pls pls pls pls pls make getting to iri 1 harder. And I'm not joking. Getting to iri one should be as hard as getting to grand champion in rocket league. Iri 1 is too easy and dosnt feel like an accomplishment. Depiping is fine, they made a good change where you can't de-rank and that's good how it is. Be grateful.

    But I do get where you coming from especially cause u depip when you get facecamped

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,003

    I hope they remove depips one day after all the pips system is only for monthly bloodpoints not actual matchmaking

  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104

    Calling for depipping to be done away with entirely is a quite an overreach to request. It would simply remove any and all challenge from gaining Grade. Some players enjoy a challenge. Sometimes it's frustrating. I know. I've lived that tish.

    A good compromise would be to lower the safety pip conditions of Iri from 9 Emblem points to 8, which is the same as Gold. It's a much more reasonable request.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762
    edited August 2022

    Because it's game breaking bug that contradict with their own statement and vision of the game.

    Grade is not meant to be a challenge, at all.

    If you want challenge ask for something else.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,497

    True, but its makes a good clickbait and conveys the needed dose of emotions and everyone gets what it is about.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    They forgot to remove depipping, it's an oversight aka a bug.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    Umm that's not a bug....even if it's a oversight of forgetting to remove it which they never said they would do when they changed to grades instead of ranks.....that's still not a GAME BREAKING bug heck that's not considered a bug.

  • Zen_but_not_Zen
    Zen_but_not_Zen Member Posts: 230

    Just glad you can't drop a grade, especially with how bad the majority of my games go ha.

  • RinsDoormat
    RinsDoormat Member Posts: 121

    "Grades are purely a measurement of playtime now"

    "Ok, so remove depipping"

    "Nooo, that would remove the challenge in grades!"

    In reality, we all know that the rewards are part of the sadistic enforced "Reduced" grind, and that depipping is a part of that so it would be removed. The devs NEVER respond to these requests except to gaslight with more 'it's just playtime' stuff.

  • toxik_survivor
    toxik_survivor Member Posts: 1,184
    edited August 2022

    Imo survivor is much easier than killer. I think both sides need to be much harder to pip and def don't killswitch depipping

  • amazing_grace
    amazing_grace Member Posts: 734

    At least you proposed a compromise that would help the problem instead of just insisting that depipping shouldn't be a thing.

    I would even suggest lowering it more because even with that change, if you get tunnelled or camped off first hook, you still will lose a pip in Iri. Another alternative could be putting in conditions where you will safety if you are stuck in certain situations that were mostly out of your control.

    Examples could be, if someone DC, everyone (survivor and killer) is guaranteed at least a safety pip. I've had games as killer as well where 3 people DC and I lose a pip because I wasn't able to get enough emblems in everything else. Other examples could relate to killer hook proximity for a certain amount of time or how long you stayed on the hook in one go. They could also just rebalance what gives you emblems, an even better solution (fix the stupid emblem system).

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 944

    If they want to keep the grind it can be a bar which fills up when you play between each grades, when you get camped by bubba at 5 gens and finish with 3k points your bar barely move but at least you're not losing anything, less frustrating

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    For pipping? If you're in a SWF, sure. The thing with killer is that even though it can be harder to pip up at iri (particularly if you play certain killers, the emblem system does not play nice with instadowners, and it also does not reward killers for winning too decisively, which is stupid), your pips are a result of your performance. If you depip, it's because you got wrecked despite your best efforts and you never managed to get a foothold throughout the entire game. Solo queue puts your pips at the mercy of four other players and frequently creates situations where it's impossible to safety pip through no fault of your own gameplay. That's bad. Killer is only ever that inherently screwed, where there was never anything they could have done to win, against a tournament squad or cheaters. A big part of this is because the killer has no teammates that can sabotage or desert them, and because the killer can't be removed from the game before its completion.

    I wouldn't hate that solution, but I still don't see why depips should exist at this point. There's plenty of other challenges you can find in DBD and this is a weird area to insist on having one, because... the challenge is "can I have more solid games than games where my teammates threw instantly/the killer hard tunneled?" The meat of this 'challenge' is outside of my control. I'd think that makes it less of a challenge and more RNG.

