Survivor mains, do you play killer?

Hey guys, I'm really interested in this topic. :) If you are a survivor main: Do you play killer as well?

If not: Why don't you like the killer role?

If yes: How often do you play killer compared to the time you're playing survivor?


  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    Personally, I think players shouldn't just stick to one role. It helps with understanding where the other "side" is coming from and what they're concerned over. If not for a reason like that, it's also good to have variety in what you do. Too much of either is bound to drive you up a wall and both have their upsides and downsides.

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    @PhantomMask20763 said:
    Tzeentchling9 said:

    Of CoUrSe! I'm A RaNk 0 KiLlEr WhO 5Ks SwF aLl DaY aS pErKlEsS fReDdY wItH mY mOnItOr TuRnEd OfF! kIlLeR iS eZ!!!1!1!


    Freddy without power OP, please nurf. lol

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    I'm rank 1 surv and killer. I play Spirit, Trapper, Hag, Freddy, Huntress, Nurse, Billy, and Pig (generally in that order). Probably play surv 3-4 times as much as I play killer, but I still play a lot of killer. I get annoyed as killer not when I lose a game but when survivors do lame stuff and make the game easy, like DC or kill themselves on the hook. It sucks when they do that as survivor too, but at least then it makes the game a bit tougher and more exciting. As killer it makes the game easier and I end up just feeling bad for the other survivors.

  • Tzeentchling9
    Tzeentchling9 Member Posts: 1,796
    Of CoUrSe! I'm A RaNk 0 KiLlEr WhO 5Ks SwF aLl DaY aS pErKlEsS fReDdY wItH mY mOnItOr TuRnEd OfF! kIlLeR iS eZ!!!1!1!
    Damn, I knew it too EZ. I was forgetting the most important part!
  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,900
    edited February 2019

    Definitely. I love playing some Michael Myers.

    I have the adept achievements on all the killers, too.

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    @Blueberry said:
    Almost every time I run into survivors that rage DC, act toxic, or complain about tunneling/camping/slugging etc, it's always survivors that don't play killer hardly at all or only at super low ranks. They have no perspective. I try to tell them that if they actually played killer at high ranks as well their actions and opinions would change entirely but they don't listen. It's also why we get the constant posts in these forums of people that were only survivor mains who finally played killer enough to come back and apologize that they were so wrong about a myriad of things.

    Someone who gets annoyed with game mechanics they perceive as unfair or annoying isn't on the same level as someone who willfully breaks the rules (DCs).

  • SailedSavage
    SailedSavage Member Posts: 280
    Playing killer made me a better survivor. Helped me to learn blind spots, lunge range and mind gaming. Reverse of that l, playing survivor makes me a stronger killer, knowing habits and hiding spots for survivors. 
  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    Yes, i would say i play as a killer 35-40% of the time.
  • Gamzello
    Gamzello Member Posts: 828
    Sometimes but rarely. I suck at killer tbh.
  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463
    I can identify myself as someone who plays and enjoys both sides if that's what you are asking
  • perotx
    perotx Member Posts: 77

    Wouldn't say that I'm a survivor main because I play both sides equally as much. I think that playing the other side not only helps you understand the balance of the game, but also makes you better at playing the opposite of the said side. I play Freddy, and I do, in fact, get 4k's every game on high ranks. I also play Laurie.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    @fluffybunny said:

    @Blueberry said:
    Almost every time I run into survivors that rage DC, act toxic, or complain about tunneling/camping/slugging etc, it's always survivors that don't play killer hardly at all or only at super low ranks. They have no perspective. I try to tell them that if they actually played killer at high ranks as well their actions and opinions would change entirely but they don't listen. It's also why we get the constant posts in these forums of people that were only survivor mains who finally played killer enough to come back and apologize that they were so wrong about a myriad of things.

    Someone who gets annoyed with game mechanics they perceive as unfair or annoying isn't on the same level as someone who willfully breaks the rules (DCs).

    I'd agree. They were just other things I see as well.

