Example of Tru3Ta1ent why playing Solo Survivor is really frustrating

HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948
edited February 2019 in General Discussions
Basically having noob team mates at red ranks, but also because stuff like NOED carries killers and as a solo survivor when you get tunneled you can't do much against that and only hope your mates are doing dull totems. 

(Btw, I'm not bitching about playing survivor is difficult, I'm far away from that lol. Everyone who plays both sides agrees with me that survivor is pretty easy. I'm more focused on the terrible matchmaking/ranking system which is making solo Q really annoying. 
Swf is another story, pretty much always fun to play cuz you have always your 3 decent mates with braincells.)
Post edited by HavelmomDaS1 on


  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,085

    Sadly this is the curse of playing Solo. I either play Solo or with one friend of mine, and we mostly do not get rid of all Totems. There were games where I cleansed 4 Dull Totems and still NOED was active...

    Though, NOED is not as frequently used in Red Ranks than it would be in Purple or Green Ranks. At least this is my impression. That does not mean that I did not run into a Huntress with INsta-Downs, an Ebony Mori and NOED lately... But still...

    The sad thing is that some people really justify NOED to have something against "Gen Rush" (still a stupid term), but this is a prime example of a Killer messing up. I even watched the VOD of the Killer and he knew that he would be screwed at this loop, and in the end he got rewarded, even though he was totally aware that the Survivors will finish all Gens before he might get tru3.
    (The Survivors messing up by swarming the Hook is another thing, again...curse of playing solo... This is a good example of leaving a Teammate on the Hook)

  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948

    Sadly this is the curse of playing Solo. I either play Solo or with one friend of mine, and we mostly do not get rid of all Totems. There were games where I cleansed 4 Dull Totems and still NOED was active...

    Though, NOED is not as frequently used in Red Ranks than it would be in Purple or Green Ranks. At least this is my impression. That does not mean that I did not run into a Huntress with INsta-Downs, an Ebony Mori and NOED lately... But still...

    The sad thing is that some people really justify NOED to have something against "Gen Rush" (still a stupid term), but this is a prime example of a Killer messing up. I even watched the VOD of the Killer and he knew that he would be screwed at this loop, and in the end he got rewarded, even though he was totally aware that the Survivors will finish all Gens before he might get tru3.
    (The Survivors messing up by swarming the Hook is another thing, again...curse of playing solo... This is a good example of leaving a Teammate on the Hook)

    I mean, I would be fine if I die at the end because of noed and my mates are smart enough to either search the totem or just escape. But must of the time the "easiness" of ranking up allows to many potatoes beeing my team mates and resulting to a 4k for the killer. That's what's pissing me personally the most of playing solo Q 
  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948

    It's funny, the same people that say "Rank Doesn't Matter" are the same people that De-rank simply to avoid Red Ranks.

    To who are you referring? To me? I don't derank lad, I play normally and stay at red ranks all time
  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    I play both sides as the solo player. Playing survivor is less rustrating? Yes and no. As I'm gonna being chased for 10 minutes by a killer, I want to see my mates popping a gens so actually we could win a match, but no... most of them are following me with the flashlight to get a save, sandbagging me, sitting in a locker 24/7 or just running for no reason on the whole map....like come on... what's the point for me to keeping killer busy, when my mates do absolutely nothing. And as the killer: I've seen always a full-armed SWF with flashlights, insta-heals and keys. One person can keep me busy for at least 2 minutes and there is already a 3 gens popped. That's what I want to see as the solo survivor: That my efforts has importance to the game.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    This is the result of a terrible ranking system. They made it way too easy to rank up for both sides so we're left with all these people that shouldn't be anywhere near as high rank as they are. It's even worse on the survivor side, you literally have to afk not to rank up.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    @HavelmomDaS1 said:
    Basically having noob team mates at red ranks, but also because stuff like NOED carries killers and as a solo survivor when you get tunneled you can't do much against that and only hope your mates are doing dull totems. 

    (Btw, I'm not bitching about playing survivor is difficult, I'm far away from that lol. Everyone who plays both sides agrees with me that survivor is pretty easy. I'm more focused on the terrible matchmaking/ranking system which is making solo Q really annoying. 
    Swf is another story, pretty much always fun to play cuz you have always your 3 decent mates with braincells.)