    I'd rather maintain iri being hard to climb while removing the ability to backslide down the ladder. If it was a bad game, you just don't progress, instead of having it erase previous progress. Again, grades measure playtime, not skill. It's not some mighty accomplishment most players can't achieve. This is just a holdover of old game design that unnecessarily punishes solos.

  • toxik_survivor
    toxik_survivor Member Posts: 1,184

    Thats the thing. You can have a 5 minute match as survivor and pip, but if you win as killer with 5 gens left you prob won't pip

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,303

    Negative pips shouldn't be a thing anymore. Just have 0, +1, and +2 pips. Grades aren't used for matchmaking, devs have even said "just represents time played" - well I'm not putting in negative time in a match so why am I getting negative pips?

  • zgameboy
    zgameboy Member Posts: 79

    Buddy you should really not be worried about your killer grade lmao. It literally means nothing.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    You're not likely to pip as a survivor with a 5-minute match. It's the same thing as when the killer 4ks with 5 hooks; there's not enough time to earn emblem categories. You can only pip up if the killer performs moderately well or you at least spend time screwing around with them once gens are done.

    It's one of the best sources of bloodpoints in the game.

  • MaxIsBased
    MaxIsBased Member Posts: 52

    Le mockery section: MOMMY I DE-PIPPED AGAIN. *Lights house on fire* HOW DARE THEY HAVE DE-PIPPING IN THE GAME. IT'S CLEARLY A BUG AND OVERSIGHT. LITERALLY 1984. *Le crybaby noises*.

    Also you can easily get 1 mil bloodpoints just by regularly playing the game before each reset.

    Ranks mean nothing except bloodpoints every 13th. Stop crying about it.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    Do you have any actual useful feedback to make on the topic or are you just going to make a fool of yourself strawmanning? And no, "stop crying" isn't useful feedback unless you can tack a "because" onto it.

    Depipping's been around longer than I have, but skill-based matchmaking hasn't and depipping's role was to ensure that people didn't rise beyond their ken in the old rank-based matchmaking system. There was an issue with everyone eventually hitting rank 1 if they played enough and both depips and the steep iridescent pip-up requirements served to prevent that (though that tended to happen anyway, but that's a separate issue related to the way monthly refreshes used to work.) If you have a good reason for depipping to exist in the current situation where rank measures and rewards playtime, then I'm all ears.

    And don't talk to me about bloodpoints when BP gain is at an all-time low... like, yeah, sure, I'll earn more than 2m bloodpoints on the journey to double iri 1, but how is that the point? Do I not deserve a reward if I've spent 100 hours on the game each month because I had an equal confluence of ######### games to enjoyable ones?

  • MaxIsBased
    MaxIsBased Member Posts: 52

    Ranks are literally just bloodpoints and i regularly get 20-30k bloodpoints a match (with barely an outliers) which is an average of 25k and most matches last like 10-20 minutes, average of 15 minutes. If i had 4 hours to play i would get on average 400k bloodpoints each in those 4 hours. This is barely even close to a problem and the only thing that you are doing is crying about it like this is rainbow six siege or cs:go.

    You can quite literally get 1m bloodpoints in 10 hours of playing the game if you don't suck.

    Moral of the story: Git gud.

    There's really no reason to bother removing it.

    All ranks grant bloodpoints so i find it fair to have a de-pipping mechanic to prevent anyone not good at the game from getting 1 mil which they can get in 10 hours anyway.

    I have no idea where you got the idea that bp gain is at an all-time low. Back in the day i would barely get even close to 20k and if i did it's because either the killer got dunked on or i got dunked on or i brought a bp offering.

  • HarlockTaliesin
    HarlockTaliesin Member Posts: 763

    This idea is actually pretty fantastic. Gets rid of the pip/depip mess, and reinforces their stance that it's purpose now is just to show playing.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,497

    Maybe, maybe, maybe?

  • MaxIsBased
    MaxIsBased Member Posts: 52

    You still get blood points in the end and 4 hours isn't much. Idk what you mean by the system punishing people who can't play often.