  • irejog
    irejog Member Posts: 39
    I'm at rank 1 for both the killer and the survivor roles but I would consider myself a killer main for the most part. Killer is more fun if not more stressful but if you manage your expectations well and understand that you are not always going to have the chance at the 4k, then it is fine. 
  • NurseMainBTW
    NurseMainBTW Member Posts: 531
    edited February 2019

    Rank 1 at both. I enjoy playing both on the same level but I usually play survivor ONLY if there's someone else I can play with.

    "bUt ThATs SwF aNd ItS BrOkeN" No. It's called "common sense". It's reassuring to at least have ONE guy that will come in your aid instead of uncaring (cough farming) teammates.

  • DarkFox85
    DarkFox85 Member Posts: 74

    At nearly 400 hours, my play time is divided 75% survivor and 25% killer [and I take that very seriously]. I think most would call me a “survivor main”.

    I do it this way for mathematical reasons, but I’d probably be a survivor main anyway because playing killer is really damn stressful. I’m always worried I’m going to get post-game abuse, or if I’m going against a fully armed SWF squad that’ll humiliate me. A 0k hurts and a 4k might earn you a lot of ill will. And then there’s the DC problem and “do I let that last one farm?” Urrk. It’s a nightmare.

    I’ve achieved Adept with most killers and have just started learning the Nurse... urr... Oh dear. Oh God. I have all of the above problems combined with the fact I can’t blink for toffees. And I’m worried I’m giving everyone a “bg” instead of a “gg”. Stress! But those 4ks do feel fantastic though... Playing as killer, both the highs and lows are more extreme. But that gamble isn’t something you want after a hard day at the office.

    When back as a survivor (exclusively solo) I have less salt towards camping, tunnelling or NOED or any other controversial aspects that I encounter. There’s no hard feelings from me [facecamping-Insideous-hits on the hook might get a frown or two though]. And I never use DS. I have sympathy for killers concerns more because they go through a lot of abuse and SWF really is broken. There’s no excuse, and as a commnity we need to have more mutual respect.

    And I agree that if you don’t at least partake in “moonlighting” as the other side, you probably suck at DbD.

  • artist
    artist Member Posts: 1,519
    I'll play killer when I want a quick boost in bloodpoints.
  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616

    I play killer when my friend don't play with me. A month ago I was still only playing survivor in two players SWF and solo survivor, very rarely killer, but I got too used to play in SWF that I started to felt underpowered when I was soloing, so I started to playing killer a lot more when my friend cannot play. In other words, A month ago my DBD play was 95% survivor and 5% killer, now I'm playing 60% killer and 40% survivor.

  • cortown711
    cortown711 Member Posts: 21

    I rarely do.only for dalies now. Used to be about 50/50 as it is I know survivors are glad because I camp and tunnel to ensure I get those dailies done in one try ;-)

  • Dolphin9192
    Dolphin9192 Member Posts: 130

    I play killer a fair bit especially since this event started I went from rank 12 to rank 6.

  • SIlentCetra
    SIlentCetra Member Posts: 187

    I'm trying to play a balance of both. I've been playing survivor more the last day or so, buuuuuut, I also have been playing killer here and there. Not sure if I really want to "main" anyone. I like both roles.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @DarkFox85 said:
    I do it this way for mathematical reasons, but I’d probably be a survivor main anyway because playing killer is really damn stressful. I’m always worried I’m going to get post-game abuse, or if I’m going against a fully armed SWF squad that’ll humiliate me. A 0k hurts and a 4k might earn you a lot of ill will. (...)

    When back as a survivor (exclusively solo) I have less salt towards camping, tunnelling or NOED or any other controversial aspects that I encounter. There’s no hard feelings from me [facecamping-Insideous-hits on the hook might get a frown or two though]. And I never use DS. I have sympathy for killers concerns more because they go through a lot of abuse and SWF really is broken. There’s no excuse, and as a commnity we need to have more mutual respect.

    Well said!

    So would you say what bothers you most when playing killer is the toxicness you're facing, the unbalance of SWF and unbalanced perks like DS?
    Would you play more killer if it weren't for these things?