    The problem with bad teammates is that most of them get carried to red ranks by SWF. I truly believe if everyone was forced to play solo only the good players would make it to red ranks (or at least the players who do will have a far better understanding of the game).

    I also believe that by removing SWF you would gut this games community in half because a ton of people who only play with friends would legitimately move on.

    Sadly there is no win/win here.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited February 2019

    I learned... that NOED procs on hatchets. Was this always a thing?

    Also Tru3 uses Self Care all the time which is IMO the biggest survivor crutch in the game. DS is cheesey but at least it only has 1 use. SC has infinite uses and makes getting injured so trivial. If you ask me, if it weren't in the game you would PROBABLY see a lot fewer "bad" survivors at high ranks. Playing the whole game injured makes survivor a lot harder.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050
    edited February 2019

    Saying rank doesn't matter is just an excuse.

    It may not mean MUCH, but it does in fact separate people with a few hours from lots of the people with hundreds of hours.

    It does not excuse de-ranking, in fact, it then makes no sense. If rank doesn't matter, then why de-rank? By that logic, it shouldn't matter if your playing at rank 1 or 20 right? Since, it doesn't matter...

    Or could it be possible that it does in some fact matter TO A CERTAIN DEGREE!? And that by de-ranking you are going to a LOWER RANK because that just so happens to be where many LESS SKILLED players are?

    But rank doesn't matter... Sure keep running from high ranks, just because you lack the skill to stay there. Cause rank doesn't matter right?

  • Vortexas
    Vortexas Member Posts: 757
    edited February 2019

    Played a Survivor round yesterday vs Huntress as a Solo Survivor.

    Get Found, Get Hit Get chased a bit, manage to loose her.

    Heal up.

    Start working on a Gen.

    Notice a teammate has gone down in the big house of Autohaven.

    Notice a second teammate downed same area....then a 3rd.

    Realize i am screwed.

    Manage to unhook one, who sprint bursts over to the other one that just got hooked, only for him to be insta downed and hooked.

    End up being last survivor with five gens to go.


    All those downs in the big house? Were about Ten Seconds apart. They were trying hard to do some insta heal cheese or some bs.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    @Aven_Fallen said:
    The sad thing is that some people really justify NOED to have something against "Gen Rush" (still a stupid term), but this is a prime example of a Killer messing up. I even watched the VOD of the Killer and he knew that he would be screwed at this loop, and in the end he got rewarded, even though he was totally aware that the Survivors will finish all Gens before he might get tru3.

    The thing is, this is a VERY fine line. You can be a really good killer, with Ruin, and still get gen rushed like crazy where 3 gens pop in your first chase (or 2 gens and Ruin), simply because survivors can bring toolboxes and gang up on gens to pound them out in half the time. But then yea, there are times like the video where the killer clearly isn't very good and/or makes huge mistakes only to be rewarded at the end with NOED.

    I think the biggest indicator of a bad killer with NOED is that those killers tend to get that first hook with NOED then camp it really hard and slug everyone. That is exceptionally lame. But then there are games where you are playing fair AND doing well as killer, but survivors just do gens really fast. I run NOED on my Trapper and most games I can 3k/4k before end game, only maybe 1 in 5 will get to end game such that I really need NOED to keep some pressure. But I won't camp the hooks (unless it was a toxic survivor then maybe ) and I'll usually give hatch away freely to a surv in groups that don't have an obsession and played well (or I abused over the course of the game and felt bad).

    IMO gens repair speed should have some sort of limit. 50 seconds should be the absolute fastest you can ever do a gen, and maybe let it go by faster when survivors are dead. That would make NOED less necessary and might even open the door to balance it so that it's not as big of a crutch for bad killers.

  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301
    edited February 2019


    Sadly this is the curse of playing Solo.

    It's not the curse of playing solo; it's the curse of a pseudo ranking system.


    They made it way too easy to rank

    They don't rank up; they level up.


    The problem with bad teammates is that most of them get carried to red ranks by SWF. I truly believe if everyone was forced to play solo only the good players would make it to red ranks

    It's possible to make SWF's competitive and no more easy (or even more difficult!) than solo's using the same queue when using the same/similar system that Arpad Emrick Elo created, without having to adjust anything in the gameplay.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172


    Depends. There is a reason Overwatch can be so toxic with its version of "Elo Hell".

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688

    Solo survivor in green ranks is an unbearable mess. It's just killers who circle the hook and rely on NOED.

