i keep getting good killers with thousand of hours despite losing most of my matches, why?


like the title says, me and my two mates aren't the best as survivor. i won't say we are efficient with gens and hook saves because we don't play on coms.we rarely get into the end game let alone one of us surviving so i assume we have a fair low mmr right? yet the killers we get are more oppressive than ever...


  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224

    6 year old game. It has many veterans. The game can only match you with who is playing regardless of their hours.

  • Sabraiz
    Sabraiz Member Posts: 566

    Inflated queue times on either side has this effect, after a certain period of wait the matchmaking just throws whoever is at the side that is waiting for a match.