  • DarkFox85
    DarkFox85 Member Posts: 74

    @NoShinyPony said:

    Well said!

    So would you say what bothers you most when playing killer is the toxicness you're facing, the unbalance of SWF and unbalanced perks like DS?
    Would you play more killer if it weren't for these things?

    Thank you very much for reading! Okay. A lot to talk about:

    Firstly, Decisive Strike. Personally, I don’t feel DS is OP when I’m killer. I feel it’s a situational and REACTIVE perk with several drawbacks and it costs a perk slot [and blah blah discussed to death]. However, I know a lot of killers do have issues with DS, so when I’m “survivoring” I leave it behind so there’s less bad vibes. I don’t want to defend petty vindictiveness of certain killer players, but we can at least make life a little easier. And when I’m killer I don’t “target” DS users or anything like that [the same applies for flashlights, but these days they’re really not very good anyway so whatever]

    As for post-game flaming, I think this is part and parcel of the online experience. It’s a competitive environment with hyper-invested nerds with soft egos. Some are still teenagers. As players, we have the reporting button and we have the ability to set a good example, but there’s not much else we can do. If I 4k I always say “gg bl”. If I and the other 3 escape, I especially give a “gg bl” because I know how much a 0k stings.

    It would be nice if we were all good sports: gracious winners and dignified losers. Maybe I’m just thin skinned? It does deter me a little, but I think we/I have just gotta toughen up. As I’m fond of saying when other players start going at it each other, “it’s only a game”.

    SWF? That’s a different story.

    I don’t mind playing the “Captain Hook” to their “Lost Boys”. I really don’t! But some indication or some kind of reward/incentive will take that anti-SWF paranoia away, and a little more reassurance the toxic flaming as a team won’t happen would be great as well. But IDK what to do about it.

    TLDR: Yes. Although I don’t care about any survivor perks, I would definately play killer more often and with less stress if toxicity/SWF weren’t issues. As far as I’m concerned, killer mains are heroes.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @DarkFox85 said:

    @NoShinyPony said:

    Well said!

    So would you say what bothers you most when playing killer is the toxicness you're facing, the unbalance of SWF and unbalanced perks like DS?
    Would you play more killer if it weren't for these things?

    Thank you very much for reading! Okay. A lot to talk about:
    TLDR: Yes. Although I don’t care about any survivor perks, I would definately play killer more often and with less stress if toxicity/SWF weren’t issues. As far as I’m concerned, killer mains are heroes.

    Thank you for taking the time to give such a detailed response (I read everything, of course)!
    It surely is an interesting topic. I'd like to see more people playing killer. :)

  • OrionsFury4789
    OrionsFury4789 Member Posts: 637
    Even though I call myself a survivor main the past two months I've played twice as much killer than I have survivor due to que times being what they are on console
  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @OrionsFury4789 said:
    Even though I call myself a survivor main the past two months I've played twice as much killer than I have survivor due to que times being what they are on console

    Thats true. I also found myself playing killer when I initially wanted to play surv.

  • DarkFox85
    DarkFox85 Member Posts: 74

    @NoShinyPony said:

    @DarkFox85 said:

    @NoShinyPony said:

    Well said!

    So would you say what bothers you most when playing killer is the toxicness you're facing, the unbalance of SWF and unbalanced perks like DS?
    Would you play more killer if it weren't for these things?

    Thank you very much for reading! Okay. A lot to talk about:
    TLDR: Yes. Although I don’t care about any survivor perks, I would definately play killer more often and with less stress if toxicity/SWF weren’t issues. As far as I’m concerned, killer mains are heroes.

    Thank you for taking the time to give such a detailed response (I read everything, of course)!
    It surely is an interesting topic. I'd like to see more people playing killer. :)

    So do you think most survivor mains never actually play killer? Or (if not “never”) they have only dedicated less than 10% of their playtime to the killer? And it’s a lack of understanding that drives half of the toxicity?