    I saw this on his stream the other day. Sad to see it happening in red ranks, though normally it's rare. Not sure why they ran for the hook against a weak player (normally means they camp the few hooks they get) when the killer had NOED. Perhaps they did it because it was tru3? and they wanted to perform a rescue for the stream? rather than running away. Just a guess though.

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    Ranking is a joke nearly half of the time. It's kind of expected in solo ques. Some matches will be great and your team will be solid and some you'll get unlucky. The survivors shouldn't have been swarming the hook with a killer who had NOED. They also should have been doing totems as they went, especially since the killer had little to no pressure on the game while they were playing. I'd assume a NOED in that situation.

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463
    This is the main reason why Rank System is killing the game. Fixing the Rank System would solve multiple problems.
    Close the gap between SWF and solo players by a lot, resulting in an increase on survival rates and therefore the devs would realize how unbalanced the game is right now. This would lead to the addition of new objectives and balance some maps and killers as well, adding more diversity to the game. And since gen rush would be fixed with the addition of new objectives we could see a new mechanic to discourage killers to camp/tunnel.
  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    PS: To add to my previous post, True also uses Ruin on almost every killer he plays, which you could argue is as much of a crutch perk as NOED, only for early game instead of late game. Plus, just like NOED, it's only effective against bad survivors. Good survivors do gens and hit great skill checks, or find the totem in the first 60 seconds of the game. IMO Ruin is really lame and boring as survivor, and it can make the difference between escaping through the gate and playing for hatch. It probably helps killers get kills as much as NOED does just because it gives killers time to go around and catch everyone.

    I love True but really if you play the game as much as him you should just accept things like Ruin and NOED, and even DS as just part of the game. As a survivor main that plays a LOT of killer, really the only perk that needs a serious rework is DS and only because non-obsessions can use it which is really what makes it so damn powerful. You can counter play DS against the obsession, you can't against non-obsessions.

  • Laakeri
    Laakeri Member Posts: 835

    Release emblems were somewhat good as it filtered out all the noobs from high ranks.

    Side effect was that people who adapted to the emblems had hard time finding games in red ranks as there were not many people out there so now we are back to same as before aka impossible to derank as survivor.

  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948

    PS: To add to my previous post, True also uses Ruin on almost every killer he plays, which you could argue is as much of a crutch perk as NOED, only for early game instead of late game. Plus, just like NOED, it's only effective against bad survivors. Good survivors do gens and hit great skill checks, or find the totem in the first 60 seconds of the game. IMO Ruin is really lame and boring as survivor, and it can make the difference between escaping through the gate and playing for hatch. It probably helps killers get kills as much as NOED does just because it gives killers time to go around and catch everyone.

    I love True but really if you play the game as much as him you should just accept things like Ruin and NOED, and even DS as just part of the game. As a survivor main that plays a LOT of killer, really the only perk that needs a serious rework is DS and only because non-obsessions can use it which is really what makes it so damn powerful. You can counter play DS against the obsession, you can't against non-obsessions.

    Dude, what are you talking about ?? It's not about tru3, or ruin or noed FFS! It's about the horrible ranking system which is making solo Q frustrating, move on with your hate somewhere else lol. I could link the video of Noob3 aswell who was running a pig for several minutes and the teammate didn't repair the last gen..
  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    I doubt that NOED can fully carry killers to high ranks. Maybe when they face eaqully bad survivors but if they suck even NOED won't save them. I personally wouldn't mind one bit if DS and NOED were removed but losing NOED would actually suck since it's main core of endgame builds which are quite fun. Not like DS which is tottaly BS and works all game without any downside (having only 1 use isn't a downside).

    I hope that next chapter will finally do something about both (mainly DS). But knowing the devs it will take another 2 years before some impactful changes happens with DS or NOED.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    @HavelmomDaS1 said:
    thesuicidefox said:

    PS: To add to my previous post, True also uses Ruin on almost every killer he plays, which you could argue is as much of a crutch perk as NOED, only for early game instead of late game. Plus, just like NOED, it's only effective against bad survivors. Good survivors do gens and hit great skill checks, or find the totem in the first 60 seconds of the game. IMO Ruin is really lame and boring as survivor, and it can make the difference between escaping through the gate and playing for hatch. It probably helps killers get kills as much as NOED does just because it gives killers time to go around and catch everyone.