  • MaxIsBased
    MaxIsBased Member Posts: 52

    It's already based on skill, I pipped before even when my teammates were suffering from Alzheimer's because I am not completely brain dead, Also I guess that BHVR said it wasn't based on skill just to appease you lmao. If you can pip frequently due to being good at the game which I certainly do then play time shouldn't even be an issue. I guess you have 1 full time 8 hour job and some other part time one since you can't even spend at least 1 hour on the game you like everyday consistently. 4 hours was in reference to it not being much to spend on the game per day. But I guess you can't play for multiple day's straight somehow. I guess you are the busiest man in the entire DBD community.

  • lemonsway
    lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169

    Personally i don't think you should remove De-Piping. It sucks to De-Pip when you're close to progressing especially if you get tunneled or Camped BUT Without De-Piping every game is a FREE PARTICIPATION AWARD!

    That's a BIG NO! NO ONE should get awarded free stuff when it comes to progression. If you're only De-Piping from being prematurely retired from matches then that means you're doing fine when that doesn't happen. IF you find yourself in a frequent Tunneling or Camping situation then bring some Perk to avoid it, bring DS, OTR or Tracking Perks so you can avoid the killer and not enter chases.

    You already can't tell your MMR, it's either really high really fast or really low really fast. Piping and Grades is the only sense of progression the game has. If you remove De-Piping then you break that Sense of Progression. Removing that means MMR is the only thing you can gauge how well you do but MMR fluctuates so much and so fast that it isn't reliable. IF you want to make MMR be accurate then you need to gain very little MMR per match so that you can have a sense of progression over time. Small increases of difficulty over time are a much better representation of progress and skill than high MMR gains from single matches. All high gains of MMR do is accentuate a fluctuation of MMR, you win, you lose, you win, you lose, this way Matchmkaing is constantly working based on fluctuating numbers, every match feels random AF and if you're not using SWF to control the flucatuation of MMR then that means Matchmaking is SUPER CHAOTIC with a random mix of high and low MMRs and you're probably facing a Mid level MMR killer.

    We all know it means nothing, Iridescent 1 doesn't make you the best player but you need to keep the Illusion that it matters otherwise there'd be no reason to attempt to do well, especially when it's easier to just do bad to lower MMR and keep your Grade...

    The Piping System serves the purpose of telling players what they were doing during the match and how much of it they did. IF you remove the negative aspect of the System, De-Piping, then you're telling to every single player that it doesn't matter if they do BAD because they can't lose progress...

    IT's not fair that all of a sudden De-Piping stops existing, that would mean any new players will only get handed free progress where everyone else had to grind.

    This is a situation that already got touched, Prestiging characters now instantly reward you with their Perks without needing to go through the Bloodweb. IT's good for Veteran players since those already put in all the work so when Wesker comes, for example, they only need to Prestige Wesker for his Perks and then everyone else gets those Perks too.

    You can't just say screw De-Piping without thinking of the Progression system as a whole, that's a mistake. It's a mistake comparable to what what BHVR with overnerfing Survivors in this Update. Killers didn't need a triple chase buff: faster weapon swipe, faster kicks and nerf to survivors distance when hit. It's a triple buff for killers that wasn't well thought out, and they've still kept STBFL the exact same, so you're basicly at 10 stacks of STBFL instead of 8 because of the faster base kit swipe...

    That's an oversight that needs course correction. Another oversight of this is, how killers work. Clown is Super Opressive right now, he can spam bottles to slow you down while he does everything faster. His reload is faster, he kicks faster, he makes good use of STBFL and his bottles slow down survivors alot, there's absolutly nothing you can do against a Clown right now.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,299

    I hate the word git gud at least say get good moron also in solo to get pips is hard and if your in swf it easy you could be carried by your buddy.

    in solo you could be 1 pip away from grading up then you end up getting 3 or 4 bad game you be back to needing 4 to 5 pips again

    I feel unless you dc we shouldn't depip at all if the grade are time play not part of dumb SBMM which don't work.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,299

    you two didn't accomplish or earn anything you just burned your time grinding that all,this game to random to think it some kind esport tournament game.

    it meant as party game for people who like horror movie scary thing which sadly this game not scary.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,299
  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,299

    with the BP bonus gone from WGTLF and BBQ&C the BP gain is low right now unless it over we getting 1.5 BP bonus but ones that gone it low so I know think you know what your talking about.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    I think you're forgetting about the safety pip/black pip? It's not a participation award. If you play horribly, get killed immediately, your teammates ragequit, you're afk or spend the whole time hiding in the basement or whatever - you just don't make any progress. You get progress for good games and no progress for bad games, and the threshold for a good game increases as you rise in rank so that more is expected out of a Gold player than an Ash one. Someone who is objectively bad, goes down in three seconds each chase/can't catch a survivor if their life depended on it, and makes poor decisions in most their games would have to sink several hundred hours into this game each month to have a hope of getting iri 1, and frankly that prospect doesn't bother me because if nothing else, they really put in the time.