    It would make sense mathematically. In an ideal world everyone would have an 80-20 split burt that certainly isn't the case.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @fluffybunny said:
    Personally, I think players shouldn't just stick to one role. It helps with understanding where the other "side" is coming from and what they're concerned over. If not for a reason like that, it's also good to have variety in what you do. Too much of either is bound to drive you up a wall and both have their upsides and downsides.

    Why otherstand the concerns/strategoes of the other side when you can just get it nerfed? :smile:

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    I started out as a survivor main on PS4 when the game came out but started playing killer when the Halloween Chapter came out. It is about 50/50 at the moment. Seeing both sides of the game makes you understand certain arguments. You may not agree with that posters opinion but you understand where they are coming from. I would suggest anyone who mains either side play both even if you are not very good.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @DarkFox85 said:

    @NoShinyPony said:

    @DarkFox85 said:

    @NoShinyPony said:

    Well said!

    So would you say what bothers you most when playing killer is the toxicness you're facing, the unbalance of SWF and unbalanced perks like DS?
    Would you play more killer if it weren't for these things?

    Thank you very much for reading! Okay. A lot to talk about:
    TLDR: Yes. Although I don’t care about any survivor perks, I would definately play killer more often and with less stress if toxicity/SWF weren’t issues. As far as I’m concerned, killer mains are heroes.

    Thank you for taking the time to give such a detailed response (I read everything, of course)!
    It surely is an interesting topic. I'd like to see more people playing killer. :)

    So do you think most survivor mains never actually play killer? Or (if not “never”) they have only dedicated less than 10% of their playtime to the killer? And it’s a lack of understanding that drives half of the toxicity?

    I have my suspicions going into that direction. There surely are a lot of unbalanced things in DbD but a lot of survivor mains don't seem to recognize how unbalanced these are.

    That's why I am asking. I am honestly curious if those survivor mains usually don't play killer at all. I mean, how many survivor mains are super skilled nurse players that aren't bothered too much by keys, insta-heals, SWF groups with 3 DS?

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    @Master said:

    @fluffybunny said:
    Personally, I think players shouldn't just stick to one role. It helps with understanding where the other "side" is coming from and what they're concerned over. If not for a reason like that, it's also good to have variety in what you do. Too much of either is bound to drive you up a wall and both have their upsides and downsides.

    Why otherstand the concerns/strategoes of the other side when you can just get it nerfed? :smile:

    You're barking up the wrong tree.

  • BlackReaper
    BlackReaper Member Posts: 134
    edited February 2019

    @NoShinyPony said:
    Hey guys, I'm really interested in this topic. :) If you are a survivor main: Do you play killer as well?

    If not: Why don't you like the killer role?

    If yes: How often do you play killer compared to the time you're playing survivor?

    im main survivor and i play killer almost equal time when im tired of survivor, and my main reason to play killer is to understand how they play and try to overcome them when i play survivor. :blush:

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    @fcc2014 said:
    I started out as a survivor main on PS4 when the game came out but started playing killer when the Halloween Chapter came out. It is about 50/50 at the moment. Seeing both sides of the game makes you understand certain arguments. You may not agree with that posters opinion but you understand where they are coming from. I would suggest anyone who mains either side play both even if you are not very good.

    What I've found is that it also helps improve your gameplay if you become decent or at least play around with the other side.

  • BlackReaper
    BlackReaper Member Posts: 134

    @DarkFox85 said:

    @NoShinyPony said:

    Well said!

    So would you say what bothers you most when playing killer is the toxicness you're facing, the unbalance of SWF and unbalanced perks like DS?
    Would you play more killer if it weren't for these things?