    I love True but really if you play the game as much as him you should just accept things like Ruin and NOED, and even DS as just part of the game. As a survivor main that plays a LOT of killer, really the only perk that needs a serious rework is DS and only because non-obsessions can use it which is really what makes it so damn powerful. You can counter play DS against the obsession, you can't against non-obsessions.

    Dude, what are you talking about ?? It's not about tru3, or ruin or noed FFS! It's about the horrible ranking system which is making solo Q frustrating, move on with your hate somewhere else lol. I could link the video of Noob3 aswell who was running a pig for several minutes and the teammate didn't repair the last gen..

    I was making the point that he was complaining about NOED when he runs Ruin all the time as killer and Self Care all the time as survivor. Just saying it's hypocritical as you could argue that you get boosted killers/survs from those perks as well as NOED and DS.

  • RepliCant
    RepliCant Member Posts: 1,436


    I quote, "This is not like Rank 1"


  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948

    @HavelmomDaS1 said:
    thesuicidefox said:

    PS: To add to my previous post, True also uses Ruin on almost every killer he plays, which you could argue is as much of a crutch perk as NOED, only for early game instead of late game. Plus, just like NOED, it's only effective against bad survivors. Good survivors do gens and hit great skill checks, or find the totem in the first 60 seconds of the game. IMO Ruin is really lame and boring as survivor, and it can make the difference between escaping through the gate and playing for hatch. It probably helps killers get kills as much as NOED does just because it gives killers time to go around and catch everyone.

    I love True but really if you play the game as much as him you should just accept things like Ruin and NOED, and even DS as just part of the game. As a survivor main that plays a LOT of killer, really the only perk that needs a serious rework is DS and only because non-obsessions can use it which is really what makes it so damn powerful. You can counter play DS against the obsession, you can't against non-obsessions.

    Dude, what are you talking about ?? It's not about tru3, or ruin or noed FFS! It's about the horrible ranking system which is making solo Q frustrating, move on with your hate somewhere else lol. I could link the video of Noob3 aswell who was running a pig for several minutes and the teammate didn't repair the last gen..

    I was making the point that he was complaining about NOED when he runs Ruin all the time as killer and Self Care all the time as survivor. Just saying it's hypocritical as you could argue that you get boosted killers/survs from those perks as well as NOED and DS.

    1. It's YOUR opinion that selfcare and ruin is a crutch aswell, many will disagree with you (including me)
    2. He did several perkless (+ no mither only) challenges up to rank 1, so?
    3. Who cares? You are completely missing the point of my post man
  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    @Kebek said:
    I doubt that NOED can fully carry killers to high ranks. Maybe when they face eaqully bad survivors but if they suck even NOED won't save them. I personally wouldn't mind one bit if DS and NOED were removed but losing NOED would actually suck since it's main core of endgame builds which are quite fun. Not like DS which is tottaly BS and works all game without any downside (having only 1 use isn't a downside).

    I hope that next chapter will finally do something about both (mainly DS). But knowing the devs it will take another 2 years before some impactful changes happens with DS or NOED.

    I agree DS is by far the worst perk in the game in terms of fairness, mainly because multiple survivors can use it. You can play around an obsession DS, but not around non-obsession DS.

    I think a good solution to NOED, without actually changing it, would be to give it some sort of "tell" that gives away the killer has NOED before end game. Like I said above I run NOED on my Trapper to counter gen rush games, and I would be more than happy to let survivors know I am strapped JUST so they take the time to slow down and do totems. If the game lasts more time and I don't get my NOED I'm totally fine with that because that's really what I want.

  • Lillika
    Lillika Member Posts: 38

    This video makes me think that I should be running NOED.

  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948
    Lillika said:

    This video makes me think that I should be running NOED.

    Do it if you struggle with the gen pressure. Keep in mind that NOED allows you to win without really understanding how to play killer and also keep in mind that noed usually doesn't work against SWF. So yeah, it's a wheelchair perk like DS, I don't recommend to use it.
  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    @thesuicidefox said:

    @Kebek said:
    I doubt that NOED can fully carry killers to high ranks. Maybe when they face eaqully bad survivors but if they suck even NOED won't save them. I personally wouldn't mind one bit if DS and NOED were removed but losing NOED would actually suck since it's main core of endgame builds which are quite fun. Not like DS which is tottaly BS and works all game without any downside (having only 1 use isn't a downside).

