Tunneling is too easy.
I feel like every time I play killer I don’t have to try to do anything but tunnel and camp and it gives me an easy 4k each match. I think it’s unfair I’m not presented with a challenge in your video game. How come when I do this it’s so easy and boring? I need more excitement from your game from killer. I’m not saying it should be removed entirely but at least make the scenarios difficult where I have to choose between tunneling or not tunneling. Like a risk reward decision. Without it this game is too easy for killer and it just makes me kinda wanna play something else for challenging. Thoughts?
I do agree it is rewarded a bit too wel
I think it would be good for the game health if a 3v1 wasen't such a huge swing in the killers favor
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I can't believe nerfing Decisive Strike down to two seconds would result in this.
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I agree 100%. Tunneling is too rewarding right now. You tunnel someone out early and it's over for them. They made it much easier with the last update. Pretty good job so far.
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The basekit borrowed time is pretty redundant their attempt at doing anti tunnelling was a failure
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It is a risk and reward based on the ability of the survivor you are tunneling and how good they can run you. Also, things like Off the Record, Sprint burst can come into play.
Regardless if you believe a tactic you are employing is not resulting in the gameplay you enjoy, why don't you change it? You are the one deciding to tunnel and camp, you ask for a choice it is given to you. You ask for a bigger challenge, which is one of the options... You are just not choosing to play that way. They cannot force you to make other choices, if you want to tunnel and camp... You will always be able to do so.
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killers tunnel survivors, survivors tunnel generators, the concept is the same. if you want some changes regarding this aspect you should also gave more viable options to do in order to escape/kill, don't you think?
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Ah yes, just a normal day of people complaining how the game is to easy.
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You've forgotten to end with " -- A killer main".
The good thing with this game is that you can play however you want. Sometimes, when I feel the game is about to send me against armies of beginners I play perk-less to offset the challenge.
You don't like tunneling? Don't do it. See? Simple.
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tunneeeeeeling caaaaampingiiing! slugging whatever. too many made up words.... just play by the rules of the game and git gud.
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I don't think we'll ever get to a point where the killer can beat an efficient 4-man without tunneling. If we make it to where killer can win without tunneling 90% of the time, what happens in those 10% games where they pretty much have to tunnel? They just lose? That's what I'm worried about.
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Just go for 12 hook victories instead?
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Yes, surely he'd start using meme builds and not tunneling and stuff. If he continues to get a good kill rate using weaker perks and a weaker playstyle, wouldn't that reinforce his position?
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yeah well you know how it is. camping, tunneling, gen rush, and all this nonsense are just made up things, it's not like isn't part of the game depending on teh situation. Just people like to blame stuff for not achieving the performances they thing they deserve. Mostly they don't people are simply not as good as they think they are. it's true for every pvp multiplayer game on the market, people make up all sort of words for things they dislike, and think it's in the way of their otherwise perfect gameplay. Of course losing feels unfair. That's all there is to it.
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I mean..you did complain survivor side is too easy
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Oh really? I opened a thread about survivor being to easy?
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Then just play without tunnelling or camping to give yourself a challenge.
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With stacking slowdowns this isnt even a challenge. Hell, playing S-Tier killers even without 4 slowdowns is still too easy.
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Why would someone do this? Create a thread pretending you actually play the other side just when you quite clearly don't?
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Most killers tunnel because they want to win the match, not because they specifically hate a certain player (I say most, because there are Killers with vendettas on certain players).
If a match is going slowly and I don't feel like I need to, I usually won't tunnel. But if I start getting pressured hard, and I have a survivor in front of me that is on their last hook, then I have no issue tunneling them out to pressure the survivors again. Tunneling is a balance issue; not a community issue. It's up to the Devs to make camping/tunneling unappealing.
They have made good strides in this recently. "No Way Out" is a good perk that rewards hooking every other survivor once, Off the Record is a great perk, and you can no longer hit a survivor who is being unhooked and down them before they can run away. I used to hit survivors who had been unhooked to test if the rescuer had Borrowed Time; I no longer do this because it doesn't work anymore, that is good game balance.
There is still more that should be done,of course. Reducing D-Strikes duration was a stupid change. I also think hook grabs should be removed (or at least let a second survivor unhook while the first gets grabbed), because the hooked survivor shouldn't be punished for having dumb teammates that let stand offs happen.
I will still do the standoff as killer though, because getting a grab on a healthy survivor that is near a hooked survivor is really powerful. If it was removed then I would stop doing it, and the survivor would either run away (and I now have someone to chase) or trade places on the hook instead of gazing into my eyes while the timer ticks down.
Seriously, if the Developers make it so killers are more likely to win by going after new targets, tunneling/camping will pretty much disappear. You will still have some nasty people who will tunnel, but the majority would stop if they win more games by NOT doing it.
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If it's a problem, people should be complaining about it. Hopefully BHVR wakes up to this problem at some point and actually addresses it.
