Nurses range addons have been fixed
On the current PTB, Nurses range addons do not increase blink speed anymore. Interestingly, this change was not stated in the patch notes. I guess the increased blink speed wasnt by design after all and they are now working as inteded. Good job BHVR, this was long overdue.
They specifically said that the speed was intended. I guess they caved to crying once again
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The addon description never said anything about increased blink speed.
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Okay, people can stop the complaints now.
No more need to go after Sally's head.
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Idk I feel her blinks should still count as a special attacks instead of of a basic one
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Those add-ons should not exist to begin with
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Range addons should go anyway. Killers as strong as nurse and blight should have addons that change the way the you play the killer, not addons that buff their basekit.
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I haven't tested it enough, but it seems like Nurse slows down if she spends a lot of time blinking through an object. For example, if you are on an indoor map, and do a max ranged blink up or down a floor at a shallow angle, so you clip through the floor or ceiling for an extended period of time. And there were objects on the RPD map were I was having issues blinking through them, mostly when I'm trying to blink through to the new outside area
And it also seems to happen even if Nurse isn't using any range addons.
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I can confirm Wesker's new aura perk + + Starstruck (+ Lethal) will be pissing off a lot of people.
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I didn't take that into consideration. Suppose I never do.
Back to witch hunt, it seems. Truly unfortunate.
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Or they're bugged and will return to their busted selves when it goes live :(
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Fix range and make blink attacks special attacks. Stacking slowdown is still an issue so it really doesn't matter if that's what they resort to because everyone already does so hopefully the devs will one day finally nuke the slowdown meta across the board for all.
That's coming with the solo changes, though.
(and before anyone says a word, I didn't mention survivor meta because it isn't relevant)
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Anything that doesn't make her a new Freddy / Billy / Slinger is already a huge win, to be honest.
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Sorry General the head hunters still will go after her and all Killers til they get a Freddy Nerf....I want Killers that are strong but I don't want easy Killer Matches or easy Survivor Matches....that's not fun
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Well, at least one of her issues is fixed.
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I wonder if this will pave the way for other ranged addons to be fixed (that I believe have a similar probably unofficial bug), like Pyramid Head's ranged addons. Probably not though.
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What's wrong with PH's ranged addons?
I've not played him in a good while so I'm not sure
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The entitlement lmao
Even the biggest nurse defenders said that aspect was stupid
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Pretty sure they not only increase the range of his ability, but its travel time is also faster, like current Nurse is with Ranged addons. I think!
I used to think PH mains used range for... ranged hits. But if I'm correct it also gives survivors less of a time window to dodge when e.g., coming out of a vault animation.
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You know, I've always thought there was something off about the judgement travel time
Sometimes it feels like I'd get hit super quick and other times I'd be able to move out the way even after vaulting
I always chalked it up to Killer mistiming rather than anything like addons, I might look into this I'm curious now
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There's.... it's a lot more complicated than it sounds on a technical level. I'm willing to explain, but trust me when I say, the solution is so simple that it's been considered.
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The simplest solution is sometimes the best? Could you explain whats wrong?
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This is gonna get a little technical.
There are actually 3 types of attacks in dbd (possibly an over simplification but these 3 are the only relevant): Basic, Sub-Basic, and Special.
Special attacks are 100% unique. Blight's, for example, is completely tailored made for him and him only. It's one of a kind for that specific killer.
Sub Basic attacks are "special" basic attacks, or rather, basic attacks given additional properties. Legion's Frenzy and Pig's ambush, for example, are both sub basic attacks. Notably, this does NOT include things such as an uncloaked Wraith Lunge, as that attack is purely basic, but extended due to increased movement speed due to how lunge speed is calculated using your base speed at the time of the attack.
When attacks such as Sub Basic attacks are made, the line gets a bit... blurry. Legion and Pig's used to be considered an M1 for perks, but that obviously changed. If all Sub Basic attacks were now special, then Slinger's reel into M1 would need to be changed.
In the middle of this, we also have Nurse. Her attack is, presumably, sub basic as it almost completely emulates a basic attack minus very small differences that most probably don't even know about. She's on a very blurry line that could have repercussions for others on that same line.
That's not getting into the exceptions/Inconsistencies that'd make Nurse, such as her M2 still doing a typical M1 Grab, her Grab-Attack cancel being an M2 instead of an M1 like every other killer....
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For the record, McClean considers her ranged addons bugged and that the increased speed is not intended. This is almost the same as Omega Blink and McClean has talked about that many times as well as this incarnation of it, more recently.
I'll be crying when it goes. Who doesn't like to have fun with OP #########.
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That's fine, but McLean created the nurse and he said that's not how it's supposed to work and I tend to trust what he has to say about bugs. Whether BHVR changed their stance on it... I guess we'll see.
McLean considers hug tech a bug. He's said this on his stream many times. He's even said that he tried to fix it before he left but failed.
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Nice <3
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He did consider it a bug. Live, on a stream.
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Uh... he did call Hug Tech a bug. What he said ISN'T a bug is a Blight being able to look up/down to manipulate his collision, but hug tech fools the system by having you start a rush already colliding with an obstacle.
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Because that is not how the addons worked, they never affected the blink speed directly. I strongly recommend you go to the wiki and read the "power trivia" section on nurse's page.
Unlike what apparently a majority of the community believes, including you, the nurse's blink speed is not a fixed value. There is no string of code that defines it. The code only has two values defined: maximum blink duration and maximum blink range. The blink speed is just a result of these two values.
If you use the basic speed/time/distance diagram everyone learns about in school, the fixed value of 1.5 seconds maximum duration and 20 meters maximum range result in the nurse having a maximum blink speed of 13.33 m/s. If you modify any of two values, you'll automatically affect blink speed, even if that is not the main effect.
Kavanagh's Last Breath and Heavy Panting modified the maximum range. Since the blink can still only last 1.5 seconds maximum, the nurse is forced to move faster to cover the additional distance in the same amount of time. So even though neither addon says it affects the blink speed, that is still the effect they have, due to how math works, it's that simple.
It was never a bug or unintended behaviour, otherwise the devs would have programmed her power differently or added the newly added effects of 6.2.0 from the start.
The nerfs cause the addons to not only increase the range, but also the maximum duration. Since the nurse now has more time to traverse the added distance, the resulting speed remains the same as if she had no addon equipped.
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When Blight’s camera angle was raised, he became unable to bounce off of objects that stuck out lower than his waist. McLean tried to fix this with a secondary collision system, that involved looking down to choose if you wanted to bounce off of a short object. This never worked as intended, but got pushed out anyway.
When the secondary collision system was pushed out, it created a new bug, that if Blight started a rush while up against a wall and looking at the wall, Blight would get stuck, and then his M2 would get bugged out, and he would need to press M1 to fix it. McLean fixed both these issues by allowing Blight to start a rush while up against a wall and looking at the wall. This created the hug tech, which means the tech exists because the broken secondary collision system had a broken fix applied to it.
McLean later stated that looking down to slide off of objects was fine, and what he didn’t like was that people could start a rush by pressing M2 while up against a wall and looking at the wall (even though it’s literally the situation he created when he fixed the other bug).
And even though he tried for months to fix Blight’s short object collision issues, he never did figure out how to fix them, and when he left the company everyone just lost interest in fixing his collision issues.
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You collide into an object, "hugging" it so that when a rush initiates, you're already colliding so the system with ignore it. Because it detect collision in front of you to prevent a rush, you look down to trick the system into thinking nothing is in front of you.
You're not manipulating your collision. You're just breaking the system.