    I hope that next chapter will finally do something about both (mainly DS). But knowing the devs it will take another 2 years before some impactful changes happens with DS or NOED.

    I agree DS is by far the worst perk in the game in terms of fairness, mainly because multiple survivors can use it. You can play around an obsession DS, but not around non-obsession DS.

    I think a good solution to NOED, without actually changing it, would be to give it some sort of "tell" that gives away the killer has NOED before end game. Like I said above I run NOED on my Trapper to counter gen rush games, and I would be more than happy to let survivors know I am strapped JUST so they take the time to slow down and do totems. If the game lasts more time and I don't get my NOED I'm totally fine with that because that's really what I want.

    Maybe some kind of noise notification that would randomly happens once per game after survivors pop a gen. It would make it so that survivors who are observant to their surroundings could know when to do totems. Problem might be that killer would be unable to defend his totems so it might need to add auras for unlit totems for killers.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    @Kebek said:

    @thesuicidefox said:

    @Kebek said:
    I doubt that NOED can fully carry killers to high ranks. Maybe when they face eaqully bad survivors but if they suck even NOED won't save them. I personally wouldn't mind one bit if DS and NOED were removed but losing NOED would actually suck since it's main core of endgame builds which are quite fun. Not like DS which is tottaly BS and works all game without any downside (having only 1 use isn't a downside).

    I hope that next chapter will finally do something about both (mainly DS). But knowing the devs it will take another 2 years before some impactful changes happens with DS or NOED.

    I agree DS is by far the worst perk in the game in terms of fairness, mainly because multiple survivors can use it. You can play around an obsession DS, but not around non-obsession DS.

    I think a good solution to NOED, without actually changing it, would be to give it some sort of "tell" that gives away the killer has NOED before end game. Like I said above I run NOED on my Trapper to counter gen rush games, and I would be more than happy to let survivors know I am strapped JUST so they take the time to slow down and do totems. If the game lasts more time and I don't get my NOED I'm totally fine with that because that's really what I want.

    Maybe some kind of noise notification that would randomly happens once per game after survivors pop a gen. It would make it so that survivors who are observant to their surroundings could know when to do totems. Problem might be that killer would be unable to defend his totems so it might need to add auras for unlit totems for killers.

    I think it should be subtle. I said in previous posts that when you kick a gen as killer the sparks are red for like 10 seconds. It's a very small thing, but astute survivors would see it and know "NOED". But at the same time it's low key enough that even though survivors might not notice. Plus as killer you could avoid the tell by not kicking gens, which is detrimental to your goals but let's you hide the fact you have NOED so it's a trade-off. And still those astute survivors could notice you never kick a gen and might realize "NOED" still.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    @thesuicidefox said:

    @Kebek said:

    @thesuicidefox said:

    @Kebek said:
    I doubt that NOED can fully carry killers to high ranks. Maybe when they face eaqully bad survivors but if they suck even NOED won't save them. I personally wouldn't mind one bit if DS and NOED were removed but losing NOED would actually suck since it's main core of endgame builds which are quite fun. Not like DS which is tottaly BS and works all game without any downside (having only 1 use isn't a downside).

    I hope that next chapter will finally do something about both (mainly DS). But knowing the devs it will take another 2 years before some impactful changes happens with DS or NOED.

    I agree DS is by far the worst perk in the game in terms of fairness, mainly because multiple survivors can use it. You can play around an obsession DS, but not around non-obsession DS.

    I think a good solution to NOED, without actually changing it, would be to give it some sort of "tell" that gives away the killer has NOED before end game. Like I said above I run NOED on my Trapper to counter gen rush games, and I would be more than happy to let survivors know I am strapped JUST so they take the time to slow down and do totems. If the game lasts more time and I don't get my NOED I'm totally fine with that because that's really what I want.

    Maybe some kind of noise notification that would randomly happens once per game after survivors pop a gen. It would make it so that survivors who are observant to their surroundings could know when to do totems. Problem might be that killer would be unable to defend his totems so it might need to add auras for unlit totems for killers.