    Thank you very much for reading! Okay. A lot to talk about:

    Firstly, Decisive Strike. Personally, I don’t feel DS is OP when I’m killer. I feel it’s a situational and REACTIVE perk with several drawbacks and it costs a perk slot [and blah blah discussed to death]. However, I know a lot of killers do have issues with DS, so when I’m “survivoring” I leave it behind so there’s less bad vibes. I don’t want to defend petty vindictiveness of certain killer players, but we can at least make life a little easier. And when I’m killer I don’t “target” DS users or anything like that [the same applies for flashlights, but these days they’re really not very good anyway so whatever]

    As for post-game flaming, I think this is part and parcel of the online experience. It’s a competitive environment with hyper-invested nerds with soft egos. Some are still teenagers. As players, we have the reporting button and we have the ability to set a good example, but there’s not much else we can do. If I 4k I always say “gg bl”. If I and the other 3 escape, I especially give a “gg bl” because I know how much a 0k stings.

    It would be nice if we were all good sports: gracious winners and dignified losers. Maybe I’m just thin skinned? It does deter me a little, but I think we/I have just gotta toughen up. As I’m fond of saying when other players start going at it each other, “it’s only a game”.

    SWF? That’s a different story.

    I don’t mind playing the “Captain Hook” to their “Lost Boys”. I really don’t! But some indication or some kind of reward/incentive will take that anti-SWF paranoia away, and a little more reassurance the toxic flaming as a team won’t happen would be great as well. But IDK what to do about it.

    TLDR: Yes. Although I don’t care about any survivor perks, I would definately play killer more often and with less stress if toxicity/SWF weren’t issues. As far as I’m concerned, killer mains are heroes.

    about the DS i think the same as you, i dont know why people say all the time that DS is op, is not, its only works good on the obsession and its just delay the chase for 30 sec more at best, the only problem i have with DS is when they gen rush, you cant waste your time, but if the gen rush get fixed DS is just another perk and useful some times and even you can miss it, not a big deal.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388
    @fluffybunny you see things playing killer that improve your game as survivor. The experience you have as survivor lets you judge loops better as killer and if you should abandon the chase and go after someone else.
  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    @NoShinyPony said:

    @DarkFox85 said:

    @NoShinyPony said:

    @DarkFox85 said:

    @NoShinyPony said:

    Well said!

    So would you say what bothers you most when playing killer is the toxicness you're facing, the unbalance of SWF and unbalanced perks like DS?
    Would you play more killer if it weren't for these things?

    Thank you very much for reading! Okay. A lot to talk about:
    TLDR: Yes. Although I don’t care about any survivor perks, I would definately play killer more often and with less stress if toxicity/SWF weren’t issues. As far as I’m concerned, killer mains are heroes.

    Thank you for taking the time to give such a detailed response (I read everything, of course)!
    It surely is an interesting topic. I'd like to see more people playing killer. :)

    So do you think most survivor mains never actually play killer? Or (if not “never”) they have only dedicated less than 10% of their playtime to the killer? And it’s a lack of understanding that drives half of the toxicity?

    I have my suspicions going into that direction. There surely are a lot of unbalanced things in DbD but a lot of survivor mains don't seem to recognize how unbalanced these are.

    That's why I am asking. I am honestly curious if those survivor mains usually don't play killer at all. I mean, how many survivor mains are super skilled nurse players that aren't bothered too much by keys, insta-heals, SWF groups with 3 DS?

    You also have to realize that compared to how it once was, it's a lot better. They've done a lot to improve the experience for killers and while there's still more to be done, a lot of killer mains don't even seem to be aware of the improvements their side has seen. I understand DS is BS, but you have some complaining about pallets and many who don't understand camping and tunneling can ruin the experience for the other side. They want their buffs, but they also want to play in the same exact way they always did prior to the buff with no affect to their points or their pips.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @fluffybunny said:

    @NoShinyPony said:

    @DarkFox85 said:

    @NoShinyPony said:

    @DarkFox85 said:

    @NoShinyPony said:

    Well said!

    So would you say what bothers you most when playing killer is the toxicness you're facing, the unbalance of SWF and unbalanced perks like DS?
    Would you play more killer if it weren't for these things?

    Thank you very much for reading! Okay. A lot to talk about:
    TLDR: Yes. Although I don’t care about any survivor perks, I would definately play killer more often and with less stress if toxicity/SWF weren’t issues. As far as I’m concerned, killer mains are heroes.