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How do you know that? Tunneling and camping really don't take a lot of skill, and are easy way outs for killers to win. These strategies need to be addressed.
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You said the thing!
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If you're talking about tunneling gens, then yeah, it doesn't take skill. But OP made it clear he was refering to killers tunneling survivors, which does take as much skill as any other chase, specially now with built-in BT and OTR. With teammates body-blocking, BT and OTR there's more than enough time for the tunneled survivor to run to the next safe loop, then to the next, and the next, until the killer had to waste a full gen or two assuming the teammates were even slightly efficient and actually did their gens in the meantime. A gen per hook means an unavoidable loss for the killer, btw.
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Ok here is an insane idea OP. If you need a challenge, why dont you try not tunneling and camping?
Mind ... blown? Am i right or am i right?
Jesus ...
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Lmao no tunneling doesn't take a lot of skill. Surely more than camping, but not that much. Especially if you are camping and tunneling. Those 5 second endurance and haste effects can be waited out so easily.
Playing killer normally, going for chases, and applying map pressure, that takes skill. Just going for one survivor as soon as they are off the hook doesn't take nearly as much skill. And "tunneling"" gens is not a counterargument. Yes, gens don't take skill, but in order to be able to do gens, survivors need to be skilled in chases, to buy their teammates time.
Survivors often don't get to safe loops anyways, and even the safe loops in this game aren't safe against killers with anti-loop abilities. M1 killers being weak is a completely seperate problem.
A gen per hook only happens at the start of the game. If you play well as killer, outplaying survivors, downing them fast, and apply proper map pressure, you will slow down gen progress properly to give you a fair chance at winning as killer. Of course that does depend on the killer you are playing, and the map you are playing on.
Killer queue times are still clearly longer than survivor queue times, it's in the interest of the devs to nerf camping and tunneling properly. Killers have been buffed in numerous ways to make them more viable without such cheap strategies.
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Actions are only as easy as the opposition makes them. Plenty of evidence out there that even camping and tunneling can be made extremely difficult.
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"Tunnelling gens".
What? What is tunnelling a generator? lol I'm playing Bill, and I hook the gen, it falls off and starts rolling away but dammit, I won't let that happen so I follow it incessantly. Thankfully gens don't move very fast or loop so GG EZ!
How do survivors "tunnel" generators? lol
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So first of all, it's pointless if you're tunnelling all the time, even though it makes the game too easy for you and you don't even want that. Where is the logic behind that? Or did you just express yourself in an unfortunate way and wanted to speak in general?
It really feels like there are much more killers who focus on a player to force a 3v1. Since hardly anyone uses DS and BT anymore, it has also become much easier to get rid of a survivor. I've been playing only swf for a while now and off the records feels like a must have perk currently. You can combine that perk with DS and even with DH too make the killers tunneling choice as painful as possible. That at least works for me.
Except the killer is the average nurse enjoyer. I still can't believe how much stronger she got after her bug fixes a while back.
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By... making the game... harder?
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"Tunneling gens" always makes me giggle
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Or, here's a thought.... don't tunnel! Give people a chance to play. XD
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Today has been worse for me, so can't wait today I will be spending the rest of my time on the PTB. 7 out of 10 of my games today as been hardcore face camping and tunnelling. The 5 seconds BT base kit is nothing :(. I am also getting teammates who DC all the time, throwing on hooks. After the 10 games I came off it and now waiting on PTB to try out my Ada
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Hahaha, that is the first time I heard someone say tunnelling gens lol... That made me laugh.
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Here I was hoping everyone would come together for once by thinking about what I'm trying to do (not bait or that god awful word troll) but to make the game enjoyable for everyone but it always boils down to survivor mains and killer mains attacking each other instead of brainstorming and talking it out. Hence why any ideas I'd introduce would be meaningless.
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Right now, the most "challenging" part of playing killer is waiting out the incredibly longer queue
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Its more bold to create a thread than to make comments
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I don’t think your ideas are meaningless. I’d like to here them..
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it was an example... both are objective to do, but if survivors rush their goal this isn't considered toxic for some reason, another completely different matter if the killer do this...
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you can laugh but this doesn't change the fact that both are optimal (and boring) way to play, but what's the difference? killers are blamed for do this...
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Thats not what i asked.
To respond to your previous "question". I find neither role easy nor hard. Its just the other players that can make a match sweaty. How i respond to a sweaty match depends on my mood. Sometimes sweating is fun, sometimes i just think meh, why bother.
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Gen-tunneling meta
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That’s exactly what devs did last patch, but killers play as before
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So we agree, my whole point is if camping ad tunnelling is boring then just dont do it, same if you found playing a particular killer boring
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Because it is still the most effective way to kill people, by a huge margin. In some games against equally skilled survivors it is the only way to gain pressure back. Developers need to make massive adjustments for this not to be the case.