Shrine of Secrets THEN prestiging

Here's a question, we know what happens when you prestige THEN buy perks at the shrine of secrets, but what happens with the reverse? What if we buy a perk at the shrine, THEN prestige the character?

Does the bought perk increase a level?

So, let's say we have a character who isn't prestiged at all. We buy one of their perks at the shrine, so it is now available to all characters at level 1. Then we prestige the character. Does that perk then become level 2, or are the shards effectively wasted?

I'm not finding any answer when looking, sorry if this has been discussed somewhere else.


  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    I'm pretty sure the shards are wasted if you prestige the character after.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,032

    You’re paying for the P1 level. Then the P2 and P3 levels afterwards on the shrine. So if you bought level one only, then Prestige to level one, you still were able to access those perks sooner than later.

    I think prestiging once makes the level two and three versions of the perks available for other killers in the bloodwebs.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763

    I think the answer is no because I'm pretty sure the actual tier is tied to the prestige. So if you bought Tier 2 Hex: Blood Favor from the shrine and then prestiged Blight to Prestige 2, Hex: Blood Favor wouldn't be Tier 3.

  • Firethorn
    Firethorn Member Posts: 31

    Thank you for your answers. I think I'll hold off on the shrine of secrets then.