    As for the rest, "we can't ever improve the grind because then new players might have things easier than we had to go through" has always been a bad take.

    ...Genuinely can't tell if 'Clown too strong' is satire or not.

    Again with the git gud? You might want to lighten up on the compulsory shittalking or you're not going to last long in these parts. This is a forum, not a Youtube comments section.

    Yeah, no, "no reason to bother" is not a stance you've provided sufficient evidence for. Like, it's fair to just not give a ######### one way or another, but actually getting involved and saying "no, you're wrong" requires more of an argument than that. I've never played any of the games you brought up and have zero idea what you're talking about regarding them. Meanwhile, I've already repeatedly established that solo queue pipping has far too little to do with whether you're good at the game, while SWF mainly hinges on whether your teammates are any good and will let anyone ride someone else's coattails all the way to iri 1. If the idea is that you have to be worthy to earn a playtime bonus - what you're proposing works for killers, but it doesn't for survivors and arguably hasn't for years.

    You think bloodpoints are fine when they just killed BBQ and WGLF and every other match I play dies in infancy because one of the survivors ragequits? Yeah, okay, sure. I'd think 400k bloodpoints in 4 hours is pretty awful currency gain, but that's because if you go back a year, I could have easily earned twice that much.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,299

    it not based on skill grades and the match making are different thing grades is time played so why depip, like this person said

    grades is time played were not putting in negative time in a match so why are we depipping?

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,299

    it should be FREE PARTICIPATION AWARD! because this game is not skill based at all it random what could happen to you in any match that goes for both killer and survivor.

    I mean it dam BP too not like we get free skins or dam charms for hitting grade 1 it BP and it already big grind right now anyways.

    that all this game is big grind because we all know they didn't fix the grind but made it worse.

  • kizuati
    kizuati Member Posts: 1,386

    they cant killswtich depip'ing pretty sure.

    also depips are a problem? how? i easily got to iri 1 with killer and managed to get survivor iri 1 eventually despite my solo matches beind scorched earth,

  • TarunCosmo
    TarunCosmo Member Posts: 181

    I'd like an actual Rank mode, but then also have a casual mode. I'm all for depipping if it means you find where you are in Rank.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,299

    how much time it take you?how many hours a day did it take you?

    like some said some have jobs a family you know life outside this dam game.

    btw grades are time played so we really putting in negative time? I mean really we need to think

    and grades and crappy MM are different things.

    I mean I feel some still think the grade have something to do with matchmaking which it doesn't.

  • Sudoxxed
    Sudoxxed Member Posts: 34
    edited August 2022

    I've said this before, but all I was told was "depipping is still a thing so people don't AFK in a match and get a pip for no reason".

    Then why not just not give pips if they don't gain any emblems? It's not that hard. Depipping doesn't only affect AFK players, it probably affects solo-queue players more than AFK players, but they still refuse to remove depipping and they just give basic replies.

    Also people keep saying that "depipping is there so bad players don't reach Iridescent 1 for no reason", but they're forgetting the fact that the devs added grades to "represent time played, not skill". Grades don't affect matchmaking anymore, they're just there for the bloodpoint reward, but neither the people who want to keep the depipping or the devs seem to remember their purpose.

    Also people seem to forget that 1-2 million bloodpoints is not that much. It's enough for like 40 (or less) levels (my math is a bit rusty as I haven't played the game that often recently but it's still not a lot), and you have to prestige 3 times to even get tier 3 perks on everyone. And even if it is a lot, they could just disable depipping and reduce the bloodpoint reward by like 10-20% to keep the grind at a healthy level, but healthier than it was with depipping.

    To me, depipping seems like a mechanic which it's sole purpose is just to demotivate you.

    I don't get why people want to grind harder. I understand grind is a necessary part of this game, and I agree, but even with the prestige update, the grind is still very hard.