Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.


It's my opinion that most of the arguments on this forum boil down to two things: what's fair and what's fun. Sometimes, what's fun is also what's fair, but other times, what's fair is not fun. If the purpose of a game is primarily to have fun, how important should be fairness? And if so, whose fun matters the most for them to continue having a financially profitable game? How do developers handle that balance?

On top of that, we're all individuals. What's fun to me might not be fun to you. Vice versa. What I find fair, you might find unfair (because you don't like the outcome). Vice versa.

Some like to meme. Some hate it.

Some think tunneling is fair, others think it's toxic.

Truly, does anyone have an idea on how to please the majority of the community, or does everyone just have an idea of what would most please themselves? (That's a rhetorical question, but if you genuinely have an answer, I'm all ears).


  • JakeCannon
    JakeCannon Member Posts: 542

    I was laughing at the end before I read the rhetorical part lol I can't say there will ever be a true balance of fun & fair to where no one has any problems unfortunately.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    You have a point, to an extent. But it stops with examples such as tunneling and camping. There is such a clear majority that thinks camping and tunneling so just so unfun, that it's barely a topic of personal preferances anymore. Even if camping and tunneling aren't overpowered, they are serious problems, because they suck the fun out for almost every survivor player. And it's not hard to realise that when looking at the feedback DBD is getting.

    So yeah, some people might find camping and tunneling fair, some might not. Doesn't change the fact that it is, by miles, the most complained about aspect for survivors. And it doesn't change the fact that killer queue times can be quite long at the moment.

    If you want to please your community, you have to look at the feedback you are getting, and see what the majority of people have to say. Of course you want to create a game that is fair, but it also has to be fun. For as many people as possible. This is where camping and tunneling are perfect examples of where the game is struggling at the moment. Pretty much no one enjoys going against those strategies, yet they are still as effective as they have ever been.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    BHVR should program it so that killers are forced to go for 12 hooks so everyone has fun and SWF never loses!

  • Advorsus
    Advorsus Member Posts: 1,033

    I've come to the realization that with this game, and every single match I play in this game, I have to manage my expectations.

    When I would go into a match expecting teammates to be on the same level skill wise, or expect decent map spawns, or for everyone to play fairly, or for anything to be balanced, I'd be frustrated when it wasn't.

    So I just prepare myself each match thinking that everything's probably going to be bad/go wrong, and to expect it.

    Teammates leave me to die on first hook at 5 gens? Meh kinda expected. Killer camping me? Already saw that coming so not that big of a deal. I'm playing trapper and got a full swf with flashlights and game map offerings? Figured that would probably happen.

    I've noticed that when I manage my expectations for this game and lower what I expect from it, I'm much more calm and easy going when it does happen.

    I switched from caring about winning, or getting a certain amount of hooks/kills, or my grade, and started focusing on just random fun stuff. Like being as random and sporadic as possible at loops, and then counting how many survivors mind game themselves into me.

    Also I found that if you want to have fun, you can't play this game all day everyday. Or any game for that matter. Eventually you'll start nit picking every little thing wrong with it until you hate it. Take breaks, it's okay

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    A few counters to a given power gives fairness but a power that is overbearing is unfun. Wesker is a perfect example of this. He's got range, does damage, infects to slow you down, insta-carry after a second hit, insta-down if you throw and hit an object, and finally, if he vaults with his power, he fatigues and if you don't react in time, he WILL get a hit on you with his knife.

    If you do react fast enough, you can barely make another loop or window if one is nearby. He's the definition of fun AND fair. His power is extremely good, good mobility and great use against people teabagging at the exit gate but also has enough counters to knock him down a peg.

    He's the perfect amount of strong but no oppressive and when you DO manage to dodge his dash attack, you actually feel like you did something great and his fatigue is enough to gain distance without feeling like it doesn't matter, compared to Legion who you can pallet slam but they just jump over and start stabbing you. You never feel like you won. Its just constant annoyance.