My personal fix to camping and tunneling

I think a big problem is the lack of a positive incentive to not tunneling. Currently, the only benefit to not tunneling anyone is feeling like a nice guy, and being a nice guy inherently decreases your chances to win. Personally, I think factoring in hook count into MMR gains/losses would be a big incentive, because a 3 hook 1k is then considered to be different than say a 9 hook 1k, where all 3 remaining players escaped by the skin of their teeth.
Secondly, I think giving BBQ's old BP bonus as a base-kit effect would be a very visible bonus to people for hooking a lot of different people. It would also come with the benefit of actually reducing the grind, since taking away that BP bonus in the first place was actually a step backward.
When it comes to camping the solution in my eyes does come in the form of positive punishment, unlike the solution for tunneling. I think the best way of doing this would be reducing the speed of entity progression by 50% if the killer is within 24 meters of the hook for more than 10 seconds and is not in chase. If they go further than 24 meters (thus giving the survivors a chance to save) it resets.
If the killer isn't camping, they are largely unaffected. If they are camping, however, the remaining 3 survivors will have time to complete all remaining generators—even through Deadlock—and still have time to potentially make the save. If they can't save, it still guarantees a 3 man out even with the longer gen times.
MMR changes with number of hooks would not make the slightest difference, nobody cares about their MMR. In fact people might be more encouraged to tunnel simply to get easier games as a result.
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camping and tunneling are not issues, survivors have a hard time because of themselves, their bad plays, their bad choice of perks and lack of skill. Use kindred, turn kindred meta, simple, NOT BASEKIT. If camping gets nerfed, killers should camp and tunnel more just out of spite and punishment for being unconsiderate of the killer playerbase, but behavior is good in what they do and they would not treat killers that way.
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No, you actually wouldn't be more encouraged to tunnel to get "easier games" because a 4k would still be a win regardless. I'm talking about making people gain less on a win if they got very few hooks, not making them lose MMR for it. It would also dampen losses slightly if you got a lot of hooks. You're not speaking for everyone on that. I hate that the ranking system actually punishes me for not enjoying tunneling because I think 12 hooking is a more skillful victory, and plenty of people think that way as well.
Even then, you made no mention of my other incentive of adding BBQ's BP bonus base-kit. People most definitely care about BP, especially given all the complaining that warranted the grind reduction in the first place.
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I don't think tunneling should be made non-viable, hence why I did not propose a punishment for doing so, but instead proposed a positive incentive for not doing so.
In terms of camping, I actually used to be in the "just do gens lol" camp because survivors very much could do all the gens and escape in the past. However, with Deadlock and the increased gen times, you no longer can finish all the gens before the killer finishes camping someone to death, making it a far more viable strategy in garnering easy 2ks with certain builds, and if the survivors slip up, 3ks.
And I actually agree that survivors are largely having a hard time because of themselves. I actually did an experiment to this effect that you can read up on in another thread of mine. That said, I still strongly dislike camping as a playstyle and I also dislike that I gain nothing from going for a lot of hooks outside of maybe some sort of status as a "nice" killer that I don't really care about.
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if the survivors are not braindead, the killer just starts camping and they have kindred, best strat is to split the 3 on gens and do it, or two on gen with prove thyself (i always use it) and one other on another gen alone, in the case of when the killer camps at 4 gens; if the killer camps at 5 gens (which is not bad, just punishment for being downed right at the start of the game) the same can be done but requires a bit more of looping after the gens are done, but by that time the gens are already ending and the map is still full of resources; at the end, must of the matches i have were the killer gets 3k and 4k by camping it is because the survivors are extremely awful, some even run around the hook while the killer camps. At the end, a nerf to camping and tunneling would not be good at all, these bad survs just need to get better and use kindred in the same way they did with old dead hard, simple.
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Just increase hook timers by 10-15 seconds same amount than new gens, everything else is too complex I can't see BHVR fixing these problems anytime soon, we need a simple fix for now
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The only way to "punish" tunnelling is to make survivors perks strong. Oh wait, they nerfed DS and Off the Record doesn't work in the endgame. I guess the devs want killers to tunnel?
Well, the only other solution is to actually hurt the exp/bp points gain. If the killer downs and hook the same survivor in a short period of time, they lose all points they gained from both.
Camping can be addressed by simply slowing down the entity's progress of the hook if the killer is too close, and if they don't leave the radius and don't start a chase with another survivor for a long period then the survivor teleports to another hook far away.
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This is almost impossible in solo queue and you answer to camping is basically saying survivors should run a meta build with Prove Thyself, Kindred, etc. It's like if you could know if the killer is gonna camp even before going to the match so you pick that build. You are saying "use this build forever and counter camping". How fun is that?
Also, with gens taking longer and with a bunch of slowdown perks, doing gens nowadays mean nothing. The killer will camp and guarantee at least 3k at the end of the match.
(Ive been trying to post this comment here but its not showing on the page for some reason. Trying again)
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Seriously, I give up
(trying to post a comment here but its not working)
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Neither needs a fix. There needs to always be an element of danger to every interaction. Adding mandatory protections almost always results in situations in which there is no action that can be taken.
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To be fair, the idea of increasing the hook timer is a pretty good one, it's simple and doesn't have the mess of survivor interference, where survivors might be running the killer near the hook and the killer being penalised as a result. Making it as long as a gen would be pretty funny, too, since now you're kinda at a disadvantage time-wise if the killer camps.
Tunnelling needs something else, not really sure what that is though.