    Thank you for taking the time to give such a detailed response (I read everything, of course)!
    It surely is an interesting topic. I'd like to see more people playing killer. :)

    So do you think most survivor mains never actually play killer? Or (if not “never”) they have only dedicated less than 10% of their playtime to the killer? And it’s a lack of understanding that drives half of the toxicity?

    I have my suspicions going into that direction. There surely are a lot of unbalanced things in DbD but a lot of survivor mains don't seem to recognize how unbalanced these are.

    That's why I am asking. I am honestly curious if those survivor mains usually don't play killer at all. I mean, how many survivor mains are super skilled nurse players that aren't bothered too much by keys, insta-heals, SWF groups with 3 DS?

    You also have to realize that compared to how it once was, it's a lot better. They've done a lot to improve the experience for killers and while there's still more to be done, a lot of killer mains don't even seem to be aware of the improvements their side has seen.

    The main point is: There is still more to be done. Yes, the devs did some adjustments. Unfortunately, it's not enough yet. And new players don't know how unbalanced it used to be. They just see the current unbalanced state and they want that to change, and rightfully so.

    @fluffybunny said:

    @NoShinyPony said:

    @DarkFox85 said:

    @NoShinyPony said:

    @DarkFox85 said:

    @NoShinyPony said:

    Well said!

    So would you say what bothers you most when playing killer is the toxicness you're facing, the unbalance of SWF and unbalanced perks like DS?
    Would you play more killer if it weren't for these things?

    Thank you very much for reading! Okay. A lot to talk about:
    TLDR: Yes. Although I don’t care about any survivor perks, I would definately play killer more often and with less stress if toxicity/SWF weren’t issues. As far as I’m concerned, killer mains are heroes.

    Thank you for taking the time to give such a detailed response (I read everything, of course)!
    It surely is an interesting topic. I'd like to see more people playing killer. :)

    So do you think most survivor mains never actually play killer? Or (if not “never”) they have only dedicated less than 10% of their playtime to the killer? And it’s a lack of understanding that drives half of the toxicity?

    I have my suspicions going into that direction. There surely are a lot of unbalanced things in DbD but a lot of survivor mains don't seem to recognize how unbalanced these are.

    That's why I am asking. I am honestly curious if those survivor mains usually don't play killer at all. I mean, how many survivor mains are super skilled nurse players that aren't bothered too much by keys, insta-heals, SWF groups with 3 DS?

    I understand DS is BS, but you have some complaining about pallets and many who don't understand camping and tunneling can ruin the experience for the other side.

    There will always be people complaining when there is really nothing to complain about. And I think most killers don't camp and tunnel for fun, they do it because it is necessary to have a chance winning the game. They simply can't afford to not tunnel.

  • Axelson
    Axelson Member Posts: 86

    @NoShinyPony said:
    Hey guys, I'm really interested in this topic. :) If you are a survivor main: Do you play killer as well?

    If not: Why don't you like the killer role?

    If yes: How often do you play killer compared to the time you're playing survivor?

    I do. 30% of the time that i play the game i play killer (Legion or Hag)

  • DarkFox85
    DarkFox85 Member Posts: 74

    @BlackReaper said:

    about the DS i think the same as you, i dont know why people say all the time that DS is op, is not, its only works good on the obsession and its just delay the chase for 30 sec more at best, the only problem i have with DS is when they gen rush, you cant waste your time, but if the gen rush get fixed DS is just another perk and useful some times and even you can miss it, not a big deal.

    We're in a minority though. Maybe we deal with it differently? I dunno. I just don't see it as a big deal. And I'm also thinking about those poor obsessions that get themselves downed right in front of hooks. I bet they're not happy about that.

    I have a theory that the "DS debate" isn't necessarily because DS is OP, but because some players just find DS REALLY annoying.