    I think it should be subtle. I said in previous posts that when you kick a gen as killer the sparks are red for like 10 seconds. It's a very small thing, but astute survivors would see it and know "NOED". But at the same time it's low key enough that even though survivors might not notice. Plus as killer you could avoid the tell by not kicking gens, which is detrimental to your goals but let's you hide the fact you have NOED so it's a trade-off. And still those astute survivors could notice you never kick a gen and might realize "NOED" still.

    That actually sounds really neat. I wish devs ever came up with such great ideas.

  • RepliCant
    RepliCant Member Posts: 1,436

    @thesuicidefox said:

    @Kebek said:

    @thesuicidefox said:

    @Kebek said:
    I doubt that NOED can fully carry killers to high ranks. Maybe when they face eaqully bad survivors but if they suck even NOED won't save them. I personally wouldn't mind one bit if DS and NOED were removed but losing NOED would actually suck since it's main core of endgame builds which are quite fun. Not like DS which is tottaly BS and works all game without any downside (having only 1 use isn't a downside).

    I hope that next chapter will finally do something about both (mainly DS). But knowing the devs it will take another 2 years before some impactful changes happens with DS or NOED.

    I agree DS is by far the worst perk in the game in terms of fairness, mainly because multiple survivors can use it. You can play around an obsession DS, but not around non-obsession DS.

    I think a good solution to NOED, without actually changing it, would be to give it some sort of "tell" that gives away the killer has NOED before end game. Like I said above I run NOED on my Trapper to counter gen rush games, and I would be more than happy to let survivors know I am strapped JUST so they take the time to slow down and do totems. If the game lasts more time and I don't get my NOED I'm totally fine with that because that's really what I want.

    Maybe some kind of noise notification that would randomly happens once per game after survivors pop a gen. It would make it so that survivors who are observant to their surroundings could know when to do totems. Problem might be that killer would be unable to defend his totems so it might need to add auras for unlit totems for killers.

    I think it should be subtle. I said in previous posts that when you kick a gen as killer the sparks are red for like 10 seconds. It's a very small thing, but astute survivors would see it and know "NOED". But at the same time it's low key enough that even though survivors might not notice. Plus as killer you could avoid the tell by not kicking gens, which is detrimental to your goals but let's you hide the fact you have NOED so it's a trade-off. And still those astute survivors could notice you never kick a gen and might realize "NOED" still.

    Pop Goes the Weasel does that anyway

    But yeah, some hidden notion towards NOED would be nice.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @HavelmomDaS1 said:
    Basically having noob team mates at red ranks, but also because stuff like NOED carries killers and as a solo survivor when you get tunneled you can't do much against that and only hope your mates are doing dull totems. 

    (Btw, I'm not bitching about playing survivor is difficult, I'm far away from that lol. Everyone who plays both sides agrees with me that survivor is pretty easy. I'm more focused on the terrible matchmaking/ranking system which is making solo Q really annoying. 
    Swf is another story, pretty much always fun to play cuz you have always your 3 decent mates with braincells.)

    Sucks that the devs listened to the community and hand out easy pips

  • Detective_Jonathan
    Detective_Jonathan Member Posts: 1,165

    @HavelmomDaS1 said:
    Detective_Jonathan said:

    It's funny, the same people that say "Rank Doesn't Matter" are the same people that De-rank simply to avoid Red Ranks.

    To who are you referring? To me? I don't derank lad, I play normally and stay at red ranks all time

    good lord, no i am not referring to you since you desperately needed confirmation smh. My comment was obvious enough that i am talking about the people who de-rank on a daily basis.

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    @thesuicidefox said:
    I love True but really if you play the game as much as him you should just accept things like Ruin and NOED, and even DS as just part of the game. As a survivor main that plays a LOT of killer, really the only perk that needs a serious rework is DS and only because non-obsessions can use it which is really what makes it so damn powerful. You can counter play DS against the obsession, you can't against non-obsessions.

    I agree, though DS can completely change a game even on one person and can encourage people to not commit to chases with you or picking you up, which gives you more lives, technically speaking.

  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948

    @HavelmomDaS1 said:
    Detective_Jonathan said:

    It's funny, the same people that say "Rank Doesn't Matter" are the same people that De-rank simply to avoid Red Ranks.

    To who are you referring? To me? I don't derank lad, I play normally and stay at red ranks all time

    good lord, no i am not referring to you since you desperately needed confirmation smh. My comment was obvious enough that i am talking about the people who de-rank on a daily basis.

    And why do you mention this? Cuz that's what confused me to ask