  • DarkFox85
    DarkFox85 Member Posts: 74

    @fluffybunny said:
    You also have to realize that compared to how it once was, it's a lot better. They've done a lot to improve the experience for killers and while there's still more to be done, a lot of killer mains don't even seem to be aware of the improvements their side has seen. I understand DS is BS, but you have some complaining about pallets and many who don't understand camping and tunneling can ruin the experience for the other side. They want their buffs, but they also want to play in the same exact way they always did prior to the buff with no affect to their points or their pips.

    DbD may well be better than it once was, but that’s no argument for just accepting the way things are now. Fact is, there are still issues. Old issues like infinite loops and OP flashlights are before my time anyway. Their prior existence doesn’t detract from toxicity or SWF.

    Though I think you may be right in alluding to a lack of gratitude amongst killers. There’s a good argument there. Very “John Kramer” actually. I’m prepared to meet halfway despite being a survivor myself. There is a lot of whining isn’t there?

    [For some reason I started thinking about the faster hooking buff. I really loved that tweak. Barely a second, but feels so nice. A tiny buff really, but one I’m grateful for]

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    @NoShinyPony Of course there's more to be done. With this sort of game, I'd be surprised if there were ever a time the game was "perfect" for both sides. Survivor needs some tweaking, too, but the moment you mention anything, you get a handful of killer mains screeching about how they still need attention. My point is that a lot of killer mains fall into the same boat as survivor mains where they don't play the other side and can't relate to the issues the other side may face. It's not affecting them so why should they care if the other side has fun? I think that mentality is damaging and we should look to have a fun experience for both sides, rather than putting people in boxes and assuming you know what they're gonna say and think.

    I understand not everyone has a good amount of empathy, though, and that goes for both sides. Even when I didn't play killer, I could still relate with killers wanting to feel stronger and wanted them to have better experience. I understand that is sometimes not the case for even people who play that particular side as they're not seeing the issues in their games. Some people lack awareness and others just don't care.

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    @DarkFox85 said:

    @fluffybunny said:
    You also have to realize that compared to how it once was, it's a lot better. They've done a lot to improve the experience for killers and while there's still more to be done, a lot of killer mains don't even seem to be aware of the improvements their side has seen. I understand DS is BS, but you have some complaining about pallets and many who don't understand camping and tunneling can ruin the experience for the other side. They want their buffs, but they also want to play in the same exact way they always did prior to the buff with no affect to their points or their pips.

    DbD may well be better than it once was, but that’s no argument for just accepting the way things are now. Fact is, there are still issues. Old issues like infinite loops and OP flashlights are before my time anyway. Their prior existence doesn’t detract from toxicity or SWF.

    Though I think you may be right in alluding to a lack of gratitude amongst killers. There’s a good argument there. Very “John Kramer” actually. I’m prepared to meet halfway despite being a survivor myself. There is a lot of whining isn’t there?

    [For some reason I started thinking about the faster hooking buff. I really loved that tweak. Barely a second, but feels so nice. A tiny buff really, but one I’m grateful for]

    I don't think stopping to say "I like/appreciate this" takes away from your argument, too. I just like wholesome stuff and I appreciate the buffs and the changes done so far. There's still more to do, but I think they're trying. Honestly the toxicity of SWF can completely ruin the experience for both sides. They go after Solo players, too, but I have no idea how to fix something like that. :/

  • DarkFox85
    DarkFox85 Member Posts: 74

    @fluffybunny said:

    I don't think stopping to say "I like/appreciate this" takes away from your argument, too. I just like wholesome stuff and I appreciate the buffs and the changes done so far. There's still more to do, but I think they're trying. Honestly the toxicity of SWF can completely ruin the experience for both sides. They go after Solo players, too, but I have no idea how to fix something like that. :/

    I 100% agree. I've had SWF grief me in many different ways as a survivor. hell, there should be more survivors arguing against SWF.

    And I respect the devs very much as well and all the work they do. I don't envy them for having to deal with this problem. I suppose this is more of a "headless frankenstein" sort of issue. Circumstance being the "enemy".

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    @DarkFox85 said:

    @fluffybunny said:

    I don't think stopping to say "I like/appreciate this" takes away from your argument, too. I just like wholesome stuff and I appreciate the buffs and the changes done so far. There's still more to do, but I think they're trying. Honestly the toxicity of SWF can completely ruin the experience for both sides. They go after Solo players, too, but I have no idea how to fix something like that. :/

    I 100% agree. I've had SWF grief me in many different ways as a survivor. hell, there should be more survivors arguing against SWF.

    And I respect the devs very much as well and all the work they do. I don't envy them for having to deal with this problem. I suppose this is more of a "headless frankenstein" sort of issue. Circumstance being the "enemy".

    I think the biggest thing with survivor-related issues is that most of them are complex and harder to address. If someone's gonna farm you, they're gonna farm you. Likewise for camping and berating you in end game chat.

    I can understand people often want to play these sorts of games together. It's hilarious when you hear a friend freak out and protecting your friend can leave a nice feeling. I think the biggest issue with survivors arguing against SWF or not is that a lot of survivors play on SWF teams or have done so in the past. I've seen someone suggest bringing up solo play to the same level as SWF and giving the killer help in addressing both. I can't fathom how, though.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @DarkFox85 said:

    @BlackReaper said:

    about the DS i think the same as you, i dont know why people say all the time that DS is op, is not, its only works good on the obsession and its just delay the chase for 30 sec more at best, the only problem i have with DS is when they gen rush, you cant waste your time, but if the gen rush get fixed DS is just another perk and useful some times and even you can miss it, not a big deal.

    We're in a minority though. Maybe we deal with it differently? I dunno. I just don't see it as a big deal. And I'm also thinking about those poor obsessions that get themselves downed right in front of hooks. I bet they're not happy about that.

    I have a theory that the "DS debate" isn't necessarily because DS is OP, but because some players just find DS REALLY annoying.

    The DS debate is usually not about one single DS in a match. It's about having to deal with 2, 3 or 4 DS in one match.

    Keep in mind that one DS can cost the killer 30 seconds easily. (If you get bad survivors who go down again after 10 seconds, thats good for you, but that's not the rule.)

    And now multiplay these 30 seconds by 2 or 3. That's one or two gens' time. It's not about that getting DS'ed is annoying. It's about that killers simply don't have enough time to deal with it.

  • DarkFox85
    DarkFox85 Member Posts: 74

    @NoShinyPony said:

    @DarkFox85 said:

    @BlackReaper said:

    about the DS i think the same as you, i dont know why people say all the time that DS is op, is not, its only works good on the obsession and its just delay the chase for 30 sec more at best, the only problem i have with DS is when they gen rush, you cant waste your time, but if the gen rush get fixed DS is just another perk and useful some times and even you can miss it, not a big deal.

    We're in a minority though. Maybe we deal with it differently? I dunno. I just don't see it as a big deal. And I'm also thinking about those poor obsessions that get themselves downed right in front of hooks. I bet they're not happy about that.

    I have a theory that the "DS debate" isn't necessarily because DS is OP, but because some players just find DS REALLY annoying.

    The DS debate is usually not about one single DS in a match. It's about having to deal with 2, 3 or 4 DS in one match.

    Keep in mind that one DS can cost the killer 30 seconds easily. (If you get bad survivors who go down again after 10 seconds, thats good for you, but that's not the rule.)

    And now multiplay these 30 seconds by 2 or 3. That's one or two gens' time. It's not about that getting DS'ed is annoying. It's about that killers simply don't have enough time to deal with it.

    I appreciate the aleviation to map pressure DS brings. But to be fair, I run "Agitation" a lot [escpecially on the 110%-ers]. Not as some indirect counter to non-obsession DS, but just to get the job done faster. But this indirect counter aside, is taking 4 DS's in a trial really that common? The most I've ever taken is 2. Maybe 3 once or twice. And these days the DS perk has slipped further from the common build. It's not unusual to have trials with no obsession.

    BUT I'm not a killer main. And this is not "yet another DS thread". I'm sorry I brought it up. We all have different experiences. IDK who's right.